
Who is the most abusive of the zodiac signs?

Who is the most abusive of the zodiac signs?


Taurus who does things steadily, even falling in love is in ta's plan, Taurus will choose the most suitable lover, ta are ready to work with lovers for a lifetime, such Taurus is long-term and dedicated.


It is rare for a picky Virgo to meet another half who meets all his conditions, so he attaches great importance to his feelings. Virgo cherishes her partner and is willing to share all the beauty of the world with it.


Capricorns don't want to waste too much time on things outside of work, and they don't have high emotional intelligence and a serene mouth. If someone is willing to accept their feelings, Capricorn will definitely treat others well and be a single-minded lover.


Scorpio does not easily trust others, let alone accept gratuitous hospitality, which in Scorpio's view has a purpose. Lovers can only gain the trust of Scorpio after passing the test of Scorpio's perversion, and abusive love does not exist in Scorpio.


Excellent Leo has never lacked the opposite sex around, but Leo has always been clean and self-righteous, and only by deciding to spend the rest of his life with a person, Leo will have a relationship, and it is also affectionate and single-minded in love.


Aquarius especially likes to make friends, whether it is the opposite sex or the same sex, as long as it is their own temper, they are willing to communicate, but Aquarius is not very good at handling romantic relationships, so Aqueous bottles with many friends are easy to be misunderstood.


Sagittarius treats every relationship seriously, if you feel that you can't give each other wholehearted feelings, Sagittarius will frankly tell each other that breaking up is also a way of protection, and whether you are abusive or not depends on your personal feelings.


Cancer itself has a gentle and considerate personality, and is particularly good to everyone around him, but Cancer, who does not deal with emotional problems, looks like a fish pond in the fish pond, and there are all kinds of fish in the fish pond.


Gemini will be curious about different types of the opposite sex, always trying to make more friends, want to fall in love with different opposite sexes, and constantly pursue freshness to satisfy their curiosity.


Aries in the pursuit of love, there is a spirit of desperation, the pursuit of success will use the rapid speed of the development of love, once found that the other party is not suitable, they will quickly break up, frequent love does seem to be very abusive.


Libra is a full face control, easy to be attracted by the noble temperament of the opposite sex, the difficult choice of ta can not make a decision quickly, hovering left and right between the excellent conditions of the opposite sex, but ultimately hurt everyone's heart.

Pisces likes to fall in love, they enjoy small romance and small surprises when they are in love, they are addicted to the world of love and cannot extricate themselves, Pisces is not willing to love one person, and likes to feel the experience brought to them by different people.

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