
When your child says I don't want to learn, please answer it this way (transfer it to the parents)

Always not wanting to learn is a common problem for many children. Almost every parent has a headache and has been fighting it for a long time. But every time you ask about the reasons why your child doesn't want to learn, it's always varied, so that parents don't know how to deal with it, and they don't know how to say it to make their children understand the importance of learning.

Today's article, in response to the children's various reasons for not wanting to learn, analyzes what the real hidden words behind the children's many reasons are, and tells parents how to communicate with the children. Teachers are recommended to refer it to parents.

When your child says I don't want to learn, please answer it this way (transfer it to the parents)


I've been working on it for a long time

The results just didn't improve!

Implicit word: give

Deep reason: My giving is meaningless, so why should I give?

Parents should respond:

When we are hungry, we take a bite, which will only make us feel less hungry, but not yet full, so we continue to eat, bite after bite, and slowly feel full!

Learn to eat like eating, eat a mouthful of rice, eat in one breath can not become a fat person! Knowledge should be learned little by little, don't be in a hurry to eat, you will choke in a hurry, and you will be full when you eat to a certain extent. Don't be in a hurry to learn, and the grades will naturally improve when you learn a certain level.


I was really scared

After the effort there was no result!

Implied word: Failure

Deep reason: Fear of failure, everyone is afraid of failure!

Each of us wants to succeed, just like doing multiple choice questions, we all want to pick the right answer. In order to choose the correct answer, in addition to directly calculating the correct answer, we can also eliminate the wrong answer, and there is not only one way to achieve the goal.

In fact, every failure helps us to eliminate the wrong answer, the wrong answer is eliminated, will success be far away?


I can't hold on any longer,

Can I give up?

Implicit word: persistence

Deep reason: I don't see the point of persistence. I have no sense of accomplishment. A sense of accomplishment is an important factor influencing motivation to learn.

We have been working hard for a long time, we have not seen the results, and we are very sad in our hearts, and we will think of giving up, but is there really no result?

Quantitative change causes qualitative change, so our efforts are not without results, but in the process of accumulating quantity, we may not necessarily be able to see the result, when the qualitative change we can see the result, so we must believe that every time we pay are accumulating quantity, and then insist on it, we will see the qualitative change.


I really don't dare

Go ask the teacher questions

Implicit word: active

Deep reason: Will the teacher think I'm stupid? What should I do if the teacher still doesn't understand it?

The teacher faces many students every day, and the teacher has no way to ask each student about his learning, but in fact, he wants to know how he teaches, so when you ask the teacher, someone will be happy to feedback him.

You take the initiative to learn that he will also be very happy, you take the initiative to be close to him more happy, give the teacher a chance to remember you, but also give yourself a chance to figure out the problem, while knowing your teacher better.


Neither one wants to give up,

How do I choose?

Implicit word: Select

Deep reason: I want to escape choice. I want it all.

In learning and life we always have to make a choice, many times which do not want to give up, willing, willing, willing to get, two words together, there is no "give" where to "get"?

Just like when a child faces difficulties, parents can only get his growth if they give up their worries about him and do not interfere with him, and learn to give up in order to get more!


He's just not right.

Why do you still make me understand him?

Implicit word: accusation

Deep reason: I was right, he was wrong. It should not be up to me to give in.

When you are very angry and want to blame others, stretch out your hand, you will find: when one finger is pointing at others, there are four pointing to yourself, there is a dispute, it is a matter of two people, it will not be absolutely the responsibility of one person, and to understand others is also to understand ourselves.


I'll be all there.

Don't want to learn more!

Implicit word: pride

The bottom line: I'm happy with my grades. Others are happy with me too, so I don't need to learn!

Everyone is a cup, too full, will only overflow, can not put in new things, only pour clean, to ensure the empty cup mentality, we can put more, keep open mind, we can learn more.


I didn't mean to

I'm just angry!

Implicit word: bad temper

Deep Reason: Shouldn't I Be Angry? I'm angry you should understand me.

Let's do a small experiment, we knead a piece of white paper into a ball, and then flatten the white paper, we will find that the white paper can no longer become flat, no matter how hard you try to pave, the fine lines on the paper are still there, every time you have lost your temper, hurtful words, are kneading the paper ball, maybe afterwards you regret it, make up for it, try to pave, flatten the paper, the paper seems to be flattened a little, but the fine lines and folds are still there, so when your emotions are very excited, tell yourself to wait a little longer, there will be a better solution , don't do something you regret.

- End -

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