
Scorpio's rotten peach blossoms!

Scorpio's rotten peach blossoms!

Scorpio's rotten peach blossoms

Scorpio, do you also know which constellations are not suitable for you? Of the twelve zodiac signs, these are the ones you're doomed to miss! Because maybe it doesn't fit that well between you.


Aquarius and Scorpio are both very intelligent constellations, both have their own independent opinions, plus the personalities are very tough, and they have strong decisions in doing things, so once neither of them makes a change, then it is easy to encounter many problems. One of the most conflicting points between you is the question of power, and the fact that Aquarius has always loved freedom, which is also unacceptable to Scorpio, will produce more insecurity. So, you may not be that suitable.


Scorpio's goal is often to become a king, and Aries is born a child with no extra thoughts, and the rest of you are completely different except for the same competition.

Sometimes when you can't accept somewhere on the other side, there may be a dispute, so that there will be irreparable consequences, if you want to be together, you must think clearly, but you must first understand the personality of the other party before making a decision.


Gemini is a very shrewd sign, they know how to care for their lover and grasp the heart of a person, when two people fall in love, you are fully committed, he is affectionate. If you want to grasp the heart of Gemini, it is simple and simple, and it is difficult to say that it is difficult. Although Gemini longs to be loved, once the two are together, Gemini's fickleness can easily make Scorpio, who pursues perfection, get bored, not only start to be suspicious, but also lose confidence in the relationship, which may lead to various disputes.


Lions are very face-loving, which in the eyes of Scorpio, the biggest problem of lions is that their eyes are high and low, and they will feel that since they do not have that ability, why do they have to pretend to be a very powerful feeling, and why should they manage themselves. But at this time, of course, the lion was not convinced, and the scorpion would tell the lion's faults all the way, and it had to be corrected, so the contradiction between the lion and the scorpion appeared. These two are both strong personalities, and it is really not easy to get along without any disputes, unless both of them have to take off some tough tempers.

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