
Guangzhou fetal protection experts | when will the immune infertility test be done?

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Zeng of Liu Xiangyuan's fetal protection team. Many infertile couples want to have an immune infertility test, but they don't know when to do it. Here's a look at immune infertility testing.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts | when will the immune infertility test be done?

When to check for immune infertility

When is immune infertility tested?

If you want to do an immune infertility test, you usually have a detailed examination before pregnancy, and both husband and wife need to be examined, and you can go to the hospital at any time to draw blood for testing. On the day of the examination, it is best to go on an empty stomach, you can go to the reproductive department, if there is no reproductive department, you can go to the obstetrics and gynecology department for examination.

Immune infertility may be caused by the autoimmune system or alloimmune immunity of reproductive antigens, and the incidence of immune infertility is high. Patients often have symptoms of bloating and dysmenorrhea, and may also have symptoms such as irregular menstrual resistance and easy illness, which long affect women's pregnancy and fertility problems.

Through the immune infertility test, it is possible to determine the immune factors that affect a woman's fertility. If the test results are positive for blocking antibodies, positive for anti-endometrial antibodies, positive for anti-ovarian antibodies, etc., it is necessary to pay attention to these factors, because these factors will affect the normal pregnancy of women. If immune infertility is diagnosed, it is necessary to listen to the doctor's advice according to the situation and actively receive treatment.

Patients with immunoinfertility can be conditioned by immunosuppression and by hormonal drugs. Only by normalizing immune infertility can a normal pregnancy be achieved.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts | when will the immune infertility test be done?

What should be done in the preconception test?

The items that must be checked before pregnancy examination generally include the following tests:

First, gynecological B, ultrasound through gynecological B ultrasound can check whether the shape and size of the fallopian tubes and the ovary as well as the uterus are normal;

Second, blood test thyroid function, thyroid function has a very important role in pregnancy, gestational sac development;

Third, blood tests for sex hormones in six items to determine endometrial function and ovarian function to exclude gynecological endocrine diseases that may affect pregnancy;

Fourth, the level of folic acid metabolism, through the level of folic acid metabolism, can determine the dose of oral folic acid during pregnancy.

Screening for blood glucose and blood pressure should be performed if the pregnant woman has other conditions, such as high preconception blood glucose or high blood pressure.

Passing the pre-pregnancy examination is to ensure that the couple is pregnant normally and the fetus can develop healthily after pregnancy, which is the basic condition for giving birth to a healthy and intelligent baby.

Guangzhou fetal protection experts | when will the immune infertility test be done?

Summary: Immune infertility tests can be done at any time before pregnancy to the hospital for blood tests. In order to be able to conceive the baby smoothly, couples must do a good job of preconception examination, if problems are found, they should find a doctor for treatment in time, so as not to affect future pregnancies.

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