
Song Juxin: A strong mother

Text/Song Juxin

Song Juxin: A strong mother

My mother is almost eighty years old this year, and the hard life and heavy physical labor of the past have destroyed her limbs and crushed her body, and she could not carry the beam as hard as she did when she was young more than a decade ago. But the mother could not stay idle, helping her children and grandchildren to cook, sew clothes, and take care of the family and children. She used to say, "While I can still move, I will leave the last light and heat to my children and grandchildren." My mother's strong, optimistic, kind, kind, kind, honest and other characters deeply affected me, infected me, taught me to be a good person, do more good, be optimistic and strong, and take every step of life in a down-to-earth manner.

The mother is strong and optimistic. She lost her mother (my grandmother) at an early age, and her grandfather soon restructured the family. My mother grew up with her uncle, who was a few years younger than her, and ate and drank tightly with her uncle, and when my uncle was bullied, my mother always bravely stood up to protect her brother. My mother raised my uncle and made a family for him, so she married into my family. At that time, my family was a mess, and there were two dilapidated low-walled thatched huts at the head of the village, and the four walls of the house could not play a role in shielding the wind and rain. At that time, when my mother first saw this miserable scene, she was not discouraged, let alone sighed, and she said with a little bit of the passion that was popular among young people at that time: "Don't be afraid, as long as it is home, as long as it is united and recognized, it will be as good as possible." "My mother, who was accustomed to a hard life, was very content, and at that time she thought: If there is a family and someone living, there is a head! My father was teaching in a middle school fifty or sixty miles away, and at that time, transportation was not convenient, so he rarely went home, and everything outside the family fell on my mother. Her mother was a well-known "Iron Maiden" in the production team, and she was a good hand at work, and in the summer, the members of the society went home to eat, and she had to endure the sun's scorching and mosquito bites before returning home to eat (the grass dried and sold for money). She was willing to do the work that others were dirty, tired, tired, and unwilling to do, in order to earn more work and save more money. During the day, I had to spin and weave, do needlework, and stay up late into the night... Her mother was diligent and thrifty, hard-working, and less than three years after entering the door, she and her father built three earthen wall tile houses based on five elements of green bricks, built two west houses that were also tile houses as kitchens, and pulled up the boxy courtyard wall, which was a decent home. This was beyond the reach of many people in the 1960s and 1970s, when there was little food and clothing.

Mother is kind and kind. I remember that when I was a child, the village implemented the production responsibility system, divided the fields and livestock and farm tools to the households, my family grabbed and received a large calf and plough harrows, stone rakes and other agricultural tools, my father had a salary, in the village is considered a "rich man", in a few years he will be fully equipped with ground drainage, diesel engines, threshing machines, sprayers and other agricultural tools, as well as bicycles, sewing machines and other household goods. As long as the villagers open their mouths to borrow, the mother is very happy to lend to others, and teach them how to use and precautions. Sometimes my family is using it, as soon as there is a loan, the mother left her own work, still lend it to others to use first, and then use it after using it. Some people don't care about it, and the mother repairs it without saying a word. Some people don't know how to return it after using it, or lend it to others, and the mother is never angry, always happy. Sometimes I can't see it, and I gamble and say, "Don't lend it to that house next time!" My mother became serious and educated me: "Who doesn't have a family with three difficulties and four difficulties, people must do that for a reason, be kind and generous, in order to deal with the neighborhood relationship." The old man in the village, Yun Qiu, and no one "squeezed the calves", as soon as they arrived at the farm, they borrowed my family's big calves, and his mother knew that his family did not have the conditions to feed the cattle, so she took the cattle home to feed them and then gave them to the old man Yun Qiu for use. Which farm work can not be done, the mother always leans up and reaches out to help. When there are red and white things in the village, the owner's family always has the busy figure of the mother running before and after running. There are beggars who come to the door, and the mother always has to send a bowl of hot rice and a hot bun, even if there is not enough food at home, she said: "We are not bad at eating that bowl, and there will be good rewards for doing good deeds and accumulating virtue." One of the words that my mother often hangs on her lips is "it is not easy." She is so kind-hearted, enthusiastic about helping others, teaching our sisters and brothers to be loving and helpful people.

