
Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

author:Dr. Yuan Qiang, a plastic surgeon

In recent years, medical beauty seems to have entered our daily life, like we usually have a shot of botulinum poison or hyaluronic acid seems to be a common thing, but this has also led to the barbaric growth of some black medical beauty, so today I want to tell you some projects that must not be tried, which is harmful to us and not beneficial, some projects have been regretted, and there may be no way back.

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Aesthetic projects

1. Fake botulism

Botulism was originally the most effective and least invasive way to remove wrinkles, but now many botulinum poisoning is unqualified, and the control of the amount of genuine botulism is very precise, but the fake botulism produced by black workshops does not consider these.

Normal botulism is 50-100 units, but the botulism of the black workshop may reach tens of thousands of units, normal people inject botulism once more than 400 units of the body will be uncomfortable, tens of thousands of units of botulism injected into your face, what are the consequences?

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Botulinum toxin injection

I used to see some beauty seekers in the clinic, they bought botulinum toxin themselves, hoping that I could help them inject it, I asked them where they bought it, and they told me that they were fighting so-and-so or some other very strange online channel.

To be honest, these products are only a few dollars a piece, even if they really dare to use I believe that no doctor dares to fight, because no one knows how many units of botulism there are, and even I don't know if it is botulism or something else. I immediately advised them to throw it away, for their own safety, this kind of fake botulism must be kept away.

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Botulinum toxin improves dynamic striae

2. Growth factors

Growth factor is very hot now, but I would like to remind everyone not to trust some beauty salons or black clinics to inject growth factor into the body, because this kind of thing is uncontrollable and cannot be taken out, and no one knows what it will become in the end.

I have interviewed many beauty seekers who have played with growth factors. Huge jaws or huge brain gates are caused by growth factors, but unfortunately, many of them are very tricky to repair and some are even impossible to repair, and growth factors can only be in the body all the time.

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Injection of growth factors

3. Stem cell beauty

Stem cell beauty is currently in the scientific research stage, and is not used in the clinical stage, there is no use case, many beauty seekers are attracted by the terms "stem cells, DNA, activated cells, etc.", feel very high-end, but there is no real stem cell beauty at present, so what is injected for you, do you really know? Are you really willing to take this huge risk?

4. Lower eyelids down to

That is, the 'innocent eye' that is now very popular among young people, this is a very risky operation, because the essence of this operation is to enlarge the eye shape by destroying the outer corner of the eye, and it is easy to have lower eyelid valgus and eyelid ball separation, which is difficult to control.

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Eyelids down

5. Manga legs

It's also a popular project, but it's also dangerous. Simply put, this is the calf nerve blockade. We know that nerves cannot be restored, and it is very likely that it will affect our normal daily movements such as running and jumping later. If you weigh too much weight, it may also cause fat accumulation in your lower legs.

6. Omedin

Now there are fewer Omedins, but in the early years there were a lot. This thing is a colorless transparent jelly-like substance, most of which is filled into the body as artificial fat, including breast augmentation or buttocks, etc.; its danger is that it has strong corrosiveness and freedom, and has a strong toxicity to the kidneys and nerves of the human body, and the Food and Drug Administration has long ordered the prohibition of use.

Doctors tell you not to try these dangerous aesthetic projects

Inject omemodine

7. Bone meal

When bone meal is in the body, it will gradually invade the skin, making our skin thinner and thinner, and finally our skin will become very fragile, from the beginning of redness and itching to painful itching, and can not be cleaned.

If you are considering the above projects, you must think twice, because many projects have no way back and are almost impossible to reverse.

For more medical aesthetic knowledge, you can also pay attention to the headline number: Plastic Surgeon Dr. Yuan Qiang!

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