
2022 Heilongjiang Daqing People's Hospital recruitment of 40 doctors announcement

author:Heilongjiang health talents

Recruitment procedures

(1) Publish recruitment information

Recruitment information is publicly released through the official website of Daqing People's Hospital and WeChat public account.

(2) Acceptance of registration

Registration method: on-site registration personnel, to the human resources department on the third floor of the organ; E-mail applicants are required to send the registration materials to the mailbox until August 31, 2022

Examination methods

Doctors with master's degree or above, practical talents, and urgently needed professional talents are mainly conducted by structured interviews; Bachelor's degree doctors, mainly take the combination of theoretical examination, interview defense and clinical practice skills assessment. The specific examination assessment is planned to be carried out in four batches.

Enjoy the policy treatment

(1) Enjoy the same salary and other related treatment as the staff of the hospital, and enjoy the "five insurances" and housing provident fund.

(2) Relevant preferential policies

1. Full-time doctoral students, 200,000 yuan settlement fee. For those who buy housing in Daqing, another 100,000 yuan subsidy will be given.

2. Full-time master's degree students, 50,000 yuan settlement fee, hospital required special, shortage of professional or world-class construction of master's degree students, to give up to 100,000 yuan settlement fee; World-class universities to build full-time master's degree students in colleges and universities, who buy housing in Daqing, will be given another 50,000 yuan subsidy.

3. Full-time undergraduate students will be given a settlement fee of 20,000 yuan, and undergraduates of special and shortage majors or world-class construction universities required by the hospital will be given a maximum settlement fee of 50,000 yuan.

4. The hospital urgently needs to introduce practical shortage medical professionals, according to the actual ability, after review and determination, the maximum 300,000 yuan settlement fee.

For more information about Heilongjiang health recruitment, please pay attention to Heilongjiang Zhonggong Medical and Health Network

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