
"If only I could be with you all the time."

Love has not studied geography, distance is not a problem | Cheng Yi

Han Han said:

"When you are in love, you should experience a long-distance relationship, experience the joy and sorrow that cannot be shared, and laugh and cry without hugging."

Across the screen, across the phone, across the letter.

Until you almost go crazy, learn to resist temptation, learn to deal with personal time and take care of yourself.

Only in this way, in the next hug or even white head with old age, you will be grateful. ”

Long-distance relationships not only test each other's patience, but also test their own seriousness.

Talking about long-distance relationships is like gambling with all your love and hope for an uncertain future.

Many times, you don't even know, crossing the hill of distance, there is no lover waiting.

But even so, many people still choose to gamble.

You don't like long-distance relationships, but you like ta.

Because it is Ta, there is no fear of the sky and the sky is far away.

Last Saturday, we launched a topic collection at the Cool My Heart Pavilion to talk to you:

#你经历过印象最深的异地恋是怎样的 #

Backstage received a lot of messages, there is sweetness, there is sadness.

Now, I'll share these messages with you.

I hope that all those who go for love can get what they want.

Joys and sorrows cannot be shared

Smiling and crying can't be hugged

@ Sober

The girlfriend got angry and got worse and worse across the screen.


The quarrel blackmailed him, and he bought a train ticket from Nanchang, Jiangxi to Shanghai, and came to me that night.

He usually doesn't buy flowers, and he surprised me that night.


From the beginning, it was a long-distance relationship, and after four years of being in a long-distance relationship, she married to his city.

Now that I've been married for almost a year, it seems that at the moment, I haven't gambled or lost.

So I want to tell couples who are in a different place:

Being off-site is not a problem, and everything can be overcome when you meet the right person.

@Warm South

He chats online very coldly and is enthusiastic as soon as they meet.


In order to meet him, for the first time, he went out alone, going back and forth for more than four thousand kilometers, and got up at four o'clock in the morning to catch a plane.

@ Be an idler

Speaking heart-warming words across the screen, I don't know whether to say them to the other party or to myself.


15 hour train, go tonight, return tomorrow night, just to meet once.


When I needed him, I couldn't see or touch him.

When he couldn't stand it, I couldn't give him a hug.

@Pig Sister

Turning on his voice, he fell asleep listening to his familiar breathing sounds.


It was hard to meet, but because of the epidemic, he couldn't take off his mask when he came to my city.

When separating, you can only put a little water across the mask.

Loved by the mountains and seas

Mountains and seas can be leveled

@ Beautiful Piggy

After the separation, because I did not give up, I couldn't help but shed tears at the station.

@ dish

When you love, the mountains and seas you love are flat.

When you don't love, it's hard to go out.


He would always be sad after waking up from his lunch break, and when he talked to me, I wanted to hug him a lot.

But I was not by his side, and I felt helpless and powerless.


It is when you are sick and uncomfortable, or when you are helpless, you can only carry it yourself.


I drove 12 hours to meet him, and he ran to me with his coat and said, "Go, let's go home."


It was hard for him to finish his work and go back to my city.

As a result, I left again because of my work.

I left in the morning and he came back in the afternoon.


When the contradiction broke out, many problems could not be explained on the mobile phone.


The one who remembered me the most was that because I was angry, he took the train to find me all night and coaxed me downstairs at my house.


When we were together for a hundred days, he was supposed to take an online class at home, and he sat in the car for more than three hours, and he and my friend should meet me inside and outside.

He was allergic to pollen and brought me a bouquet of flowers.


Even if we can't see it, we are working hard.

Looking forward to every day, planning for our future.

Unreliable is not a long-distance relationship

It's people


Bought clothes and flowers to take the train to find him, the first time I took the train had no experience and was afraid of losing.

But with the courage of love, I set off anyway.

The moment I finally saw him, all the heartache was worth it.


The call was made for only a few seconds and then it was turned off the next second.


Talk to him across the screen about everything, long-distance relationships are really bitter.

Uncertain future, can not see often.

Especially in the event of the epidemic, he is very busy.

It felt like I was the only one running the relationship, and I was tired.


Arguments can only be used to comfort each other across the screen.

@Full of stars

From the beginning to now, I have never met, and there is no way to coax each other.


That year one of us was in Australia and one in China.

Obviously, there is only a two-hour time difference, but it is like a 20-hour time difference.

@ a glass of ice American

On the way to meet him, I was full of joy.

Seeing him come to pick me up at the station, I rushed over to give him a hug.

But he said he got up too early this morning and his head hurt a little.

At that moment, I felt that what was unreliable was not a long-distance relationship, but a person.


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