
How much does IVF cost in Thailand?

As we all know, IVF is a way to help infertile patients treat pregnancy, for this technology, in addition to paying attention to the success rate, the most concerned is the cost of IVF treatment, after all, the level of cost directly affects the basic motivation of patients to choose this technology, then, how much does it cost to do IVF?

How much does IVF cost in Thailand?

Hengjian Overseas said that because IVF is charged in step-by-step, it is necessary to start from the IVF process before understanding the cost of IVF, so as to explain the facts more clearly.

The cost of IVF includes the cost of drugs and surgery, because the cost of ovulation induction drugs is high, the external conditions required for egg fertilization and embryo development are high, so the cost of doing a case of "IVF" is also higher. Therefore, if infertile couples want IVF, in addition to their own conditions to meet the requirements, but also consider their own economic strength. Because each patient uses a different dose of the drug, the cost of each IVF case is also different, and in general, young, ovarian-reactive patients have a higher chance of success and require slightly lower costs.

How much does IVF cost in Thailand?

First, the specific charges for IVF can be introduced as follows:

1. Inspection fee

For the quality of sperm and eggs, a physical examination is required before IVF is done. For specific examinations, you can consult an IVF doctor and a medical consultant in charge of your own. Follow the requirements to complete the various inspections.

2. Ovulation induction cost

The cost of ovulation-promoting drugs can vary greatly due to the use of imported Y and domestic Y. After using ovulation-stimulating Y, the doctor must detect the development of the follicle by ultrasound and adjust the dose of Y or Y product as appropriate.

3. Surgical operation costs

In IVF treatment, there are two steps that require surgery, namely egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

4. The cost of freezing embryos

In China, IVF can be done without freezing, and domestic IVF treatment is generally fresh embryo transfer. However, in foreign countries, after the embryo culture is successful, it is also necessary to undergo PGD/PGS genetic testing, which can effectively detect whether the embryo is normal. This process takes 14 working days, so fresh embryos can't get through this long time, so the embryos need to be frozen.

5. Transportation and living expenses

The cost of accommodation during IVF treatment, the choice of overseas IVF also requires payment of airfare for domestic and foreign round-trip airfare, hotel accommodation fees, etc.

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