
Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

The Spring Festival is coming, on this day of family reunion, food has become the top priority of people, and the table of each family is full of various delicacies, and many people will inevitably indulge it.

Eating and drinking is originally a happy thing, but if the diet is not controlled, the diet structure is not reasonable, it will bring a great burden to the body, and may also cause gastrointestinal problems.

Therefore, during the Spring Festival, everyone should pay special attention to their diet, protect their stomach and intestines, and keep in mind the following matters in the Spring Festival diet, and be healthier after the year!

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

1, to moderate the diet

During the Spring Festival, every household will prepare a rich meal, if you do not control the diet, the amount of food is too large, it will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, excess food can not be consumed in time, accumulated in the stomach, can cause food accumulation, indigestion, but also may induce gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, during the Spring Festival, many families will also prepare many snacks and snacks, such as melon seeds, peanuts, candy, etc., these foods are extremely high in calories and can easily cause obesity.

Therefore, during the Spring Festival, we must pay attention to moderate diet, and we must resolutely suppress the temptation in the face of a rich meal, and we must not eat too much, because small losses are big.

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

2, to stay away from tobacco and alcohol

During the Spring Festival, it is inevitable to visit relatives and friends, and tobacco and alcohol are often a role in the gathering of relatives and friends.

You know, cigarettes contain carcinogens, excessive smoking, can increase the chance of cancer, for the sake of health, it is best to smoke less or quit smoking.

In addition, the harm of alcohol to health is also very large, the world's top magazine "Lancet" confirmed that even if only a small amount of alcohol, can be harmful to health, therefore, the New Year's Festival to participate less in the liquor bureau, it is best not to drop wine.

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

3, to control the intake of fat

Fat is an essential substance in the human body, but if too much fat is consumed, it will cause cholesterol in the body to rise, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

Beef, pork, cake, ham and other foods contain more saturated fat, should try to eat as little as possible, usually can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, cooking food more use of stew, boiling and other ways, you can also add sweet potatoes, oats and other coarse grains to the staple food.

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

4, to eat lightly

Salt can increase the taste of dishes and is also an indispensable substance for the human body, but excessive salt intake can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

A light diet is good for health, eat less high-salt foods, the daily salt intake is not higher than 6 grams, in addition to bacon, ham and other pickled foods should also eat less.

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

In addition to paying attention to diet, exercise is also very important during the Spring Festival!

In addition to the moderation diet during the Spring Festival, proper exercise is also essential, and a certain amount of time is taken out every day to exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, yoga, etc.;

Helps promote the body's metabolism, but also promotes intestinal peristalsis, enhances digestive function, and keeps the body healthy.

Spring Festival diet, to keep these 4 matters in mind, avoid diseases to find the door, maintain good health

All in all, if you want to maintain the health of the body, we need to pay attention to it all the time, even in the Spring Festival, we can not indulge ourselves, eat and drink, to achieve a light diet, eat less high salt, high sugar and other foods, only a reasonable diet is the basis of health.

In addition to diet, adhering to the right amount of exercise also helps to improve resistance, promote metabolism, of course, during the Spring Festival should also do regular work and rest, go to bed early and get up early, can not stay up late, maintain good living habits is a necessary condition for good health!

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