
The technology abandoned by Tesla is used by Huawei and domestic cars to overtake in curves?

In smart cars, the three-electric system (battery, electronic control, motor), automatic driving technology, and intelligent cockpit are considered to be the three major parts, and they are also the core of the core.

Among them, automatic driving is considered to be the most anticipated and the most high-tech thing, after all, automatic driving is most likely to be used by manufacturers to show off, such as Huawei's car debut is a video of alpha S's automatic driving.

At the same time, many smart cars, when promoted, also use automatic driving as a gimmick or selling point, because it can indeed best reflect the scientific and technological content.

The technology abandoned by Tesla is used by Huawei and domestic cars to overtake in curves?

However, in the automatic driving scheme, there are currently two directions, one is lidar, and the other is the vision scheme.

Tesla is a typical representative of the visual solution, automatic driving only relies on camera + algorithm, without lidar, Tesla believes that imitating the human eye, using biomimicry, is the most correct, lidar is a fool to use things.

Huawei believes that lidar is the future, and believes that what currently hinders lidar from getting on the car is actually the price, and Huawei's goal is to reduce the price of lidar, such as the 96 line to less than $200, before this was 2000+ dollars.

Not only Huawei, but also domestic car companies, most of them are also using lidar in automatic driving technology, such as Xiaopeng, Weilai, Ideal, Andi M5, etc., all of which are equipped with lidar.

The technology abandoned by Tesla is used by Huawei and domestic cars to overtake in curves?

So why is Huawei, and domestic car manufacturers, willing to take lidar as the development direction instead of learning tesla?

Because if you take tesla's path, it is doomed to be difficult to catch up with Tesla, only worse than Tesla, which is what everyone does not want to see.

Because Tesla's vision is a camera + algorithm, the algorithm is the foundation. In order to have a good algorithm, Tesla has done too many things, and now Tesla is all self-developed with chip + algorithm, and even the top 10 supercomputing in the world has been made out, which is for visual algorithms.

The technology abandoned by Tesla is used by Huawei and domestic cars to overtake in curves?

If domestic manufacturers want to catch up with Tesla in the algorithm, it is impossible at least in a short period of time, so they must choose another road for overtaking in the corner.

And lidar seems to be another way for everyone to choose, Tesla does not use it, and there are many advantages, the algorithm requirements are lower, just suitable for everyone to compete with Tesla misalignment.

So everyone invariably uses lidar and pushes it forward together, and of course, hypes it up together, packaging it into the most advanced and credible technology.

The technology abandoned by Tesla is used by Huawei and domestic cars to overtake in curves?

Of course, is lidar good, or is the visual algorithm good? In fact, the industry does not have a clear statement, any technology has its advantages and disadvantages, and the current automatic driving, are L2 level of assisted driving, everyone's expectations are not too high, so lidar is ultimately overtaking or overturning, only time to prove.

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