
The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released

As we all know, The Careyd and V series are both very iconic flagship products of Cadillac, and recently, Cadillac officially merged them into one and released the official picture of the new Carlyde V. In addition to being a new model in the V-series product line, it is also the first SUV model in the V-series, and it is reported that more information about the new car will be announced this spring.

The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released
The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released

As can be seen from the picture, the new car uses a large area of blackened grille in appearance, while the headlights, rearview mirrors, rims, door handles and trims and other details are all blackened, and the overall look is very sporty. At the same time, the main driving door position is also equipped with a V series badge, with red brake calipers, further enhance the car's sporty feel.

The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released
The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released

In terms of the tail, the car also adopts a blackening treatment on the taillights, and the exhaust gas has changed from the original bilateral single out to the bilateral double out layout, as for the original through-type chrome trim, it is naturally blackened. In terms of interior, the official only released the details of the steering wheel this time, the picture can be seen that the steering wheel will be printed with the V series logo, as for other aspects are expected to be consistent with the ordinary version, mainly in the details of the adjustment.

The brand's first high-performance SUV, Cadillac Careyd V official picture released

In addition, regarding the power part, the official also did not disclose to the public, but with reference to the power of CT5-V Blackwing, it is equipped with a 6.2-liter V8 engine, the maximum power is 498kW, and the maximum torque is 893N·m, considering that the new car is an SUV, it is expected to be equipped with a four-wheel drive system.

The editor said: According to Cadillac's previous planning, it will introduce the V series models to domestic sales, and suVs have a very large user base in the domestic market, so will the official take the new car as the first model? Looking at the domestic market, such a full-size high-performance SUV is really not much, but like X5 M, Cayenne Turobo/Turbo GT, RS Q8, etc. these will still compete with it, and then it depends on when the new car will be introduced and its price, while the larger body size is an advantage or a disadvantage on it.

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