
80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Under the epidemic situation, I am really afraid that the baby has a fever and a cold, go to the hospital trouble and fear of cross infection, do not go to the hospital, in case of a pneumonia will suffer a major crime!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

And pneumonia is often covered up by colds, making people confused, once suffering from it, it is difficult to escape hospitalization, and it is difficult to escape the hospital, and the crime is also paid...

So how to quickly distinguish? How to treat the symptoms? Today, Koda will come to nagging in detail!

Whether it is bronchitis or pneumonia, it is inseparable from the lungs that can breathe. But bronchitis is not pneumonia!

Bronchitis and pneumonia are different in the site of infection and the degree of infection!

If the lung is likened to a big tree, the trunk and branches are the "bronchial tubes", and the leaves are the "alveoli", if the trunk branches are affected by inflammation, it is called "bronchitis"; and the leaves are affected, we are called "pneumonia"!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Bronchitis is mostly caused by acute inflammation caused by bacterial and viral infection of the bronchi, and is mainly manifested by cough and sputum production.

In addition to infecting the bronchi, pneumonia can also infect the interstitium, lung parenchyma and alveoli, etc., and the scope and extent of infection are significantly heavier than bronchitis!

In simple terms, pneumonia often has bronchitis, but bronchitis is not pneumonia!

So how to tell if your baby has pneumonia at home?

You can't tell if your child has pneumonia by how much you cough

Newborns or young babies get pneumonia, and some have little or no cough, but going to the hospital for examination is already pneumonia.

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Therefore, cough is basically not the only criterion for judging pneumonia. The following performances can give parents a more warning:

Watch your child breastfeed, eat slower or eat less, eat a few bites and have wheezing, need to rest, or choke on milk, and spit up milk frequently.

Watch your child spit bubbles in his mouth, such as foam or bubbles in the corners of his mouth (it has clinical significance for babies within 28 days, and newborn babies should pay special attention!). )

But you can't think that the child's mouth spit bubbles must be pneumonia, because many newborn babies salivary gland secretion is relatively strong, and the swallowing function is relatively weak, so they love to spit bubbles.

The difference is that vomiting bubbles that are not related to pneumonia tend to not last and are related to behaviors such as eating.

Look at the number of times the child breathes, a inhalation and a breath are counted once, if it is greater than 60 times, it is relatively fast, you need to be vigilant!

Look at the rib sternum, intercostal space concave is more obvious, may be pneumonia.

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Many mothers also reported that the symptoms of their baby pneumonia are very consistent with the above points!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

The symptoms of pneumonia in school-age children are as follows:

Fever is present

Cough, yellow sputum or no sputum

Fever persists or worsens

Some children have stomachache, nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea

As long as the child has these conditions, he needs to go to the hospital as soon as possible for treatment!

Trust your instincts

If parents think that their child may have pneumonia, they must trust their instincts! Because pneumonia can easily be misdiagnosed as a cold!

No matter what the people around you say, you must adhere to your own opinion, even if you just took the baby to see a doctor yesterday, if the baby does not have pneumonia, everyone is happy, if you really have pneumonia, you have been treated in time.

Accurate diagnosis of pneumonia on chest x-ray

In addition, if the child is not pneumonia, you must go to the hospital, combined with the child's specific situation to decide whether to check the chest x-ray!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Many times, auscultation alone cannot be completely determined, and blood draw cannot be diagnosed!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Don't think that there will be radiation on the chest X-ray, which will affect the diagnosis, otherwise the course of the disease will be delayed, and not only the child will be tortured, but also the fearful you!

If the child is diagnosed with pneumonia, while following the doctor's instructions, parents should also do a good job of nursing, which will help the baby recover as soon as possible!

The care of pneumonia babies is a topic that many parents will not do, and the following few tricks must be remembered!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Pat your back to expel sputum

The baby has pneumonia, not only the alveoli are invaded by pathogens, but the entire respiratory tract will be damaged to varying degrees, so the cleaning of abnormal secretions of the respiratory tract is crucial for the improvement of the condition.

Back-patting can help clean up abnormal respiratory discharge, and it is best to follow the doctor's guidance to help your baby pat your back to expel sputum!





The basic technique of percussion: fingers together, the back of the hand bulging, the outer edge of the palm touching the chest wall. Rhythmically, evenly percussion;

Frequency of percussion: 2 times per second, a group of 2-3 minutes continuously, 10 groups each time;

Direction of percussion: from bottom to top, from outside to in; after the percussion, let the baby cough to discharge the sputum;

Number of percussions: 5 times a day.

The time of the back patting is preferably before eating and drinking, so as not to induce vomiting caused by coughing pat on the back.

Room temperature + humidity control

The baby is suffering from pneumonia, and the temperature in the home care room should be paid special attention! In winter, it should be controlled at about 24 °C, with a minimum not lower than 18 °C and a maximum not higher than 26 °C.

Indoor humidity should also be controlled at about 50% in winter, and humidifiers can be moderately increased.


Do you wake up in the morning and open the windows to ventilate? Keda reminds you not to open the window for ventilation before the sun comes out in the morning!

Even if air conditioning is installed in the home, it is necessary to open the window for ventilation regularly, and the doors and windows should not be closed for 24 hours!

Turn off the air conditioner every 4-6 hours, open the doors and windows, and let the air circulate for 10-20 minutes.

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!

Guaranteed nutrition

Babies with pneumonia have low digestive function and a decreased amount of food. Provide your baby with food that is easy to digest, and if your baby doesn't want to eat it, put it away first. Inability to eat for more than 24 hours requires vigilance for the possibility of exacerbation and should be actively followed up.

Food should be rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, while it should be light and digestible, causing the baby to have an appetite.

During illness, the baby likes a certain food, even if there is no nutrition, parents can also meet the baby's preferences, eating is better than not eating Oh!

Clean to prevent dust from flying around

When cleaning, do not wipe the dust with a dry cloth or chicken feather duster to prevent bacteria mites from flying into the baby's respiratory tract, causing large squirts, runny nose, choking cough, etc.!

You should first wipe the floor and furniture with a wet mop and a wet rag, and use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the cotton wool that falls on the floor.

If you have the conditions, you can also prepare an air purifier with reliable functions for your baby!

Well, the pneumonia science is over, I hope that parents can recognize pneumonia, understand pneumonia, if the baby is unwell, seek medical treatment in time!

80% of pneumonia is masked by a cold! The peak of the onset of the disease is coming, 3 tricks to judge at home!


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