
Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

It is said that it is good to drink milk, and it is necessary to drink more.

But when is the best time to drink milk?

Is it before, after, or before bed? Or before drinking?

I really have to talk about it.

Myth: When the body is relatively short of energy on an empty stomach, the protein in the milk will provide energy, and it will not form and repair tissues (such as repairing the skin), which is too wasteful.

Truth: Except for lactose intolerants, you can drink milk on an empty stomach.

In addition to protein, milk also contains fats and carbohydrates, both of which can also provide energy. In a state that is not very hungry, protein is not necessarily used to supply energy, and there is no problem of wasting protein.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the person who drinks milk is too hungry, mobilize the protein to supply energy, do not feel sorry, because the more important purpose of drinking milk is to supplement calcium, and the little protein wasted can also be made up for eating more meat, eggs and beans in the next meal.

Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

However, people with lactose intolerance are best not to drink milk on an empty stomach, because they lack lactase in the body, and drink milk on an empty stomach, milk runs to the small intestine, the limited lactose in the small intestine is too late to digest them, and lactose entering the large intestine is easy to cause bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.

Myth: Tryptophan contained in milk can be converted in the body into melatonin to help with falling asleep.

Truth: Don't expect much.

Whether such a small amount of tryptophan contained in milk can help sleep is still inconclusive [1].

Sleep is a complex process that can be affected psychologically, environmentally, physiologically, and more. When it comes to diet, we can't just look at one kind of food, but we must look at what we eat and how much we eat over the years.

Therefore, instead of eating a food to help sleep, it makes more sense to maintain a healthy diet [2].

For most people, put down the phone before going to bed, more sleep, haha!

Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

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Myth: Drink milk before meals and eat less at meals.

Truth: Recommended to try.

Drinking milk before meals can pad the stomach, bring a certain feeling of fullness, and it is not easy to eat too much because you are too hungry when eating.

Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

In addition, studies have shown that drinking milk before meals can delay the rise of blood sugar after meals [3-4], blood sugar rises slowly, it will not fall fast, it is not easy to be hungry fast, and it will not be too hungry to eat before the next meal.

In short, this will make the next meal eat less.

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents recommend that ordinary adults drink 300 grams of milk (more than one pack) a day, and friends who want to lose weight can drink a cup of milk before breakfast or lunch.

Myth: Milk contains iodine, zinc, and phospholipids, which are all nutrients needed by the brain, so they can improve work efficiency.

Truth: If you're hungry, drink milk tubes for a little use.

First, milk is not a major food source of iodine, zinc, or phospholipids.

In addition, the protein and fat contained in milk are more laborious to provide energy to the brain, and the lactose contained in it can be decomposed into glucose and timely energy supply to the brain, but the lactose content of milk is also limited.

Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

Therefore, drinking milk when hungry has limited effect on improving work efficiency, and can only be said to be used a little.

If you are too hungry to concentrate on work, it is better to eat a slice of bread or drink a cup of cereal paste, because their rich starch can quickly break down into glucose, providing a more adequate energy supply to the brain.

Rumor: Drinking milk before drinking alcohol or eating hot pot can reduce the damage of alcohol and chili peppers to the stomach.

Truth: Not drinking alcohol is more nourishing to the stomach, and the pepper itself does not hurt the stomach.

About 10% to 20% of alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the gastric mucosa[5] and can also damage the gastric mucosa[6]; milk does indeed wrap some of the alcohol and reduce damage to the gastric mucosa.

However, the milk texture is too thin, the stomach emptying time is short, the dilution effect on alcohol is limited, and the protective effect is more limited when drinking high alcohol.

Therefore, if you want not to hurt your stomach, it is best not to drink alcohol. If you have to drink, it is recommended to drink some thick yogurt, or eat some rice, noodles, and miscellaneous beans, the starch of which can also wrap part of the alcohol and delay the absorption of alcohol.

Can drinking milk before drinking alcohol nourish the stomach? 5 truths about drinking milk

As for "eating spicy stomach", mainly because after eating spicy, the stomach will have a burning pain, but this burning pain will not hurt the gastric mucosa, it is only capsaicin and receptors on the gastric mucosa combined, resulting in "heat" and "pain" signals transmitted to the brain, a kind of feedback made by the brain.

On the contrary, there are also studies that show that the appropriate amount of capsaicin can speed up gastric peristalsis and blood circulation, promote gastric mucus secretion, and have a certain protective effect on the stomach.

Therefore, the spicy in the hot pot will not hurt the stomach, and there is no need to eat anything else to nourish the stomach, but eat more spicy hot pot, easy to consume too many calories, let people gain weight.


In addition to lactose intolerant friends can not drink milk on an empty stomach, others can drink milk at any time, do not expect to drink milk at a specific time has any magical effect.

Life is already so hard, there is no need to get stuck with milk.

Special Author: Gu Chuanling | Registered Dietitian


[1] National Sleep Foundation

[2] National Sleep Foundation

[3] Sun L, Tan KW, Han CM, et al. Impact of preloading either dairy or soy milk on postprandial glycemia, insulinemia and gastric emptying in healthy adults. European Journal of Nutrition. 2015 Oct 6.

[4] Onvani S, Haghighatdoost F, Surkan PJ, et al. Dairy products, satiety and food intake: A meta-analysis of clinical trials. Clinical Nutrition, 2017, 36(2): 389-398

Zou Zhengsheng. Absorption, Metabolism of Alcohol and Its Relationship with Medication[J]. Hepatologist, 2018, 000(005):7-9.

Chen Xu, Wang Jianguo. Metabolism of ethanol in vivo and damage to the body[J]. Science & Technology Information, 2008, 000(035):469.

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