
The winter Olympics highlights | beautiful culture worth embracing

"Sport is the means of culture, and art should walk with sports." Following the trajectory of the Olympic Movement, "culture" has always been a key word in capital letters.

The winter Olympics highlights | beautiful culture worth embracing

The Beijing Winter Olympics Propaganda Group entered 100 colleges and universities and the release ceremony of the "Qingli Winter Olympics" activity was successfully held at Beijing University of Technology.

The charm of the Olympic Games lies not only in the fact that it highlights the passion of sports competition, but also in the power of its profound culture. Macro is like inspiring people and nourishing the soul with the Olympic spirit, like the public use of each sports and cultural facility, the vivid interpretation of different art festivals... Through the Olympic Games, the civilizations of ancient and modern, Eastern and Western, illuminate each other, brewing spiritual gifts to the world and future generations. During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, there were nearly 3,000 cultural and artistic exchange activities of various forms outside the sports arena. The profound and unique oriental charm, embracing the world's Chinese mind, gives people an "unparalleled" experience, and drives the Olympic spirit to take root in China.

The winter Olympics highlights | beautiful culture worth embracing

Dongcheng District Winter Olympic Cultural Square is located at the north gate of Ditan Park in Beijing. During the Winter Olympics, the plaza will carry out cultural and sports activities such as event broadcasting, cultural performances, ice and snow experiences, and exhibitions.

Today, 14 years later, with the opportunity of the Winter Olympics, The Chinese civilization and the world's diverse civilizations have once again met beautifully, and China has returned to the center of the world stage with a more open and confident attitude. Over the past six years, the Winter Olympic facilities of China's urban public cultural spaces have grown, ice and snow activities can be heard everywhere, cultural and creative products are dazzling, and the propaganda team, communicators and reporters are enthusiastic. The long-standing Chinese culture and the ice and snow festival of the "City of The Two Olympics" will not only benefit the people in this land, but also provide more new value elements for the Olympic spirit and Olympic culture. From a larger perspective, is not the process of giving a cultural feast to the world the practice of the Olympic spirit? The architectural complex is magnificent, the painting and sculpture images are vivid, the music and film are exciting, and the symbolic signs have distinct personalities... All kinds of cultural phenomena have made the people of the world more united and the diverse civilizations more aware of each other.

The winter Olympics highlights | beautiful culture worth embracing

Zhang Yan and Liu Hairong, the 12th generation inheritors of Wuhua Paper-cutting, created a huge paper-cut work "Beijing Winter Olympics, Together to the Future".

"Ah, sports, you are beautiful!" Coubertin sang "Ode to Sport" in this way. At this moment, we are in the midst of another grand celebration of world cultural exchange, so let's enjoy this "beauty" together.

For more information, please pay attention to the Winter Olympics.

Winter Olympics reporter Fang Fei Cheng Gong Pan Zhiwang Deng Wei photo courtesy of IC photo

Source Client The Winter Olympics | Reporter Tang Huazhen

Edited by Kang Dian

Process Editor Liu Weili

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