
Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"
Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"


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The Xiang River goes north and flows endlessly; on both sides of the river, it has become a trend. The new model of Shanshuizhou City, the new living room on both sides of the Xiangjiang River, and the core growth pole of Wangcheng. Wangcheng's 35-kilometer golden shoreline of the Xiangjiang River, a new round of innovation and entrepreneurship tide is coming. Resources and capital collide here, and industry leaders and elites gather here. Seize the opportunity, vision the future; one river and two sides of the strait, achieve dreams.

From now on, Le continues to launch a series of essays by Chinese and foreign famous artists, writers, literature lovers and other essays in Wangcheng, to see what kind of magnificent scenery is on both sides of the Wangcheng River written by the literati and inkers, so please pay attention!

Walk in the ancient city of Wangcheng

When the branches of the northeast were just spitting green, I followed Lei Feng and came to the hometown of Lei Feng, who was full of green trees- Wangcheng District of Changsha City on the banks of the XiangJiang River.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

The water here, the mountains here, the thousand-year-old charm of the town here, always filled my eyes with surprise. Before this, I never thought that Lei Feng's hometown was a famous cultural city with a long history.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

On that day, walking on the water boardwalk of Qiaokou Yudu, looking at the white wall of the house built along the waterfront and the flowers blooming in the courtyard, I saw the four open doors revealing the silhouette of the old people playing chess, and I couldn't help but think that if Lei Feng was still alive, he should be as old as the old man in front of him. But life must not sigh too much, so I shifted my gaze to see the quiet surface of the water reflecting the light of the sun, and to see how the dense camphor trees that grew freely on the shore surrounded the lake.

In a trance, it was as if there was an ancient fleet of ships, which was driving in a mighty way, and the creaking sound of the shook disappeared into the vast smoke and waves... "Changsha 100,000 households, Qiaokou 8,000 homes" refers to this kind of busy scene in qiaokou in the past.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

Qiaokou's thousand-year-old town, it seems that inadvertently, has hidden too many historical allusions. Leaving aside the Qiao Jiang Academy, where Emperor Shun, Emperor Taizong of Tang, and Qianlong gave plaques, the "Three Sages Hall" dedicated to Du Fu, Jia Yi, and Qu Yuan alone is enough to make people linger. In 295 BC, the patriotic poet Qu Yuan came to Qiaokou to find materials and create the immortal "Nine Songs". In 177 BC, when the Western Han Dynasty political commentator and literary scholar Jia Yi was serving as the Prince taifu of Changsha, he went to MiluoJiang via Qiaokou to mourn Qu Yuan, and wrote "Hanging Qu Yuanfu": "Gongcheng Jiahui Xi, Sin Changsha; In the spring of 769 A.D., Du Fu entered Xiang from Sichuan, entered Changsha, lived here, and wrote the first poem into Changsha, "Into Qiaokou": "Desert the old Capital, far away, delay in returning to the road credit." The country of the water is in the middle of the year, and the sunset is on the spring flower. Tree honey early bee chaos, river mud light swallow oblique. Jia Sheng's bones were decayed, and he was sadly approaching Changsha. "Passed down to this day.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

Shutang Mountain, Tongguan Street, Wangcheng District, Changsha City, resembles a beacon, so it is also known as Beacon Mountain, which has a history of 1500 years from today. The Shutang Temple on the mountain is the secluded place where the great calligrapher Ouyang Qing and his son Ouyang Tong of the Tang Dynasty lived. Among them, the reading station site, the jade case stall, the washing pen spring pond, the Prince Weiwei, the double maple sandwich road, the juniper lianzhu, the Daoxiang Spring, and the eight scenes of the Ouyang Pavilion are full of literati elegance and uniqueness. Zheng Banqiao, a great calligrapher and painter of the Qing Dynasty, once had a poem "Yongshutang Mountain": "MaTan is long and towering, and the stone case is forever stalled." Double maple is now sandwiched, and juniper cypress is ancient. Rice fragrant spring water gushing, washing pen has a spring pool. The book hall is called the former site, and the prince is surrounded by a wei. "Summarizing the eight scenic spots is wonderful.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

The literati of ancient China, whether cynical or ill-fated, seemed to have an indestructible wind bone in their bodies, regarded self-cultivation and family governance as their own responsibility, and often cherished the heart of benevolence and love for others, and regarded this as a guideline. Wandering in the streets of Wangcheng, feeling the intertwined ancient culture and modern civilization in the urban area, I remembered Lei Feng in my ancient thoughts. On May 5 last year, on a sunny morning, I walked into the Lei Feng Memorial Hall in Fushun, Liaoning Province, with the literary practice activities of Chinese multi-ethnic writers, and realized the wish I had buried in my heart when I was a teenager and felt Lei Feng up close. In an article, I once wrote: "Lei Feng is a flesh-and-blood person, a person with emotions, a person who knows how to be grateful, and his ideological character not only belongs to China, but also belongs to the world!" What he has done is the value pursuit and spiritual wealth that we all share. ...... Lei Feng has not left us, we are inseparable from Lei Feng, he is a lamp in our lives, lighting up ourselves, illuminating others, he is the person who makes us most moved. ”

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

This time I came to Lei Feng's hometown Wangcheng, and I felt that every trace of air, every drop of water, every flower, and every piece of green here was soaked with Lei Feng's voice and breath, and it filled my heart for a long time. Although the times are different, for an outsider, seeing every stranger's face and every stranger's demeanor here seems to carry the imprint of Lei Feng. One side of the water and soil nourishes the other side, and the water of Wangcheng once brought the footprints of Qu Yuan and Du Fu's trek, and also brought Jia Yi a piece of affection for Qu Yuan. The Shutang Mountain in Wangcheng once left the figure of Ouyang Qian's father and son studying intently, and also left an eternal page in the history of Chinese calligraphy. Lei Feng, carrying the strong cultural genes of Wangcheng land, grew up and became a person, left his hometown, and embarked on the milestone of new China construction. He was once a literary youth, wrote many articles and diaries, he did one line of love, one line of specialization, one line of refinement, his ideological character, all reflected the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

There are also two shining business cards in the Wangcheng District of Changsha City. First, the national moral model Zhou Meiling, on the evening of May 22, 2015, 12-year-old flower season girl Zhou Meiling after dinner with her mother walked, passed the T-shaped intersection, saw a truck full of sand and gravel rushing forward, at this time, there was a 3-year-old boy on the road crossing, at this critical moment, Zhou Meiling rushed to the road, saved the little boy, and her left leg was seriously injured. The other is the model of the times - the Wangcheng District Public Security Fire Brigade. Over the past few years, the deeds of this brigade in rescuing trapped people, protecting property, and funding poor students have been widely circulated in society. Their righteous deeds, like the air and sunshine in this city, shine warmly in people's hearts.

I remember the night when I first arrived in Wangcheng District, I drove on More than 30 kilometers of Lei Feng Avenue, and saw one sign after another with the word Lei Feng on the side of the road, and I couldn't help but churn a stream of heat in my heart. Open the car window, take a deep breath of the floral air, and feel refreshed. The May wind blew my cheeks and blew my uneven thoughts, and I seemed to really come to Lei Feng's side, listening to his words, witnessing his face... In the midst of the sudden, a huge eye-catching statue of Lei Feng stood in front of me, and I stared at it for a long time, silently saying in my heart, Lei Feng, I came here in this May just to feel your breath, your smile, your thoughts and immortal soul!

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"

Text | Sharupin

Edit | Zuo Jiaxin

Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"
Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"
Essays on both sides of the river| "Walking in the Ancient YunwangCheng"
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