
The meteor | the circle of friends has been indelible in our hearts

The meteor | the circle of friends has been indelible in our hearts

Moving the quilt stove to the yard, turning on the warm air, turning off all the lights, we decided to put aside all the chores and go on a spiritual wandering under the stars.

That night, we snuggled comfortably on the tatami, and the mobile phone looped softly playing "Star Qing", "Meteor Shower", "Moon River", "Vincent"... The sky full of stars gradually filled the field of vision, taking us to take off, rotate, drift away... The wind shook the shadows of the trees, whispered shallow smiles floating around, and from time to time a golden meteor crossed, causing a wave of admiration. ......

We just lay in front of the stars for more than two hours, talked a lot about the future, reminisced a lot of the past, and laughed for a long time because of a few jokes that I can't remember... I don't know if I will think back many years later that it was just a dream of mine. But fortunately, even if it is a dream, the shooting star, it cannot be erased in our hearts.


Editor/Han Shirong

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