
On February 4, 2022 A.D., the first of the twenty-four solar terms will be ushered in by the first solar term of the twenty-four solar terms. Yu Special wrote to remember: winter

author:Wenyuan pen cultivation

Li Chun Fu

On February 4, 2022 A.D., shi wei, the first festival of the twenty-four solar terms, the first festival of the twenty-four solar terms, the first spring of the twenty-four solar terms. Yu wrote to remember:

Winter goes to the old year, spring comes to welcome the new year; there are four hours in the year, and there are four years in the past.

The Big Dipper refers to Yin, and the reincarnation is opened again; the twenty-four solar terms, the order of the festivals is the first.

Today, there are six or nine heads, and since then, they have recovered; the cold winter is gradually gone, and the new spring is back to the earth.

Spring to the strange place, sting wormhole in the mystery; the Seven-Nine River frozen open, swimming fish floating in the water.

Spring flowers on the side of the embankment, strange on the spring green; peach blossoms on the branches, willow buds by the river: green.

Swallows flew under the eaves, mouth full of mud; bees kissed rape flowers, wearing yellow trench coats.

Cuckoo cry, spring breeze 100,000 miles; the prelude to the four seasons opened, and the six were accompanied by sunshine.

The cold plum is red, the flower letter becomes a memory; the plan of the year stands, dancing and smelling the chicken.



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