
Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

Every day's original poems and dreams, don't rub shoulders with me anymore

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

In this life, people do not live many days, but how many days they remember. Every day you remember will be an irreproducible day in your life.

If the vine of time climbs the story of time, that day must be a branch that turns a thousand times.


Text/Hlove Wang Yahui

Want to write a very long poem

Grow up enough to summarize the story of a lifetime


Hibiscus by the window shakes the leaves

The evening breeze gently brushes the cheeks

Finally just write

- "I am like the wind, all like the wind"

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

When I felt the clearest, I felt that I had become an empty corridor, and the wind blew through, and on the other side flowers and everything were produced.

/Gu Cheng's Philosophical Thoughts



Youth took those emerald hands again

Slowly smoothing out the yellow slowed me down

Autumn in the old days

Bottles and cans jingle broken I will toward

The sky floats and becomes a thousand clouds

The existence of nothingness

Forget the feeling of holding hands

Can't do how to hold tightly

Leave only in the cold

Maybe I'm going to be one

Repressive clouds

Maybe you look at me at dusk

The warmth in my eyes should be me again

The beginning of recovering the residual temperature

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

Because you want to be a flower, you will feel that spring has left you; if you are spring, there is no departure, there will always be flowers.

——Gu Cheng's "Gu Cheng's Philosophical Thoughts"

May you walk the world as a flower, see the complexities of the world without leaving a trace in your heart. Flowers bloom into scenery, flowers fall into poetry.

【Group poems】Text/People-oriented

"Towards Spring"

After a heavy snowfall

Another snowstorm was forecast

There was no appointment

The sky is in a hurry

It's sunny

The warmth of the sun

Spread the branches again

Dead branches are picturesque

The leaves are flower-like

The fruit of perseverance

Hang down the dream of anticipation

All the tranquil atmosphere

They are all sprouting in fascination

The branches are stretched

The life force of Penghu

In the sun

Bursts of fire again and again

Break free from the shackles of winter

Heading for spring

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

The years slipped away bit by bit, inadvertently, so fast that we were too late to stay at the next intersection. Nor can it predict the unknown lens of life.

Spring dreams are traceless because there are too many beautiful things, which always make people feel nothing. Floating like a wisp of light smoke, ethereal and difficult to catch. Opinions vary, and everyone expresses themselves differently. The poet puts it into the pen, the yake places his love on the landscape, and the man exiles himself on the stage. There are also many mediocre people who have transformed many small feelings into the bits and pieces of life. We want to escape some fateful arrangement, but we will meet them in a narrow way.

"The Snow Is Picturesque"

After a small year

The flavor of the year is getting stronger and stronger

and amiable fireworks

All carry the warmth of the world

Melting snow

From a subversive one

Wake up in the white

The snow is picturesque

Trekking in the footsteps

All the efforts

All have gone deep into the dirt

Extend into the distance

The purity of the snow

It is transforming into the goodness of spring water

Wake up a grass

Also wake up throughout the spring

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

It was a happy day, I was strolling through the garden, and I wanted nothing for the world. This is a gift from the poet to his own heart.

—Nobel Laureate in Literature Che. Milosz 'The Gift'

But for most people, life changes slowly. Today and yesterday seem no different; tomorrow may also be the same as today. Maybe there are only one or two brilliant moments in a person's life - or even a lifetime may be spent in the ordinary... However, if you think about it, everyone's life is also a world. Even the most ordinary man has to fight for the existence of his world. In this sense, in these ordinary worlds, there is not a single day that is calm.

——From "Ordinary World"

"Sending Cattle to Meet the Jade Tiger"

Text/ Han Xing


Sprinkled all over the road

Cinnamon is embellished with branches

The fragrance dances with the wind


New peach for old charm

Tong Shu showed a happy face

Overflowing with joy

Thousands of households

The cold wind could not stop it

The smell of the year is getting stronger and stronger

Fire tree honeysuckle

Send cattle to meet jade tigers

Good rain knows the season

The young swallow knows the way back

Peace of mind

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

Please take the ideal horse and whip from here. The spring color on the road is just right, and the sun is clear in the sky.

—— Liusha River "Ideal"

When you really want to do something, the whole universe unites to help you.

- "The Shepherd's Fantastic Journey"

【Group poems】Wen/Qiu Shuoxiang


Cage lights under the orange shadow tree

It's hard to forget about wine

A nebula story

The fertility is still the same, and the flow of the year is still the same

Cups are all apricot money

Fresh snow in the middle of winter

Wait for the shower

Mino Pegasus

Jungui tasted tea together

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

I love this kind of light, a few lights or even a glimmer of a lamp can not illuminate the darkness, but it will bring a little courage, a little warmth to some sleepless people in the cold night.

- Barkin,"The Lamp"


Perhaps, we carry our own fluorescence

The distance is getting farther and farther away

However, we have not dimmed

It's just a shadow of each other

Whenever there is a little – even if it is only a little

A little bit of sparkle

We will also meet again in the depths of memory

Accompany you every move, accompany you every smile

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

The tired birds return to the forest, the fish soar to the bottom, and the fallen leaves return to the roots, which are all the desire for home, and life is also pursuing a kind of destination.


With matter, that is survival; with spirit, that is life.

- Hugo


The night snow is silent

He also had a good time with me

Long dreams are hard to sleep

At first dawn, the sun stirred up the light

I put rouge on yu skin

There is a lonely face imprinted in the canopy

Four sari smoke

Rows of mirages were fortified

The snow shoots lightly touch the bud strings

It is played by the penglian under the Yao pearl

Find a deadwood with a pillow of snow and sit down

"Come on—" I shouted

Sound spreads in the empty valley

This dusty feast

This Flying Immortal of The Man

There is a very cute person in the world, this person is looking at this article, really envious of these words, thousands of mountains and rivers, see you on my behalf. Forward it with sugar to eat

Author | Original poetry | Hlove Wang Yahui / Haiyuan / People-oriented / Han Xing / Qiu Shuoxiang (in addition to poetry ◎ Quotation sentences Some sentences are derived from the signature and unnamed source of the invasion and deletion Thanks to the American masterpiece)

Figure | Zhang Xingxiao (original handwriting of a poem and an article) ( Thanksgiving Beauty Map )

This article is original, please do not copy without permission, plagiarism must be investigated ╭~ Thank you for reading, love you. Every time you click a thumbs up, one more flower blooms on my heart

Please ride on the ideal horse and whip from here

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