
Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

author:Shangguan News

On February 8th, the students of the Sunshine Good Neighbor Center in Yanji Xincun Street held a dryland curling training competition to experience the fun of sports, attract more people with disabilities to participate in exercise, learn about the Winter Olympics, and feel the Winter Olympics.

Anyone who has a dream is remarkable

Holding the handlebar, kneeling on one knee, repeatedly deliberating, aiming, throwing the pot... During the game, the two groups of players alternately throw the pot, and the throwing team members must try to slide the curling to the red center, or they can knock the opponent's curling ball out or knock the curling ball to the red center. In the end, which team has more curling in the red center, which team can win. The contestants were engrossed in every throw. The team cooperates with each other tacitly, and the two sides fight wits and courage.

Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

"I've seen curling on TV, but I haven't experienced it before." Student Xiao Yang told reporters that he fell in love with the sport more than a year ago when he first touched curling at Sanyang Home. Usually, as long as there is training, he must come to participate without moving, in addition to relaxing his body and mind, he has also made a lot of good friends.

Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

In last year's Shanghai Disabled Dryland Curling Competition, the perfect cooperation between Xiao Yang and the team members achieved a good result of second place in the Special Olympics group. "We're going to keep training hard and trying to get more medals." Xiao Yang said.

Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

Leading a group of special students with no foundation to carry out curling is also a "special" task for Yuan Yunxian, the coach of Yacheng Sports. Coach Yuan told reporters that the first time they taught, the students were very restrained. Through several contacts, Coach Yuan developed a set of teaching methods suitable for special students, so that students can open their hearts and become cheerful in love with sports. "With patience, you'll find that they're no different from us."

Upstairs hatchery projects blossom and bear fruit downstairs

The "Sunshine Good Neighbor Center" in Yanji Xincun Street, established in July 2017, is a merger and reconstruction of the original "Sunshine Home", "Sunshine Base", "Sunshine Heart Garden" and "Yangpu District Spinal Cord Injury Halfway Home".

Different from the traditional management method, "Sunshine Good Neighbor Center" actively introduces third-party social organizations to undertake management services, and the service projects upstairs have just been hatched, and the downstairs can provide venue services in a timely manner.

Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

"Dryland curling is a rehabilitation programme tailored to our students. While traditional curling can only be played on smooth ice, dryland curling competitions 'transplant' real curling onto land, with a small footprint and easy to learn. Ideal for all categories of people with disabilities. ”

According to Zhu Dongying of Yanji Xincun Street Disabled Persons Service Agency, the Sunshine Good Neighbor Center offers courses according to the interests of the trainees under the premise of fully considering the actual situation of the trainees. In addition to dryland curling, the center has also introduced go, synchronized jump rope and other projects through Yacheng Sports, and built a platform through the municipal and district disabled persons' federations to provide students with opportunities to exchange skills.

Achieve snow and ice dreams, and so can they

The reporter learned that due to the geographical location of the Good Neighbor Center close to many colleges and universities, the Sunshine Good Neighbor Center also used the strengths of its own social work team, combined with Fudan, Shangti and other college volunteers, to open a series of rich and interesting classes, brushes, clay sculptures, paper painting, cheerleading... These professional teams of volunteers serve the trainees regularly. Not long ago, the long-established bee flower soap hand-packaged on the hot search was also "produced" by the students here.

In 2021, The Sunshine Good Neighbor Home in Yanji Xincun Street won the honor of "Shanghai 5A Grade Sunshine Home". Wang Shan, the person in charge, said that he will continue to combine the characteristics of local resources and rely on various grass-roots disabled persons' federations, sports associations, special education schools, rehabilitation institutions and other organizations to carry out various sports experiences, create a rich content of disabled fitness activities, and encourage and mobilize more disabled friends to go out of the house and integrate into society.

Text/Image: Cheng Jiajia

Edit: Zhang Tianyi

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