
In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

Once the winter of the northeast of the new energy owners regret want to sell the car, the owner has this idea is mainly because the new energy vehicle to the winter mileage dropped too fast, the original can run 400 kilometers of the car, to the winter even 200 kilometers can not run, the owner can not go out at all.

In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

Generally speaking, the mileage of daily traffic does not have reference value, but for northeast car owners, whether the winter vehicle has a long-distance travel mileage is an important reference basis when selecting a car.

Mr. Liu, a car owner in Jilin Province, bought a BAIC new energy vehicle half a year ago, with an official mileage of 420 kilometers. When Mr. Liu bought the car, it was still summer, and the mileage of the vehicle would not be greatly affected, and he did not expect that the mileage would plummet in the winter.

In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

The temperature in the northeast region dropped to about minus 15 degrees, and the owner of the car had to turn on the warm air when driving, and in the case of the warm air, the car that could run more than 300 kilometers could not even run 100 kilometers. Before the New Year, Mr. Liu took his wife and children back to his hometown with a new energy vehicle, driving about 70 kilometers.

On the day of departure, there was a widespread traffic jam, and Mr. Liu's car was stuck in the road. Other fuel car owners are turned on the warm air for heating, but Mr. Liu does not dare to open the warm air, his car can not run far, in case the warm air affects the mileage, he can not even get home to the vehicle will be halfway out of power.

In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

Many new energy car owners have encountered similar problems with Mr. Liu, the summer temperature is higher, and there is not much impact when using new energy vehicles. When you want to use a long-distance car in winter, although the warm air is driven to the lowest power, it still consumes a lot of electricity.

The temperature drops to minus 15 degrees Celsius, the power loss is about 50% when running the high speed and the road section that is easy to get stuck in traffic, such as the provincial highway, the power loss is about 60%. Most domestic new energy vehicles use lithium iron phosphate batteries, and the mileage of this battery is particularly affected by temperature.

In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

How to use new energy vehicles in winter?

The temperature continues to drop, the battery life of new energy vehicles has also begun to shorten, in order to improve the winter use of new energy vehicles, it is recommended that car owners speed up the charging frequency. In the past, it was charged once every three days, and now it must be charged once a day, and it is best to ensure that the vehicle is fully charged every trip.

In the winter, the endurance of new energy vehicles is halved, so angry that car owners want to sell cars, and they can't run 100 kilometers

When driving new energy vehicles in winter, car owners need to develop better driving habits, try to avoid vigorously stepping on the accelerator, and vigorously stepping on the brakes caused by large current discharges. When accelerating, the owner should lightly step on the accelerator, keep a uniform speed forward, and make a good prediction in advance when stepping on the brakes, and it is best not to brake urgently.

Car owners with conditions are best to buy parking spaces or rent a car in the underground parking lot, and try to park the car in a cooler garage. Parking the car in a place with a higher temperature when charging helps to improve the activity of the power battery, charge faster, and improve the efficiency of the battery.

If the owner does not have the above conditions, it is best not to buy new energy vehicles. Car owners in the northern region need to pay more effort when using cars in winter than in summer, and many e-hailing drivers have to brave the cold wind to go out to charge at 5 a.m.

The popularization of China 6 emission standards has promoted the development of new energy vehicles, and the purchase of new energy vehicles can enjoy high subsidies. I hope that everyone will consider the pros and cons of new energy vehicles before buying new energy vehicles, and car owners in the northern region must be cautious!

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