
What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?

Speaking of the image of Lin Daiyu in "Dream of the Red Chamber", I think many people will not feel strange, whether it is Lin Daiyu in the text, or Lin Daiyu in film and television works and operas, it gives people an impression of "sick and intimidating". So, what kind of disease does Lin Daiyu in the book have? This question has become an insoluble problem, and people have been talking about it for hundreds of years, and various answers have been given in the market.

Among them, there is a saying, the most extensive, but a bit "false rumors", that is, it is believed that Lin Daiyu has "tuberculosis", which is called "tuberculosis" in ancient times, which is actually what modern people call tuberculosis. As we all know, tuberculosis is contagious, although Lin Daiyu is deeply reclusive, but she has also come into contact with many people in the Grand View Garden, especially in the poetry club.

However, I also don't see that other members of the poetry club also have tuberculosis, so it can be seen that the theory of tuberculosis is not conclusive.

What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?

Since it is not "tuberculosis", what kind of disease does Lin Daiyu have? There are also the following statements, which one do you agree with?

First, since it is not tuberculosis-like, it is contagious, so some people think that Lin Daiyu has an allergic asthma, or an allergic cough, because the book describes that Lin Daiyu's cough has obvious seasonality: "The spring equinox and autumn equinox, will be a cough disease", of course, cough is not enough to be fatal, allergic cough is one of Lin Daiyu's diseases.

Second, although the book does not directly describe Lin Daiyu's condition, but Cao Xueqin also left a foreshadowing, for example, in the third episode of the Dream of the Red Chamber, it is mentioned: "The heart is more than dry, and the disease is like Xizi winning three points", in the Fengshen Rendition, Bigan lost his heart and died, and Xi Shi also had heart disease, Xi Shi often had heartache, so his hand covered his heart and frowned, very feminine and moving, making people feel pity, so there was an idiom: "XiZi holds the heart"

What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?

Lin Daiyu's "heart" disease, specific subdivision, there are also two statements:

1, Lin Daiyu's heart, there is indeed a problem, the anecdotes think that Lin Daiyu may have a congenital heart disease, and some people combined with the text in the book, carefully studied, gave a more specific answer, think that it is - congenital mitral stenosis.

2, there is also an answer, that Lin Daiyu's heart is not sick, but depressed. Lin Daiyu was born in a family of scholars, his father Lin Ruhai was a salt inspector, the family was well-off, Lin Daiyu was weak and sick from childhood, Lin Ruhai invited famous doctors, but to no avail. After Lin Daiyu arrived at Jia Mansion, Jia Mu loved and pitied her so much that she even invited several palace doctors to treat Lin Daiyu, but it was still to no avail. Jia Baoyu inquired in many ways and found a folk remedy, which was used in other patients with similar lin daiyu's condition, tried a hundred times, and lin daiyu did not work.

Why is lin daiyu's disease, there is no cure? A common saying says all - heart disease must also be healed.

What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?

In fact, summarizing the above statements circulating in the anecdotes, we can roughly know Lin Daiyu's condition.

The possibility of Lin Daiyu's inner depression is enormous. Because Lin Daiyu is the reincarnation of the heavenly Daizhu Immortal Grass, the only purpose of her reincarnation is to "return tears", therefore, Lin Daiyu's personality is destined to be sensitive and suspicious, depressed and lonely, Lin Daiyu before entering Jia Province, her fate is bumpy, after entering Jia Province, send people to the fence, so that she who is already sensitive and suspicious, even worse, so it will be "three hundred and sixty days a year, the wind sword frost sword is strict"

Before Lin Daiyu met the Shenying waiter (Jia Baoyu), she had already honed her "crying" acting skills in real life, and when she entered the Jia Mansion, she seemed to be from the acting department, and when she met the Shenying waiter (Jia Baoyu), she could cry until the tears were finished.

After entering Jia Province, Lin Daiyu often had insomnia, and according to the description in the book, in three hundred and sixty-five days a year, Lin Daiyu could sleep peacefully for a total of only ten days.

What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?

Worry hurts the lungs, similar to Lin Daiyu's insomnia, many situations are caused by Lin Daiyu's perennial depression.

Perhaps Lin Daiyu has allergic asthma, cough, loss of appetite, and even mild congenital heart disease, etc., but these diseases are not fatal enough, or even enough to be incurable. These are only some non-fatal diseases on the surface, according to Cao Xueqin's sentence written "jade belt in the forest, golden hairpin buried in the snow", Lin Daiyu's original ending may not have died of the disease at all.

Lin Daiyu herself is weak in bones, congenital lack of vitality, perennial depression, perennial insomnia, coupled with the blow of Jia Baoyu's marriage, even if there is no disease, sooner or later it will survive the disease.

What is Lin Daiyu's disease? There are many opinions, which one do you agree with?


"Dream of the Red Chamber" is not only a peak in literature, it is also a treasure, the Dream of the Red Chamber not only reflects reality, but also gives the world a warning in all aspects. As the book "Good Song" warns, the world knows that the gods and immortals are good, and the "reality of all kinds" cannot be forgotten! There are always all kinds of disturbances in the world, accompanied by all kinds of troubles.

In life, it is extremely important to maintain a positive and optimistic, healthy and upward mentality, and having a happy mood and positive emotions is conducive to physical and mental health. As the saying goes: "the heart is wide and the body is fat", the heart is wide and the body is healthy, and when negative emotions are encountered, they must be digested in time, and it is not advisable to be depressed.

"Smile, ten years less, sad, white head", life is more cheerful and happy, then less sad and sad.

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