
Braveheart! The Stone of Destiny is a harbinger of Scottish independence, and the disintegration of Britain is about to begin?

author:History Probe

Your heart is free, have the courage to pursue freedom - "Braveheart"

Braveheart! The Stone of Destiny is a harbinger of Scottish independence, and the disintegration of Britain is about to begin?

This is a film about a national epic that can be sung and wept. The revolt of the Scottish hero Wallace unveils the history of this ancient people for us, like the movement of the Scottish flute, melodiously turning, poignant and sad.

The Scottish Independence Movement has a long history, dating back to the First Scottish War of Independence in the thirteenth century. Hundreds of years have passed since the call for sparks to be extinguished has never stopped. In recent years, under the influence of Brexit, Scotland's fishing and foreign trade have experienced a large degree of depression, coupled with the poor performance of the British authorities in handling the epidemic, adding fuel to the fire of the Scottish Brexit movement. Recently, when British Prime Minister Johnson rushed to Scotland to extinguish the fire, he did not know whether he would remember the century-old history of England's invasion. Probably because his own ancestors were Turks, he would not and would not have reason to carry a heavy historical burden.

Epic - heroes will always be sung in the hearts of the people

From the invasion of Scotland by King Edward I of England in the thirteenth century, they exercised their power over the territory to seize the bride of Scotland, and the contradictions between the two sides began. The tyranny of the British rulers persecuted every Scot, so every Scots was born with the dna of opposing Britain.

Braveheart! The Stone of Destiny is a harbinger of Scottish independence, and the disintegration of Britain is about to begin?

During the First Scottish War of Independence, the young Wallace often won more with less, with a straight posture as if he had the body of a giant, his mind as pure and kind as Scotland's symbol unicorn, and his broad arms and thick limbs were the embodiment of fortitude and strength. Wallace led his troops through scotland's vast wilderness and dense forests, skillfully using terrain and guerrilla tactics, often killing thousands of enemies in combat against Britain. However, in the face of a large number of opponents, he was eventually outnumbered, captured during Edward I's conquest, and finally executed by this tyrant.

The hero is not dead, and his deeds are compiled into epics and celebrated in the hearts of every Scotsman.

Holy Relics – Fate should be in your own hands

When the King of England returned home with a generous trophy, he was taken with him a seemingly ordinary piece of red sandstone. It is known as the Stone of Destiny. This stone is unusual, ordinary to no different from other castle masonry, not only is it not round enough, but the surface is very mottled, full of traces of years of carving. This stone is a symbol of the rule of law, on which every newly enthroned Scottish king is to sit. Edward I brought him back to England as a trophy of war. Placed in Westminster Abbey and custom-made for it, the stone placed under the chair symbolizes that he can rule Scotland. Eight hundred years have passed since this reign, and this stone has become a sacred relic of the Scottish nation to remember its shame.

Braveheart! The Stone of Destiny is a harbinger of Scottish independence, and the disintegration of Britain is about to begin?

It was not until the awakening of modern nationalism that the people began to demand this sacred relic that was supposed to belong to Scotland, and they realized that the fate of Scotland should be in their own hands. Despite repeated prevarications by the British Royal Family, after several unremitting struggles and the loss and destruction of holy relics, the Stone of Destiny was forced to return to Scotland. In the eyes of many, this move meant that British rule in Scotland was somehow invalid.

The future – justice may be late but will come

In fact, in modern times, the Scottish independence movement has been increasingly high and has become a burning trend. The independence vote in the past five years has shown that only about 50% of the people are opposed to independence, and this Scottish independence poll even the BBC has expressed cautious optimism, and it is likely that more than half will agree to Scotland's secession from the British Kingdom system and become another independent republic after Ireland. Whether Scottish independence will have a domino effect, make Northern Ireland and Wales also want to move, and eventually tear The United Kingdom apart, it is difficult to predict now.

But we can imagine how the independent Scottish Republic would affect Britain. Scottish independence would geographically deprive the UK of nearly one-third of its land, ten per cent of its population and more than half of its exclusive maritime economic zone and North Sea oil and gas development qualifications. Militarily, the UK would lose a lot of military bases, with a direct reduction of $200 billion in GDP and a $5 million reduction in taxes on the economic front. At a higher level of development, Scotland would remain in the EU, a relatively small population would make it have a higher per capita income than the UK, and a more relaxed population density would make Scots happier. Prior to this, under the rule of England, the proportion of Scotland's population had gone from 20% to 20% of the total Of England after hundreds of years of development.

Braveheart! The Stone of Destiny is a harbinger of Scottish independence, and the disintegration of Britain is about to begin?

Cries when the movie China Lex was sentenced to capital punishment: Freedom!

Take your last breath and dedicate it to blue freedom.

Scotland's vitality should not be limited to the shell of the dying old Imperial zombies, which will eventually bloom blue flowers on the dryness of Britain, so justice may be late but will come.

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