
The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes


In the long history of ancient China, the emperors of various dynasties used the dragon robe as a symbol of clothing. This robe is generally golden yellow, hence the name yellow robe. However, during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, there was a unique emperor who dared to wear a black dragon robe, and this maverick emperor was none other than Qin Shi Huang. This historical episode is like a touch of dark color in the picture scroll, which triggers people's deep thinking about ancient clothing culture.

The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes

During the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, in order to maintain his own image, even directly used gold wire to make dragon robes and decorate his palace with golden splendor. However, the only emperor in Chinese history who dared to wear a black dragon robe was Qin Shi Huang. This unique choice stems from the governance of Qin Xiaogong during the Warring States period. Qin Xiaogong implemented a series of drastic reforms, among which the reformers represented Shang Ying's reforms, which led to the rise of Qin as the most powerful state during the Warring States period.

The reforms of Shang Ying promoted the rise of the Qin state, and the Qin king Yingzheng began to implement a plan to unify the six kingdoms. In just ten years, the Qin State destroyed the six kingdoms of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi, ending the long period of secession among the princes. Qin Shi Huang established the first feudal dynasty in Chinese history and the first great unified state, the Qin Dynasty is full of mystery and majesty.

The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes

In order to show the virtue of the Qin Dynasty, we have to mention the theory of the five elements of mutual reciprocity and mutual restraint. According to the Qi thinker Zou Yan's "Five Virtues", water can overcome fire. Therefore, the virtue of the Qin Dynasty was identified as the virtue of water, and the representative color of water was black. During the Qin Dynasty, black clothes were worn from top to bottom to reflect the symbol of water virtue.

In order to further highlight the virtue of water, Qin Shi Huang even changed the beginning month of the year to the tenth lunar month of the five elements of water, and renamed the Yellow River Deshui. However, over time, people came to believe that black was a symbol of foreboding and a sign of disaster. Therefore, the dragon robe of the later emperor was no longer black, but changed to a more noble golden yellow, symbolizing that the emperor shone on the earth like the sun and nourished the people. Beginning in the Sui and Tang dynasties, golden yellow gradually became the exclusive color of the royal family.

The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes

In the vicissitudes of history, Qin Shi Huang's black dragon robe has become a unique historical symbol, highlighting the special position of the Qin Dynasty in Chinese history. Although the black dragon robe has since ceased to be popular, this history is still instructive for us.

In the film and television dramas of this period, the yellow robe tradition has undergone some changes, and Qin Shi Huang's black dragon robe has become a unique and thought-provoking chapter in history. This choice of clothing not only reflects the arbitrary personality of Qin Shi Huang, but also reflects the evolution of the aesthetic orientation and cultural psychology of the ancient emperors.

The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes

In general, ancient clothing is not only an external appearance, but also a symbol of imperial power and cultural psychology. Through an in-depth understanding of historical costumes, we are able to better understand the development and transformation of ancient societies. Behind the black dragon robe is a profound cultural connotation, reflecting the ancient emperor's pursuit of virtue and symbolism. Through time and space, we can see the differences in the aesthetic orientation of ancient emperors, as well as the changes in cultural psychology contained in the changes in clothing. This historical story is like a visual feast, guiding us to explore the mysteries of ancient civilizations. In this ancient painting, the black dragon robe shimmers with a unique light, adding a touch of deep color to history.

The emperors of all dynasties wore yellow dragon robes, only Qin Shi Huang dared to wear black dragon robes, what are the taboos of black dragon robes

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