
An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

author:Run away

The hit drama "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" has come to an end.

The decision of the three people at the end triggered a heated discussion among the audience.

Zhang Xiaojing, single-mindedly guarding Chang'an City, took off his armor and stayed away from Chang'an.

Li Bi, with the ambition of the prime minister, walked down to the hall and went up the mountain to cultivate his heart.

Tanqi, who most wanted to live freely, stayed in the Imperial City.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

On this day in Chang'an, the three people seemed to have changed, and they did not look like they were at the beginning. But they themselves know what the true self in their hearts now wants. Therefore, their decision is their own choice after growing up.

There is a German film that is also about choices and decisions. In particular, through the eyes of an 11-year-old boy, it discovers growth and redemption.

"Heavy Decision"

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

After its release, the film won four film awards in Germany, including the Silver Film Award for Outstanding Feature Film, and the Three Gold Film Awards for Best Film Score, Best Director and Best Screenplay. The film is little known in China, but it also gets a high score of 8.2 in Douban.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304


Set in Germany in 2006, the 11-year-old protagonist Sebastian is a naughty boy with big twinkling eyes. He lived in a small village in Bavaria. Living with him is a sullen father and an older brother who always likes to teach people. Their family runs a tavern.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

One day, Sebastian accidentally killed his brother's carefully bred rabbits. The brother told a secret in anger: their mother died while giving birth to Sebastian. The brother said fiercely, "You killed your mother!" ”

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

This incident made the little protagonist uneasy, and late at night he dreamed that he was being judged in Hades. The previous mischief was treated as a crime by the judge and recorded one by one. The "verdict" that followed was that after his death, he would suffer for 14 years in the fires of hell. It was terrible for an 11-year-old boy who had never thought about death.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

You can't die, because what happens after death is too terrible. So Sebastian decided to find a way to gain eternal life.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

The path is too difficult to follow because no one can tell him what to do, and even if he turns to the priest, he can't get a concrete answer. During this time, he was often tormented by the same nightmares and had difficulty sleeping and eating.

Finally, the answer came. He overheard from radio host Alfrona, "Making music can make people immortal."

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Sebastian was ecstatic and decided to study music. The long-lost smile returned to the boy's face again. He found his mother's guitar to hang on his chest, accompanied by beautiful music, and fantasized that he would one day become a great musician and thus gain eternal life.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304


The good times did not last long, and the nightmare of judgment reappeared. The judges were furious that he had found a way to escape punishment. They began to condemn his indifference to his family, ignoring the pain that his mother's death had caused to his father and brother.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

In order to make up for his mistakes, Sebastian decided to find a new wife for his father. Instead of his father, he woos his friend Ivey's single mom. And to meet the request of Grandma Ivey, he pushed the grandmother who was no longer able to move to the outside of the house.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Something unexpected happens, Sebastian accidentally tripped over the carpet, and the bed carrying grandma rushed down the hill uncontrollably, and she was thrown into the cabin below the slope.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Another man died because of himself, and Sebastian was once again in pain. The nightmare recured, and he was told that the punishment in the fire would be changed from 14 years to 20 years. There was nothing he could do but fiddle with his guitar all night long.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Soon after, he accidentally discovers that his father and his teacher Veronica are in love. The headache was that the teacher was married, and her husband was the radio host Alfrifli.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Now what? In order to fulfill his wish to "find a new wife for Daddy", Sebastian thought bitterly and made the decision to kill Alfry.

He set off overnight and walked until dawn to climb to the live broadcast room at the top of the mountain. It turned out that Alfrifli was hanging painfully from the ceiling of the room.


The whole story is full of elaborate design, one link after another.

The nightmares that constantly appear in the film are similar to the "judgment story" performed by a group of theater lovers. They come to the tavern every night to rehearse, and Sebastian falls asleep to their voices, in which the plot is linked to his own experience.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Every time before making a decision, the little protagonist will run to his mother's grave and ask her for advice. And every time something happens that makes him feel like a hint.

These designs subtly depict the simple inner world of an 11-year-old boy, and once a decision is made, he moves towards the goal without distraction. At the same time, it also brings a humorous effect that makes people spray rice.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

In addition, the group of theater lovers often listened to the troubles of the little protagonist as friends. They would advise him, and some of the ideas would even lead him into a dilemma.

He also tried to explain complex things for him in simple and clear language. For example, explain, why do people die?

They each have different perspectives on certain issues. For example, the death of the grandmother. Someone said to the sullen little protagonist, "Grandma will thank you, it was you who let her get away." ”

When his companion expressed difficulty in understanding his words, the man said, "What is the point of living when a person survives on drugs?" "These different views, with different subjective thinking and choices.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

The section where grandma rushed down the hill was impressive. It was a very terrible accident, but Grandma showed a look of great excitement. She also reminisced about the romantic scene when she was young and happy with her lover.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

After the accident, the doctors were surprised that her mental state was better than before the accident. This can't help but make people think, is the cold and lonely life really the respect that life should have?

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Veronica and Alfres had always had problems, and neither of them had considered sitting down and having a good talk. They ignore it and ignore the problem, which is actually a result of choice.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304
An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

When he learns that his beloved wife has betrayed him, he is heartbroken and plans to hang himself. The moment the rope was put around his neck, he regretted it again.


At the end of the story, everyone returns to normal life, everything seems to have not changed, and everything is completely different.

Like Sebastian, he picked up the guitar he was going to give up again, only this time no longer to escape punishment.

Life is always full of all kinds of problems, some of which we know how to deal with, some of which overwhelm us.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

Zhou Guoping said, "There is no answer to the big questions in life, but only those who think about these questions may really have their own life beliefs and living standards." ”

We're all constantly looking for a solution to our confusion. If you want an answer that happens to be clearly spoken out for you, your heart will be comforted at first. But gradually, in the process of thinking and practicing, you may find that this is not the answer you want.

An 11-year-old boy seeks the law of immortality: the decision is inseparable from stumbling growth 01020304

The opinions of others, the ideas of the past, may no longer fit into the present self over time. Maybe the thoughts you gain in stumbling forward are the answers you're looking for.

About the author: Running Xu, likes to waste the fleeting time in movies, television, reading, and coffee.


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