
Euler good cat "steals the core"

Euler good cat "steals the core"

Text/Leju Finance Jin Wenyu

"Euler is not more understanding of women, is more understanding of how to fool women", "Euler's good cat is actually a bad cat, using An Intel quad-core chip, pretending to be a Qualcomm octa-core chip!" Cats that don't have Qualcomm's eight-core are not good cats!"

After the outbreak of the "chip door" incident of Euler good cat, Euler good cat was complained about by the owner of the car, and even Wei Jianjun was pulled out. A great wall Euler good cat GT owner who claimed to be the "largest Euler water army in the whole network" published an open letter to Wei Jianjun, suggesting that the existing publicity team be disbanded in situ and not "self-destruct the Great Wall".

Since the outbreak of the incident in November 2021, the "chip gate" incident has lasted for more than two months. With the fermentation of the incident, more and more car owners have spoken out to defend their rights, and even CCTV news has reported it. Under multiple pressures, Euler can only come up with a more sincere solution.

Recently, the "Euler ORA" APP released a new version of the upgrade, the upgrade instructions clearly stated, the new good cat first owner charging rights application function. After upgrading the mobile phone APP, the owner of the good cat can receive the compensation rights promised by Euler Automobile as long as he agrees to the compensation plan proposed by Euler Automobile. For the car before December 31, 2021 and the owner of the designated Euler good cat, you can enjoy the rights and interests package worth 7200 yuan, additionally enjoy the lifetime warranty of the whole vehicle, and the first owner has a charging rights of 10000 yuan.

According to the withdrawal process of the Euler Auto APP, the owner needs to provide the owner's ID card, driving license, vehicle photo and bank card, and the content of the claim includes an extension of two years of entertainment traffic, the previous limited-time product warranty, the upgrade to the "first owner's vehicle lifetime warranty", and 10,000 yuan of charging rights, which can be discounted to the owner's bank card.

Some of the upgraded owners feedback that they have received the "chip compensation" of 10,000 yuan given by Euler, which means that the previously noisy Euler good cat car chip incident may come to an end. It is reported that in 2021 alone, Euler Good Cat sold 50,931 new cars, and the amount of compensation paid by Euler may be estimated to be as high as 500 million yuan.

"Chip Gate" event

Euler Good Cat is a sub-brand of Great Wall Motors. At the beginning of November, after picking up the car, the owner of the Euler good cat found that his purchased model did not support functions such as carplay associated with mobile phone entertainment, so he found a complaint from the manufacturer and asked for this function. However, Euler Good Cat refused the request to open the function, so the owners decided to do it themselves and use the engineering mode to enter the car machine system to lift the functional restrictions.

In the process of doing it himself, the owner accidentally found that the chip information displayed in the system information was inconsistent with the chip model claimed by Euler Auto' official Euler. In the official promotional materials of Euler Automobile, it is claimed that the good cat uses a Qualcomm 8-core CPU chip, but in fact, the owner's test found that the host CPU uses the old Intel 4-core A3940 chip released 5 years ago, which has backward performance and poor compatibility, which is completely inconsistent with the official propaganda.

It is understood that the two chips are very different. According to the comparison of the two chips released by the "Electronic Engineering Album", the official price of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 is 80-100 US dollars, while the Intel Atom X5 E3940 chip is only 34 US dollars. In addition, there are large differences between the two chips in terms of the number of CPU cores, manufacturing processes and GPU computing power.

After being exposed, a number of consumers launched complaints and even appeals, and some car owners issued a joint statement to appeal. The Euler brand has issued two statements in response and revised the compensation plan many times. But the tug-of-war continues, and the aftermath continues.

On November 22, 2021, Euler officially issued its first official statement acknowledging that the entertainment system host CPU uses Intel chips, while the communication module uses Qualcomm chips in an attempt to confuse the public and fool the pass. Later, it was proposed to compensate with a 7200 yuan ruhu tian wing rights package, including Carplay and HiCar functions, an extension of two years of free entertainment traffic package and the first owner of the three electric lifetime warranty service.

