
Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it

Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it

Text/Blue Dream

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In the TV series "The Temptation to Go Home", Hong Shixian was still dissatisfied after marrying lin pinru, who was virtuous and sensible, so at the instigation of the third party Ellie, Hong Shixian disliked Lin Pinru in every way, and finally he gave up the pure and virtuous pinru and married the vicious Ellie.

It is conceivable that after remarriage, how can Hong Shixian have a good life, Ellie finally revealed her true face after marriage, so Hong Shixian finally regretted that she did not cherish Pinru well.

Some people say that after a man divorces, nine out of ten will regret it. Because, these men often do not know how to cherish the present, there is dissatisfaction in the marriage, will only push the responsibility to others, never find a reason in themselves. But really aside from the people in front of you, after a comparison, you will find the beauty of the past, but it is too late.

A neighbor's eldest brother originally lived a beautiful and harmonious life with his wife, but he could not withstand the temptation of the outside, and finally the harmonious family fell apart.

Later, he divorced and married the current woman, but he had always been ten fingers without touching the spring water, and now he had to cook every day, he had no previous social interaction, and even his friends rarely interacted, because the current woman was very hot, and he could only obediently be surrendered.

Someone joked with him that he had no regrets about the divorce, but he saw his tears swirling in his eyes, and he really couldn't say it bitterly. Women are not only not very good to him, but also indifferent to his family, and he is often distressed by the contradictions between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Looking back on his former life, he can be said to be miserable and remorseful now.

There is a saying that goes: "This mountain looks at the mountain high, and when you reach the mountain, there is no firewood." "Why isn't marriage like this?"

One of the most common mistakes people make is that they don't know how to cherish the people in front of them, and they always take themselves too seriously.

Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it


Haruki Murakami once said, "Self-righteousness is the most terrible thing." ”

The host Cui Yongyuan once talked about his previous experience in a show, and in the early years, he had just temporarily emerged, and he could not help but be a little frivolous, so he regarded himself as the protagonist of the stage. Therefore, every time he came to the stage to host the festival, he had to dress up carefully and prepare a lot of amazing sentences.

However, after several times of hosting, he found that in fact, the audience did not like him as the host, but the invited guests. So he suddenly realized that he was too self-righteous and ashamed.

He said that later he understood what self-knowledge was, so he willingly positioned himself as a "supporting role" on the stage.

I have to say that being too self-righteous is really a terrible thing. Therefore, people should always be sober and not take themselves too seriously.

In feelings, the same is true.

Marriage in the end is a plain as water day, but some people always can't stand the rhetoric of the outside world, and they don't know that those moving words are more mixed with compliments and cajolings to you.

People are most likely to forget who they are under the attack of sugar-coated shells, so it is easy to forget their roots.

There is a saying that is good, do not forget the original intention to be consistent.

The most valuable thing about marriage is that two people can share happiness and hardship, any difficulty in marriage is a test for two people, and the temptation of the outside world is a test, in the face of this situation, people should keep their original intentions and not forget the vows before marriage. In this way, after all kinds of difficulties, the marriage can be repaired completely.

Therefore, if you want to have a good marriage, you must first warn yourself that people should not be too self-righteous at any time, and never overestimate themselves.

Only by keeping one's heart is worthy of a full marriage.

Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it


Tagore once said, "If you can't resist the temptation in front of you, you will lose your future happiness." ”

Sometimes, the temptation in front of you can confuse the mind, and people often make wrong choices in this situation, but one wrong step will be wrong step by step, and when they finally wake up, it is too late.

Knowing a friend, originally the two of them with children in a small city to live quite peacefully, but men always feel that they should change the environment to achieve a bigger career.

Later, he begged the woman to give him two years, he was going to the big city to develop, and promised the woman that in two years he would definitely take her and the child over.

But the man is not as lucky as originally expected, he is not ladylike, the investment fails, the woman learned and repeatedly advised him to go home and stop doing those uncertain things, but the man is still bent on going his own way.

Later, the man met another woman, she said a lot of things that men like to listen to, and men also found a long-lost sense of confidence and satisfaction in her, and the man felt that this woman was the right person for him, unlike his wife, who always said something that discouraged him.

Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it

The man increasingly felt that his wife had no knowledge and was only willing to nest in a small place, and he laughed at her for not growing up in her life, thinking that she was no longer suitable for him.

On the other hand, the woman he had just met generously lent him a sum of money to encourage him to achieve his dreams. The man also took the opportunity to divorce his wife and start a new life with the woman.

But after just three years, the man is in debt, and the woman who once generously broke the siege no longer has compassion for him, but urges him to pay back the money quickly, and it is a profit. Later, the man could only collect money to pay back the woman's money, and the two people have since parted ways.

Look at her ex-wife, she works steadily, although it is not easy for a person to make money, but she raises her children very well, and the mother and son are dependent on each other but also live happily.

Men have plans to remarry, but he can't even pass the child level. The family of three, which should be happy, was ruined by their own greed.

Yu Qiuyu said: "Temptation is a bottomless cliff valley, chasing down and crushing bones." ”

Temptation is a well, and when you look out at the bottom of the well, the danger is not far away. Sooner or later, those who cannot resist temptation will have to pay for their desires.

Three years after the remarried man's marriage, he realized that the second wife was far less than the original match, and it was too late to regret it


Ji Xianlin once said: "A person who falls in love or even gets married takes the road of 'the right way in the world'. ”

Some people may ask, why do some people have happy marriages, while others walk and disperse? Probably, those happy marriages may not necessarily have much love for each other, not necessarily how happy they are, but they must be two people who know how to manage marriage, they can cherish the people in front of them, and they can also soberly understand themselves, and they never have too many luxuries in marriage.

Some people compare marriage to a university, and only those who are willing to work hard here, those who can withstand the test of temptation, can eventually graduate successfully.

I remembered a sentence that Ma Yili once said: "It is easy to fall in love, but it is not easy to get married, and it is good and cherished." ”


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