
The so-called human nature


In this world, there are tens of millions of individuals, and everyone has self

Their own thoughts are their own three views, and they are concerned about everything

They all have their own unique judgments and have never taken it seriously

Accept other people's opinions. In other words, everyone thinks they are self-righteous

For the frog at the bottom of the well, limited to its own limited cognition

Within, those who agree with themselves are in favor, and those who conflict with themselves are intolerable.

I do when I want to open my mouth and argue with others

There would be a sense of how pale and feeble the language was, deep

Deeply appreciate the limitations of language when I appear and

When others argue about the idea, I am already defeated. Conveying your own ideas to others and getting others to understand and accept them is such a difficult thing, the most important thing is that when this person is the person you care about, you have to pass on your own ideas to him, and he is completely unable to recognize and absorb your thoughts, and always feel that when you are talking nonsense, that feeling is really very frustrating.

At such a time, you will feel that your dearest loved one has become so incomprehensible, unreasonable, that you have the intention to change all this, but you are powerless, that the obstacle of thinking between you is as desperate as if there are thousands of mountains, and that endless argument is as desperate as the bottomless abyss. Although you share the same room, or even share a bed, you can never understand each other and cannot live in harmony.

You can't understand his feeling of despair, just as she can't understand you, the farthest distance in the world, is nothing more than this.

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