
【Composition micro-class】:6, write the appearance of the use of "have"

6 Write about appearance with "yes"

Composition micro-classroom

There are a total of 16 aspects of the character appearance description, and children do not need to write out all of these aspects, but only to pick out the particularly prominent appearance characteristics of this person.

Let's give an example.

The recent fire movie "Nezha's Demon Boy Descending", Nezha's image is refreshing.

We find out the outstanding physical characteristics of Nezha:

(1) Hair: tied with two small tuggings to the sky, tied with two red head ropes

(2) Eyes: Brass bell-like eyes, dark eye circles

(3) Mouth: generous mouth, bright teeth

(4) A cluster of flames on the forehead and a collar around the neck

Example sentence: Xiao Nezha, a look of a scoundrel. Tied to the sky, a series of red long head rope. The big brass bell-like eyes were surrounded by dark circles, did he stay up late? Two rows of neatly aligned teeth in a generous mouth make people envious. Most notably, he has a cluster of flames on his forehead and wears a collar around his neck.

Eyes can tell us what a person looks like, which is his external characteristic. In addition to external characteristics, there are also internal characteristics that our eyes cannot see, and these internal characteristics need to be felt.

There are six points that we need to feel through what a person does, what we say, and feel the inner characteristics of that person.

Let's tell a few stories for you to feel the inner characteristics of the characters from the story.

One evening it was raining heavily, and Lei Feng was on the highway and saw a woman holding a child in her arms, still carrying a large package, walking step by step in the heavy rain, Lei Feng stepped forward to inquire about the situation, and only then did he know that this sister-in-law had returned from visiting relatives in other places and wanted to return to her home more than a dozen miles away. Without saying a word, Lei Feng draped his raincoat on his sister-in-law, hugged the older child, and braved the heavy rain to walk more than a dozen miles. He himself was drenched and walked for more than two hours before he brought the mother and son home.

Summarizing the above story, we know that this is about Lei Feng sending three mothers and sons home on a rainy night. From here we can see that Lei Feng is a helpful person.

One of the intrinsic characteristics of the character is good quality.

What are the good qualities of the characters? Honest and kind, honest and friendly, persevering, positive and optimistic, thinking of others...

The sister has a nickname called lark. One is because she sings very well, two is because she can speak too well, and third because she loves to laugh, and her sister's friends joke that her mouth can never stop, either singing, talking, or laughing.

If her sister scored double hundred on the test, she would sing a song to celebrate; if something interesting happened to her sister at school, she would definitely tell us when she came home; if her sister had any foreign appearance, she would always laugh loudly.

We extract the key words from this description: love to talk and love to laugh, and from this word we can judge that the sister is an outgoing person.

The second intrinsic feature of the character is extroverted.

(1) Extroverted people are adaptable, if extroverts reach a new environment, he can quickly adapt and integrate into it, and will not feel panic.

For example, when an extroverted child enters the first grade, he comes to a new school and can quickly figure out where the school's buildings are distributed, and he can quickly familiarize himself with the environment. Even if Mom and Dad have left school, they don't feel afraid.

(2) Extroverts like to make friends. They like to be lively, and the more people they are, the more excited they are; they like to hang out with friends and try all kinds of new entertainment.

For example, when elementary school students turn 12, most parents hold birthday parties. Outgoing children, they like to attend the birthday party, because this scene is very lively.

(3) Extroverts do things quickly, but lack thinking. Often a thing is done, and finally it is found that there is a flaw in the process. Therefore, some special positions require careful people to do, and people with careful minds are often introverts.

For example, outgoing elementary school students can complete quickly when they memorize textbooks or write homework, but parents often find that there are many small problems in their homework when checking homework.

There is an aunt in the community who likes to sing Peking Opera, which is almost intoxicating. In the morning, what wakes me up is often not the alarm clock I set myself, but the sound of my aunt hanging her throat. In the evening, my mother and I walked in the community garden, and I could always see my aunt singing Peking Opera, and the Peking Opera was complete. If you don't hear Peking Opera one day, then your aunt must be sick.

After reading the above description, the children can quickly say that this is actually written about the hobby of the character.

Hobbies are things that a person likes to do. Everyone likes to do things differently, so everyone's hobbies are different. Some people may have only one hobby, some people may have two or three hobbies, and some people may even have more than three hobbies.

The third of the character's intrinsic characteristics is hobbies.

The intrinsic characteristics of the character also have a person's strengths, weaknesses and temper.

The advantage refers to the place where a person does well and is worth learning from. Shortcomings refer to a person's shortcomings and are places to improve. Temper generally refers to whether a person is gentle or irritable when encountering things.

The advantages, disadvantages and temper are relatively simple, and we will not explain too much to the children.

Summary: After writing a person's composition, after writing the appearance of the character, I will write about the inner characteristics of the character in total six. Qualities, personality, hobbies, strengths, weaknesses, temper.

Important fragments: When writing an essay, we only need to pick out three internal characteristics to write, each internal characteristics to write a natural paragraph, we must pick three internal characteristics that we are familiar with.

The following is from the kindergarten, primary school education resources WeChat public account, parents do not miss it! It's as simple as paying attention, which can make children take fewer detours!

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