
Emotional stability is the best regimen


Whatever the weather, remember to bring your own sunshine with you! No matter what happens, remember to fill your heart with sunshine...

I believe that each of us has more than that in our lives; we deserve better; there is never any right decision in life. We're just trying; we made the right choice!

People's vulnerability and strength are beyond their imagination. All things are bitter, only self-transit. People who can carry things are anti-fragile physiques, strong enough to be admired, and they will not be too bad in this life.

What kind of person you will become depends on your attitude in the face of difficulties, whether you go up against the current or turn around and run away. Swim against the current and become stronger in the honing. Turn around and run away, never grow.

Self-healing, surviving darkness, is also self-fulfillment. Doing things reliably, believing what you say is also proving yourself. Controlling emotions and respecting others is also protecting yourself. May you and I both become such people.

In the past year, there have been too many voices around us saying, "You must be desperate." But I want to tell you: as long as your pace doesn't stop, it really doesn't matter if you slow down.

Someone once asked the question, "Do we really have enough time?"? A toll booth sister who was laid off said: "I am 36 years old, this age can not do anything math, the second half of my life will do ah"!

There was also an old man named Jiang Shumei. She learned to write at the age of 60, wrote at the age of 70, and by the age of 81 she had published 4 novels.

Therefore, the time left by Heaven for everyone to succeed is enough, and how to use it lies in ourselves. Don't be in a hurry, you don't have to give up on yourself, find a path, and go down steadily.

There's a wonderful saying about it: Life! It's about waiting for the right time to act. Some people seem to be ahead of you, and some people seem to walk behind you without envying or looking down on others.

In the arrangement of fate, everyone's beauty will arrive on time. And all you have to do is to be patient and sow the seeds, and then wait for the flowers to bloom.

Emotional stability is the best health, and the body is the capital of the revolution, and people with physical and mental health can go further. The best preservation in the world is to keep improving and making yourself a better and more worthy person to love!

Emotionally unstable people are vulnerable, like a time bomb, making people constantly worried and afraid, eager to maintain the maximum safe distance from them. What happens to us may not be our fault, but how we perceive it is our responsibility.

Life is impermanent, and we always face various tests. Get rid of sleep, a person has more than ten thousand days in his life. The difference between people is whether you really live for more than 10,000 days, or do you live only for one day and repeat it more than 10,000 times.

People who can control their emotions will turn emotions into motivation, take solid actions, improve themselves in patience, and usher in a new life! If you really want to make a difference in an area, it is essential to want to come from the source of continuous self-improvement within.

There is no fame in one fell swoop, only a hundred training into steel, you want to pay for your dreams, what kind of price to pay, only a thousand domes and a hundred holes, can turn out! Many times, it is not happy to see too thoroughly, but it is not as solid as the naïve life without heart and lungs.

The important thing in life is not to have everything; but to be grateful for what you have; to grasp the moment and not miss the most precious things around you. In the long journey of life, some people carry heavy loads and are tired; some people go into battle lightly and walk safely. When we reach middle age, we must also stop our hurried steps from time to time, sort out our outfits, and put down those unnecessary "baggage", so that we can walk more and more briskly, and walk more and more calmly.

Day after day, those seemingly untouchable waves will suddenly see the meaning of persistence on a certain day! In a materialistic society, it is rare to have a quiet heart.

Don't compare, don't chase, be content, live your life, you are the richest person in the world! Ten years of Hedong and ten years of Hexi, do not have to envy others' flying yellow Tengda, gold and jade full of halls, rich and rich sorrows, poor and poor happiness, as long as they live down-to-earth, peace of mind to make money, earn more and earn less is a good day!

It's easy to make an effort; it's hard to keep trying. It's easy to stick to it; it's hard to stick to it all the time. After walking for a long time, dust has accumulated on my feet, and my heart has gradually fallen with dust.

The heaviness of the past, the unbearable past, forget about it! Time is changing, space is changing, everything has long been the old look and new look, if you still remember the past, do not forget those sorrows and pains, is it not to seek your own troubles?

Only by having the courage to break the shackles of the heart will we have a light sky! Can't find a reason to stick with it, then find a reason to start over, work hard, and stick to it...

No matter what you do, there may be many, many reasons for you to give up. However, there really is such a small reason for you to stick with it. That's enough!

Remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten. Life is not easy, why add to your own distress. Come out of the mud of the past, sweep away the thick dust on your heart, and make your heart bright, warm and quiet.

Only a light heart can glow with the vitality of life, and a joyful smile can compose a beautiful life music!