
Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

There are too many people with high uric acid

At this stage, there are more and more people with high uric acid around us, and more and more people with gout while uric acid is rising. There are two main reasons for this phenomenon: one is to live better and better, let us eat more high-purine food, coupled with less exercise and obesity, followed by an increase in uric acid; the other reason is that some people have congenital genetic problems. The biggest harm of high uric acid will not only lead to the occurrence of gout, but also lead to a high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. So, how to reduce uric acid? We can't change our innate genetics, but we can still make our own choices about unhealthy lifestyles. Today Dr. Zhang is going to tell you about what lifestyle improvements can help reduce uric acid. #谣零零计划 #

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

High uric acid can lead to many hazards

1. Why does uric acid increase?

When it comes to the rise of uric acid, we must first talk to you about how uric acid is metabolized in our body. In fact, uric acid is a catabolite of purine nucleotides in the human body. 80% of the purine nucleotides in the human body are metabolized by human cells, and 20% of the purine nucleotides are obtained from food. Purine nucleotides are oxidized and metabolized by the liver to become uric acid, which is excreted by the kidneys and intestines. The kidneys are responsible for the excretion of 2/3 of uric acid, and the intestines are responsible for the excretion of 1/3 of uric acid. Uric acid production and excretion in normal healthy people are in a stable state, so uric acid in the blood is not high. However, if this steady state is broken, the uric acid in the blood will rise, such as increased uric acid production and excretion disorders.

Generally speaking, the latest guidelines at this stage stipulate that as long as blood uric acid exceeds 420 μmol/l, regardless of men and women, it is elevated. Ordinary healthy adults, uric acid above 540 μmol / l, need to be treated regularly under the guidance of a doctor. People with chronic diseases, generally uric acid more than 480 μmol / l, should consider professional and standardized treatment under the guidance of doctors. But in addition to regular treatment, how to reduce uric acid by improving lifestyle? Dr. Zhang will tell you in detail below.

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

Second, which lifestyles help to reduce uric acid?

In general, we recommend that all patients with elevated uric acid maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes: exercising, controlling weight, limiting alcohol and high-purine, high fructose diets, encouraging dairy products and fresh vegetables, and encouraging drinking more water according to their own conditions.

Most of the lifestyle improvement measures have been heard of, such as drinking less alcohol, eating less seafood and animal offal, exercising more, losing weight, etc., but the less fructose foods mentioned here are incredible. In fact, what you don't know is that many people are now high in uric acid, and high fructose foods are mainly responsible, but because it is very hidden, many people even if the uric acid is high, do not know how to control this factor. Today Dr. Zhang will unveil it to everyone.

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

3. Which foods contain fructose that raise uric acid?

The 2016 edition of the European Anti-Rheumatism Alliance Hyperuricemia Management Recommendations gives specific dietary recommendations, which are simply summarized as 3: drink less alcohol, eat less alpine foods such as seafood animal offal, and the last item is not to drink sugary drinks. The sugary drinks mentioned here include both sugary carbonated drinks and milk drinks such as fruit juices and sugary milk teas. And these different forms of sugar contain a certain percentage of fructose. Therefore, fructose is actually very likely to contain fructose in every sugar-containing food, and some of the content is quite high. So why do these sugary drinks make the top medical guides specifically bring it out?

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

Fourth, why does fructose seriously increase uric acid?

The main reason why sugary drinks can increase uric acid is that the fructose in sugary drinks plays a big role in many cases. The reason why fructose leads to the elevation of uric acid in our body involves a more complex biochemical effect, but simply put, fructose will induce the human liver to produce more uric acid, and at the same time lead to a decrease in the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys. In this way, the production increases, the excretion is less, and the uric acid is suddenly held in the body, and the uric acid in the blood is also elevated.

Two Harvard studies published in the top journals of medicine, BMJ and JAMA, showed that drinking a carbonated drink every day increased the incidence of gout by 44%, and even seemingly healthy juices also increased the incidence of uric acid and gout. There are also some international medical studies that show that after ingesting 35 grams of fructose, the human body's blood uric acid level can increase by 15%. The 35 grams of fructose is the amount of fructose contained in a bottle of 500 ml or so sugary drinks, or the amount of fructose contained in a bottle of 500 ml of pure fruit juice. Seeing this, I believe that friends who love to drink drinks must not have thought that drinking this bottle of drinks is such a great harm to health.

To sum up, sugary drinks not only raise uric acid, but also further induce gout, and even seemingly healthy natural juices have this risk.

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

All kinds of sugars contain a certain percentage of fructose

5. Can I still eat fruit?

Speaking of which, you may ask, can the fruit still be eaten? Fruit also contains fructose? The truth of the matter is that fruits do contain fructose, but because fruits also contain more dietary fiber, vitamins, flavonoids, catechins and other components that are beneficial to the body, they can alleviate the harm of fructose rising uric acid to a certain extent, and will not let the harm of fructose be as big as in sugary drinks, so eating fruit is no problem. And there are many nutritional and medical studies that suggest that eating less fruit is very detrimental to good health. As for how much fruit to eat per day? The guide at this stage recommends that it is more appropriate to eat 200-350 grams (4-7 pairs) of fruit per day. However, Dr. Zhang also reminded everyone that the fruit is delicious, if you have blood sugar and uric acid problems, or try to eat a little fruit with a low sugar content, especially friends who eat a lot of fruit every day should pay attention to, and at the same time, too sweet to do the first choice. At the same time, friends with high blood sugar should pay attention to eating in moderation, and do not eat too much to affect blood sugar.

Why are so many people high in uric acid? Doctor: 1 type of food you love to eat, secretly elevate uric acid

Fruits can be eaten, pay attention to the right amount

I hope that Dr. Zhang's introduction today can help everyone, so that everyone can correctly understand the various factors that increase uric acid, especially those that are hidden deeply, and many people usually do not know that high-sugar foods should be eaten less, because all kinds of sugars contain a certain proportion of fructose components, and fructose can significantly increase uric acid.

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