Subsequently, on December 6, 2021, CCTV Finance also made an investigation into Euler's replacement of chips, saying that "the brand side stole chips, played word games or was suspected of consumer fraud." ”

3 days later, Euler issued a statement again, no longer mentioning the "chip" dispute, while changing the compensation content, on the basis of the tiger's wing rights package, the first owner's lifelong warranty of sandian was upgraded to a lifetime warranty of the whole vehicle, and the first owner enjoyed 10,000 yuan of charging rights. During this period, Euler's official website has deleted promotional content about Qualcomm chips.

There were 1361 complaints in a single month

Judging from the main reasons for buying a good cat, most female car owners do value the appearance of a good cat. On social platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Weibo, many people have shared that they started because of the good cat's appearance, but many people have also "suffered losses" because of this. Some car owners posted a video on the Little Red Book complaining, "Full of joy to take the 'cat' home, two months later because of various failures are upset, and now I regret it very much." ”

According to Leju Finance, after the "chip problem" was suspected of false publicity, the Bluetooth configuration of Euler Good Cat was also questioned that the publicity was inconsistent with the physical object. In the promotion of Euler's official website, euler good cat's car Bluetooth is 5.0, but some car owners found that it is actually configured as Bluetooth 4.2.

Public information shows that Bluetooth 5.0 and Bluetooth 4.2 are different in transmission rate, transmission distance, power consumption and compatibility in four aspects, of which the transmission rate is taken as an example, Bluetooth 5.0 compared to Bluetooth 4.2 version, can bring twice the data transmission speed, in terms of data transmission capacity improvement is up to 800%.

Judging from the data of the vehicle quality network, among the top 10 models with model complaints in December, independent models accounted for the vast majority, covering the top 5 of the model complaint list. Among them, Euler Good Cat continued to win the first place in the model complaint list of the month in December 2021 after winning the first place in the model complaint list of the month in November.

In December 2021, Due to problems such as "inconsistency with publicity", on-board interconnection failures and inaccurate mileage, the number of user complaints reached 1361, ranking first in the model complaint list of the month. Not only that, euler good cat GT also ranked 6th in the model complaint list of the month because of "not in line with the publicity", audio and video system failure, motor failure, instrument cluster cracking and other issues.

Ice and fire

In the eyes of many people, Great Wall Motors is a "male" label of the car company, once relying on SUV models in the fuel vehicle market to gain a place, its Haval, WEY, tanks and other brands, are "tough guy" image.

Until 2018, Great Wall Motors established the new energy vehicle Euler brand, and circled the female market, labeling itself as "the world's car brand that loves women more", and only then did it change the previous "tough guy" image.

Different from the traditional male-based fuel vehicle marketing strategy, Euler uses the "appearance is justice" method to let "female drivers" place orders. In social networks, Euler's marketing is tied to "her power" and "her economy." Great Wall Motors said that more than 70% of the models sold by the Euler brand are female customers.

The Euler Good Cat series launched in 2020 has led the entire brand to taste the "female dividend" with a Porsche-like design, as well as a naming style and marketing method aimed at female users.

According to the data, Euler's cumulative sales throughout the year 135028 vehicles, an increase of 140% year-on-year; while Euler Good Cat achieved cumulative sales of 50,931 vehicles in 2021, winning the A0-level BEV market annual sales crown; at the same time, the monthly sales of Euler Good Cat also increased from July last year to December to achieve a single monthly sales of more than 10,000 units.

On the one hand, it has been plagued by complaints due to the "chip gate" incident, and on the other hand, it has won the monthly and annual sales crown in the A0-level pure electricity market. Euler's good cat can be described as experiencing the "double heaven of ice and fire".

At present, the sales of Euler's good cats have not been greatly affected by a series of negative events, but this is partly due to factors such as chip shortages, and good cats often need to wait a long time. The impact of the "core changing door" incident that occurred in November on sales may not have been highlighted in December.

Although in the short term, the sales of Euler's good cats are still rising, in the long run, if Euler does not face up to this crisis of trust, it is difficult to judge whether subsequent sales will be affected.

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