
Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

Getting fat during pregnancy is a normal thing, but even getting fat has a certain limit, if it exceeds the limit, then it is very dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses, whether in the pregnancy process, or during childbirth, the risk is very large.

Case: Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but "escape from the battle" before giving birth

Friends are obstetrics and gynecology doctors, some time ago everyone chatted together, talked about a friend during pregnancy into two of their own, everyone is very emotional, then the friend said that in fact, too much weight gain during pregnancy is very dangerous, and also mentioned an example of their department.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

Previously, their department received an overweight pregnant woman, originally the pregnant woman's weight was relatively heavy, there were nearly 130 pounds, may be affected by the fat physique, wait until after pregnancy, only five months, she gained 50 pounds or more. After evaluation and a detailed examination, it was found that the fetus in her stomach was not developing well and carried many congenital problems. At that time, doctors made recommendations to terminate pregnancy, mainly because pregnant women themselves were relatively fat, resulting in poor fetal development and great risk.

Later, the pregnant woman was forced to choose to terminate the pregnancy, and found that it was a female treasure when she induced labor, and she also felt very sorry. More than three years later, the pregnant woman had also been losing weight, losing about 100 pounds, and adjusting her body before preparing for a second pregnancy. During pregnancy, she also paid special attention to the control of weight gain, fearing similar situations.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

It was hard to stay up until the time of delivery, but the pregnant mother suddenly felt scared, because the termination of pregnancy brought her a large psychological shadow, although this time pregnant, the obstetric examination process did not find any problems, the doctor also said that the fetal baby is in good condition, but she will still feel worried.

Many pregnant women will have a similar situation of "escaping from the front" before giving birth, which is actually normal. Later, after the psychological guidance of the doctors, the pregnant mother came out of the shadows and gave birth to a female treasure smoothly, which can be described as a congratulatory and gratifying.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

01 What problems should overweight pregnant women pay attention to during pregnancy?

First of all, we must pay attention to the problem of regular obstetric examinations, the original risk of complications of overweight pregnant women is relatively large, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the body through regular obstetric examinations. If you can find the problem early, you can solve it in time, rather than waiting until the problem is getting more and more serious, and then you will not solve it until later, and you may have missed the best treatment stage.

During this period, you must be vigilant against abnormal conditions in your body, because overweight pregnant women are more likely to have premature birth, abnormal fetal movements and other situations. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the situation of your body, it is best to prepare a fetal heart rate monitoring instrument at home, monitor the fetal heart rate regularly every day, and record the data situation, so that you can also find the existence of problems in time. For doctors, this is also a good data that can reflect the condition of the fetus.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

Secondly, pregnant mothers must control the increase in weight during pregnancy, under normal circumstances, the weight increase of pregnant women during pregnancy should be controlled between 30 kg and 40 kg, if the weight increase is too large, it will bring many risks, such as gestational obesity, gestational diabetes and so on. At the same time, it is also easy to affect the smooth birth of the fetus during childbirth, and it will also affect the normal growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy.

In addition, overweight pregnant mothers should pay more attention to the problem of daily exercise, only by properly arranging exercise can we improve the metabolism of the body, and can we mobilize the vitality of the body muscle groups and help fat consumption, so that we can control the increase in weight, rather than continuously gain weight rapidly.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

Of course, dietary problems are also very important, because overweight pregnant women's digestion ability and nutrient absorption capacity are not strong, coupled with the problem of fat accumulation. Therefore, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to daily eating habits, as little as possible intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods, in the case of ensuring full intake of nutrition, appropriate intake of high protein, vitamins, minerals and other trace elements, and to ensure the freshness of ingredients, so that weight gain can also be controlled.

Overweight pregnant women were forced to "give up" the female treasure, lose weight for three years and then prepare for pregnancy, but before giving birth, they "escaped from the battlefield"

For overweight pregnant mothers, how to achieve "fetal repair without meat" during pregnancy is very critical. But the reality is that most of the situation is that overweight pregnant mothers are often easy to give birth to "little guys", the main problem is that nutrition is difficult to be absorbed, so pregnant mothers to adjust their physical state, this aspect needs to rely on the above aspects to coordinate together, including diet, sleep, exercise, etc., each aspect is very important, can not be ignored.

Conclusion: It is also necessary to remind overweight pregnant mothers to pay attention to dietary problems after childbirth, because it is easy to gain weight twice, and it will also affect the quality of breast milk, so it is still necessary to adjust dietary habits as much as possible.

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