
The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

author:Beiqing Net

The Spring Festival does not stop diagnosis, and community hospitals have become the latest "health gatekeepers".

In the community health service center of Ruhe Road in Zhengzhou City, there is such a community doctor, 80 years old, she is the "star doctor" in everyone's eyes - graduated from West China Medical University, with high medical skills, kindness and warmth.

During the Spring Festival, as a "dedicated person", she is still "idle", 7 days of vacation arranged for 4 days to sit in the clinic, and, whether sitting or not, her outpatient room door is pasted with her mobile phone number, and keep 24 hours without shutting down, her name is Yu Suqiong.

For more than 50 years, Yu Suqiong has been working in a grassroots hospital. Every Spring Festival, she will guard people's side like an "old friend". Yu Suqiong said that this is her pride and happiness.

7 days of vacation and 4 days of sitting in the clinic, the door also "announced" the mobile phone number

On February 2, the second day of the Chinese New Year, at 3 p.m., the weather was clear.

"I'm looking for Dr. Yu!" Is Dr. Yu here? "Our family has been seeing Dr. Yu for generations." As soon as I entered the clinic, several community residents "named" Dr. Yu.

"This is the Spring Festival to eat more, eat more light." Yu Suqiong prescribed the medicine while reminding.

The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

"Dr. Yu is the deputy chief physician and the 'big star' we have here, and many people come to see her." Liu Yong, director of the outpatient clinic of the Ruhe Road Community Health Service Center in Zhengzhou City, introduced that the health service center has 7 communities under its jurisdiction, with a total of 70,000 residents, and many of them are "fans" of Yu Suqiong.

Just after the voice fell, a colleague next to him recalled that before, Dr. Yu sat at the door of the clinic, and then changed the office, the patient did not see anyone, he called Dr. Yu for the first time, "I am afraid that Dr. Yu will not sit in the clinic." The colleague said with a smile.

Although the Spring Festival holiday was 7 days, Yu Suqiong arranged 4 days of consultation, 8 hours a day, although there were not many patients, but never late, early departure. "The Spring Festival is still coming to see patients, there may be emergency patients, can not be taken lightly."

The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

In addition, the reporter noticed that Yu Suqiong's outpatient room door was also pasted with his mobile phone number. Yu Suqiong said that after practicing medicine for more than 50 years, she knows what is "life hanging on the line", so she keeps the habit of turning on her mobile phone 24 hours a day to prevent emergencies.

Once burned a pot due to an emergency

Why is Yu Suqiong so popular? The "same voice" in all the answers - medical skill, dedication.

The clever medical skills are inseparable from Yu Suqiong's daily refinement.

The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

She has a medical book on her desk, which she reads at any time as long as she is not busy. In the eyes of other doctors, Yu Suqiong is still a "fashionable" old lady. Colleagues recalled that a few years ago, the hospital installed an online system, and everyone thought that Dr. Yu was older and it would be very difficult to learn. In those days, Yu Suqiong often "groped" in the office until 9 p.m., and now 80 years old, she uses the computer effortlessly. "Dr. Yu's learning momentum makes our young people feel ashamed." The young doctor said.

Dedication is another distinctive label for Yu Suqiong.

One year, Yu Suqiong was cooking, and suddenly received an emergency department, and she rushed to the clinic without saying a word. Who knows, after returning, found that the stainless steel pot had been burned, "Since then, my lover has never let me cook again." Yu Suqiong said that over the years of marriage, the most grateful is his lover, he almost "wrapped up" all the housework, so that Yu Suqiong can devote herself to work.

For the duty of the Spring Festival every year, Yu Suqiong's lover Wang Shixi is also very understanding and supportive, "I know her, every day in her mind is the patient's business, and she is not at ease at home!" Wang Shixi said.

A list of Medicare reimbursement drugs is written on the computer to prevent "wrong" drugs

Always to heal, always to help, always to comfort, Yu Suqiong's care and consideration for patients is equally moving.

The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours
The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

The reporter noticed that on Yu Suqiong's computer host, there were two dense pieces of paper, which were written on the drugs reimbursed by medical insurance and the drugs that were not reimbursed, and the names and specifications of the drugs were also recorded in detail. "If you can use reimbursement drugs, you can use reimbursement drugs, I am old, I am afraid of remembering mistakes, so why do patients spend more money?" Yu Suqiong said.

When prescribing drugs, Yu Suqiong has always adhered to the principle of "saving and saving", and she will definitely choose the cheapest drugs with the same effect. Some patients do not know much, will take the initiative to ask for more expensive drugs, Yu Suqiong will clearly inform the efficacy of the two drugs, and sincerely give suggestions.

The care for the patient is reflected in every detail. Sometimes there is a lot of traffic in the outpatient clinic, but Yu Suqiong has never been impatient.

Colleagues recalled that once, an elderly patient, hearing is not very good, a few words down completely can not communicate. Yu Suqiong took out a pen and paper, and the two of them talked in the form of writing, a few simple words, for half an hour, Yu Suqiong was smiling the whole time.

Witnessing and participating in the development of primary care is the happiest thing

Because you understand, you are compassionate.

Yu Suqiong's love of medicine and care for patients has a lot to do with her own experience. She was born in an ordinary worker family in Sichuan, and when she was in middle school, her father was diagnosed with cirrhosis, and during the hospitalization, a nurse inadvertently said: "You can be a nurse in the future, and you can save many patients like your father." This sentence was like a seed, and Yu Suqiong was determined to study medicine. Two years later, her father died, and her resolve grew stronger. Finally, Yu Suqiong was admitted to West China Medical University with excellent results.

Hospital information shows that in 1968, Yu Suqiong was assigned to work in a staff hospital in Sichuan after graduation, and in 1971, she followed her husband to Henan to work in a factory staff hospital. At that time, the hospital was in the countryside, the local medical conditions were very poor, there was no village health center, and the villagers could only walk for two hours to the county seat to see a doctor. Yu Suqiong and her colleagues not only served the staff of the factory, but also saw many villagers, and this experience made her deeply feel the responsibility and significance of grass-roots medical work.

The 80-year-old doctor sat in the spring festival clinic, "announced" the mobile phone number on the door, and did not shut down for 24 hours

Later, the staff hospital moved to Zhengzhou, and Yu Suqiong always followed. Around 1997, Yu Suqiong retired, and in the same year, she was rehired by the hospital, and the staff hospital was later changed to Zhengzhou Ruhe Road Community Health Service Center.

More than 50 years after graduating from university, many of Yu Suqiong's classmates have worked in large hospitals with better environments, higher treatment and more opportunities, but Yu Suqiong has never regretted it.

Yu Suqiong told a story that when she was working in the countryside, many grassroots people looked down on the disease, and they would bring cabbage and pumpkins from home to the hospital, which were the best things they could come up with. There is also a patient, after 7 days and 7 nights of rescue, finally "picked up" a life, the family forced to sell the family's cattle, had to send money to the hospital.

"Until now, this has been my happiest and most touching moment." Yu Suqiong said that she feels very happy, first, the grass-roots hospital makes it more convenient for the people to see a doctor, through the grass-roots hospital, she has realized her own value; second, for more than 50 years, she has witnessed the process of primary medical care from lack to perfection, and she feels deep pride!

"Such an important journey, I am both a witness and a participant, is there anything happier than this?" Yu Suqiong said with a smile.

Dahe News Yu video reporter Niu Jie Kang Yafei

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