
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

On the evening of February 4, the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was held at the "Bird's Nest" at the National Stadium. In the opening ceremony "Ice and Snow Five Rings" chapter, a crystal clear "Ice Cube" slowly rises, and 24 lasers carve history on the huge "Ice Cube", combining ink art and digital technology, conveying the Chinese aesthetic interest and the beauty of landscape painting, and presenting the concept of scientific and technological aesthetics through ethereal and aesthetic modern art style. Behind the scenes, what kind of creative process is there? Let's take a look at Chen Yan, art director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics and alumnus of the China Academy of Art, to unveil the "Ice Cube" and "Snowflake Terrace" for everyone.

Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

Chen Yan

Chen Yan

From 1981 to 1985, he studied at the Design Department of China Academy of Art (formerly Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts).

He is currently a senior editor and senior art designer at China Central Television

Expert review by the International Art and Design Professional Committee (China).

1998-2019, 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala Art Chief Design

General art design of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

The general art design of the Tiananmen Square Gala for the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China

Art Director of the Opening Ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics

When Traditional Chinese Culture and Technological Aesthetics

Wonderful combination

Ma Liang, we replaced the "pen" with "technology"

In fact, this time, as in 2008, I am still the art director, mainly responsible for controlling the key ideas and design styling with the director, and I will also do some core installation design. The most important task is to assist the director in the picture and the final presentation.

Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

Winter gave us a chance to be very "clean" and we had snow and transparent ice. Ice itself is a concept, this piece of "ice" is composed of LED, LED itself is not high in technology, but if it is allowed to vividly portray the real ice that everyone feels and thinks, it is actually very difficult. In addition, it is a large area, reaching thirty thousand square meters. The main broadcast control system design, all aspects contain technology, which was not possible in 2008, and now has 5G, 4G, 8K support, can be comprehensively displayed in the bird's nest. This is a typical fusion of technology and art, I think it is very mythical, there is a feeling of magic pen Ma Liang, we just replaced the "pen" with "technology".

Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

How deep is the Ice Cube

How complicated the program is

"Every aspect of the design and performance should be very accurate"

??? Speaking of the depth under the Ice Cube, frankly speaking, this "ice" rises up to 10 meters, which means that the ground cabin is at least 11 meters. When we saw this equipment, we felt very clean on the ground, but in fact, the bottom of the "ice" was full of supported equipment, which was a relatively complex and very accurate design. Every link in the opening ceremony bites very accurately, not only through simple mechanical? Means, but also rely on numerical control means, including the transmission of 5G signals, is very comprehensive. This can be a big and complicated program, but the design concept is actually very simple.

Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

The team behind Ice Cube

"I'm very proud to have done everything from creative design to production"

We see the core device, the "snowflake" rising, the support system that rises from the ground, which is designed and made by our main station. We have cooperated with aerospace science and technology, but the art industry has a specialty, because all the equipment has to participate in the performance, and the participation of mechanical engineers alone will not achieve the goal. Thanks to the efforts of our large and strong team, we have completed everything from creative design to production, and I am very proud.

Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!
Unveiling the Winter Olympics "Ice Cube", the Beauty of the People's Republic of China is so stunning to the world!

I am actually very grateful to director Zhang Yimou, there are many things behind him that everyone can't see, I said before, Zhang Yimou is a person with "a stroke" result, which is very admirable. However, from "one stroke" to "result" actually has to pay a lot of hardship, there will be some controversy in the creation, there will be some different views.

We see that the original manuscript of the "snowflake" (the largest snowflake) is actually from his pen, and the "one stroke" is said, and to this day, all the most important links are actually from his ideas.

The source | CCTV

Editor| Pang Yang Fang Wenyi

Ding Jianfeng, | of the audit

Producer: Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the China Academy of Art

Press Center of China Academy of Art

CAA Fusion Media Studio

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