
Xena's sales in January exceeded 5399 units, accounting for nearly 50% of the top match

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Zhang Aili

Photo/Courtesy of respondents

Xena's sales in January exceeded 5399 units, accounting for nearly 50% of the top match

"Toyota's global flagship MPV" Xena officially opened full delivery in early January, with the first full monthly sales terminal sales of 5399 units. Among them, the sales volume of the top platinum version accounted for 40%.

As the flagship model of GAC Toyota, Xena has reshaped the new image of a more stylish and dynamic high-end MPV. In terms of power, it is equipped with a new enhanced version of the 2.5L HEV hybrid system, the system has a comprehensive power of 183kW, and the fuel consumption of 100 kilometers is only 5.9L (WLTC working conditions), which plays a superior performance while taking into account fuel economy. In terms of safety, Xena is also fully armed, with the TSS Smart Travel safety suit plus the high rigidity GOA body, which enhances the safety and driving stability of the body.

Xena's sales in January exceeded 5399 units, accounting for nearly 50% of the top match

As the first MPV model under the TNGA architecture, Xena inherits the "high-end" gene of GAC Toyota's high-value products, high-quality services and high-grade experience, bringing high-value flagship enjoyment of traveling freely, enjoying comfort and endless fun. With excellent product strength, Xena has created a truly private-level "family mobile home" for the new elite user group who pay attention to the quality of life, and redefined the high-end MPV car experience with "new luxury for leniency".

Xena's sales in January exceeded 5399 units, accounting for nearly 50% of the top match

In addition, Xena has achieved both products and services, realizing the two-way rush between brands and users. From the insight into the user's inner warm appeal as the starting point, Xena is committed to giving users a sense of honorable quality life ritual, with diversified communication methods and scenario-based interactive experience, to bring the user's whole family a happy way forward "Xena time".

As the flagship model of the TNGA architecture, Xena is undoubtedly one of the key products of GAC Toyota's high-end layout, shouldering the heavy responsibility of strengthening brand value, raising brand image and enhancing brand premium, and is a powerful engine for GAC Toyota to accelerate the comprehensive high-end. Xena, together with the "luxury big seven-seat SUV leader" Highlander and the "mid-to-high-end car value model" Camry, together formed the three flagships of GAC Toyota TNGA, leading the product matrix "pyramid" head growth pole, driving the GAC Toyota brand to upgrade and further realize the brand high-value leadership.

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Edit | Wang Danyang

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