
The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

In the New Year, many people can avoid eating some candy and sweets, but we must pay attention to the daily sugar intake!

Compared to 30 years ago,

Chinese's sugar intake has risen a full 5-fold

In recent years, the consumption of sugar by Chinese has remained high, and the harm of excessive sugar consumption has not been recognized by more people. In 2008, a survey showed that each Chinese ate 19.6 kilograms of sugar in the year, which is equivalent to an average of more than 50 grams of sugar per person per day. Compared to 30 years ago, Chinese's sugar intake has increased by a factor of 5.

The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

The World Health Organization (WHO) has investigated the causes of death in 23 countries and concluded that sugar addiction is worse than smoking! The survey also suggested that people who have long-term proponents of high-sugar foods have an average life expectancy of 10-20 years shorter than those who eat a normal diet, and put forward the slogan of "quitting sugar".

Excess sugar can trigger a variety of diseases

Induces hypertension

The close association between a high-salt diet and high blood pressure has become a well-established research conclusion. Hyperglycemia levels act on a key part of the hypothalamus and cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

Causes obesity

After sugar enters the human body, it does not have the energy needed by the human body and the excess part of the sugar stored in the form of glycogen for emergency use, it will be converted into fat and stored in the body, which will cause obesity over time.

Susceptible to osteoporosis

Eating a lot of sugar or carbohydrates, will consume a lot of calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. in the body, the lack of calcium in the body makes the muscle hardening and tension weakened, the mechanism of regulating blood pressure is disordered, a large amount of calcium is neutralized, and bone decalcification and osteoporosis occurs.

Causes gout

Excessive sugar can easily lead to the formation of endogenous uric acid in the human body, and uric acid is too high, it is easy to cause gout, a large number of people who drink sweet drinks the incidence of gout is many times higher than those who do not drink sweet drinks.

The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

Wrinkles tend to grow

Sugars bind to collagen in the skin, weakening the repair and regeneration of collagen to the skin, causing premature wrinkles and sagging skin. Studies have shown that people aged 50-70 who have elevated blood sugar levels will make them look 5-7 months older.

Easy to grow caries

Eating sugar regularly and not rinsing your mouth in time is very susceptible to caries (tooth decay) and a variety of oral diseases.

Prone to anorexia leading to malnutrition

If you eat too much sugar, it will affect the appetite, and other nutrients are bound to be reduced, resulting in a lack of protein, vitamins and minerals in the body, which is very easy to cause nutritional imbalance.

3 tricks to pull out the "invisible sugar"

1. Eat fruit to check the sugar content

Many people think that the fruit is mainly "water", the calories are not high, in fact, the sugar content of the fruit is also high and low, and the new version of the dietary guide recommends that you choose fruits with low sugar content.

2. Buy snacks to see the label

Some snacks don't feel sweet to eat, but the sugar content is amazingly high. Glucose, sucrose, fructose, lactose, maltose, honey and corn syrup are all sugars, and the more ingredients are listed in front of the food ingredient list, the higher their content. So be sure to learn to look at food labels, so that even the invisible sugar in packaged food can be pulled out by us.

The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

3. Do not use sweet and sour and braised cooking

Cooking should also pay attention to, try to avoid sweet and sour, braised and other methods. Like braised pork, fish shredded meat are high sugar, a braised pork ribs, braised fish, fish flavored meat shreds are about 25 grams - 30 grams of sugar, sweet and sour ribs and sweet and sour tenderloin each to add about 75 grams of sugar. In addition, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and other sauces, there are about 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams.

6 ways to help you eat sugar healthily

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2021) recommend that the daily intake of added sugars per person should not exceed 50 grams, and it is best to limit them to less than 25 grams. suggestion:

1. Eat more natural foods and less processed foods. Eating some fruit properly is better than eating sweet cakes and drinking sugar drinks.

2. If you drink honey water or brown sugar water on the same day, it is best to avoid other sweet foods afterwards.

3. Eat less puffed foods, snow cakes, fresh shellfish, shrimp sticks, etc. Although they are salty to eat, they contain a lot of starch and do not contain dietary fiber that inhibits the rise of sugar.

4. Eat less jerky, dried meat, and plums. For the sake of taste, some processed meat products, such as dried meat, contain a lot of sugar. In order to prevent spoilage, snacks such as plums will also add a lot of sugar to inhibit the growth of bacteria.

The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

5. Do not drink or drink less sugar drinks, drink less lactic acid bacteria drinks. When drinking coffee and soy milk, add little or no sugar.

6. Pay attention to foods labeled "low sugar" and "no sugar".

What creates sweetness in the sugar-free is synthetic sweetener. Sweeteners are not nutrients, do not produce energy, and cannot be used by the human body, and consuming too much sweetener will increase the burden on the organs.

For low-sugar foods, see if it meets the low-sugar standard (100 ml of liquid or solid, the sugar content is less than 5g).

The "it" you eat every day is more harmful than smoking...

Eat less sweets and live a healthy life

Sugar intake should be reasonable

Excessive sugar intake can induce diseases such as high blood pressure

Strictly control the amount of sugar taken

Stay away from disease and obesity

Healthy Sugar! Healthy Eating! Healthy Life!

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