Song Juxin: A strong mother

Mother is just right. The mother is so optimistic and strong in life, so enthusiastic and generous to others, but never merciless to the unfairness of the world, even in the face of power, never bowed her head. Thirty years after the story of the mother catching the thief, it is still talked about by the villagers. It was a summer day in the 1980s, my mother went to the market town to catch a market, and she was in a crowded market when she suddenly found a "yellow curly hair" young man using a "two-finger bullet" to clip the wallet in the pocket of an old farmer from behind his pants! Although the mother said that it was nearly the year of destiny at that time, but after a long period of field work, she had cultivated a good body, but she was still extraordinary, her eyes were fast, and she stepped forward and grabbed the hand of the thief and dragged him to the police of the patrolling police station... After that, my mother saw the righteous courage and publicized the deeds in the township for several days. The mother stepped forward in front of the righteousness and dared to say "no" when her family's fundamental interests were violated. In addition to the aforementioned homestead where my mother built the house, my family also has an idle homestead that was distributed to another family by the production team in the late 1970s. We have three brothers, and according to the rules of the team, we can also get a homestead. That night, my father rushed home from the production team meeting and told his mother: "The branch secretary said to give us the foundation of the house occupied by other families!" When the mother heard this, she was furious: "People build houses to live in, and only in the year of the monkey can they move away?" If people don't move, we can't shake people's homes! As soon as my father heard what my mother said, the excitement flew to the outside of the cloud nine clouds, and the person was like a frosted eggplant. The mother pulled out her legs and rushed to the Zhishu family, the Zhishu family had already fallen asleep, heard the mother's "bang bang" eager knock on the door, and shouted through the window: "Is there something to say tomorrow?" The mother said emphatically, "No, I have to make it clear today!" The branch secretary had to get up and call a meeting of the village cadres, and finalized the re-allocation of a homestead for my family. Now more than thirty years have passed, the family has not moved, living steadily, if it were not for the mother's reasoning, her sons would not even have a foothold when they got married and started a family. Thinking of this, I admire my mother's foresight, boldness, and daring to act from the bottom of my heart.

Time flies, years change. My parents raised a few of our sisters and brothers to adulthood, but they are old, their fathers have long been ancient, and their mothers have reached the twilight of their twilight years. Several of our sisters and brothers successively went to school, joined the army, worked, and went to all directions of the motherland to settle down in provincial cities, urban areas or county towns, respectively, and our mother did not want to follow us, staying in the countryside, staying alone in the old garden, and tasting life. Fortunately, the county town where I live is not far from my hometown, so I take time to return to the countryside to take care of the elderly.

Today, I am more than half a hundred years old, and I still stick to the frontline of the township grassroots, doing amateur public welfare volunteer service, or immersed in the sea of books and ink to read and write. My mother's strong and optimistic character, loyal and kind words and deeds, and unyielding will have taken deep root in my blood and melted into heartfelt love, changed my thinking, spurred my work, enriched my life, and enriched my life. I am convinced that my mother's spirit, qualities and pattern will lead me to climb to the top and win the crown of life in my heart.

Song Juxin: A strong mother
Song Juxin: A strong mother

[About the author] Song Juxin, a member of the Communist Party of China, works at the grassroots level in townships and townships. He is a member of the China Essay Literature Association, a member of the Shandong Provincial Essay Literature Association, a member of the Heze Writers Association, an editor of the Zhongxiangmei Prose Column of China Countryside Magazine, a contracted writer of Tomato Novel Network, and a public welfare volunteer. He loves literature and works in his spare time, and has published works under pen names such as Zhinan, Snow Island Peach Blossom Fly, Tianshan Yue, and Qin Shi Mingyue. Since publishing literary works in 2008, he has published and published more than 600,000 words so far, created and published 7 literary works with regular ishtags published by the State Publishing House; at the same time, essays, poems, novels, essays, scripts and other works have been published in central, provincial and municipal newspapers and periodicals and online platforms. A series of works have been selected, collected and published a number of anthologies, poetry collections and books such as "Jiaodong Prose Annual Selection", "Jiaodong Writers Family Affection Prose Selection", "Chinese Love • New Poetry Collection", "Yellow Sea Prose Twenty Selected Books • Song Ju New Volume", "Thousand Miles of Homesickness • Contemporary Poetry Prose Selection", "Yellow Sea Prose Biennial Selection", "Selected Works of Outstanding Writers of Emotional Literature", "Huangdao Fire Fighting Hero in My Mind" and other books. The novel "Mountain Village Almighty Little Shennong" has signed a contract and is serializing more than 300,000 words on the tomato network and today's headline platform. The script "Retrograde for Love" was made into a TV feature film and broadcast for nearly 60 minutes. The poem "Remembering History, Not Forgetting the National Shame" won the Excellence Award in the 2020 July 1st Founding Day Prize Essay Contest, and the essay "Ode to the Heart dedicated to the Party" won the Excellence Award in the Theme Essay Contest of "Striving for a Hundred Years of Road, Setting Sail for a New Journey" in Heze City to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

One point number Wenting Mountain Wenyou Circle

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