
[The Gospel of Expectant Mothers] Unprotected perineal birth method - so that expectant mothers no longer have to be cut sideways with knives

With the development of midwifery technology, the unprotected perineal delivery method has been widely promoted and applied as a new type of birth delivery method. Unprotected perineal birth method is not to protect the perineum, but to protect the perineum through the control of the technique, and the unprotected perineal birth method requires more technical delivery of midwives.

The Obstetrics Department of Laixi People's Hospital has now carried out the unprotected perineal delivery method, the biggest advantage of which is to reduce the rate of lateral perineal incision, to ensure the integrity of the maternal perineum to a great extent, to reduce maternal pain, to reduce postpartum hemorrhage and infection, and to be more conducive to maternal health.

[The Gospel of Expectant Mothers] Unprotected perineal birth method - so that expectant mothers no longer have to be cut sideways with knives

What is the unprotected perineal birth method

No protection or moderate protection of the perineum, neither protect the perineum or if necessary, hold up the perineum after the union, according to the natural process of childbirth, midwives with one hand to control the speed of fetal head delivery, to help the mother in the contraction interval slowly deliver the fetus, so that the perineal body can be synchronized with the entire perineum expansion, reduce the degree of perineal damage, while reducing the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal clavicle fracture.

[The Gospel of Expectant Mothers] Unprotected perineal birth method - so that expectant mothers no longer have to be cut sideways with knives

Advantages of orthopause, unprotected delivery

Reduces perineal injury and reduces the rate of lateral perineal incision.

Alleviated maternal suffering.

Reduces the chance of bleeding and infection.

Pelvic floor function is quickly restored, reducing sequelae.

It reduces the workload of midwives and frees midwives from the heavy physical labor of protecting the perineum.

It fully embodies humanized childbirth and returns childbirth to nature.

After the newborn is delivered, it is placed on the mother's abdomen for the first time and early contact is carried out to increase the feelings between mother and child.

Delay the umbilical cord cutting after delivery of newborns to avoid neonatal ischemia and hypoxia.

[The Gospel of Expectant Mothers] Unprotected perineal birth method - so that expectant mothers no longer have to be cut sideways with knives

Which expectant mothers are suitable for unprotected perineal delivery

Many women may be happy to see this gospel message, but don't forget that the "unprotected delivery method" is restrictive, and only pregnant women with a moderate fetal size, good perineal elasticity, able to actively cooperate, and no pregnancy comorbidities can use this method of midwifery under the guidance of experienced midwives.

Source: Laixi People's Hospital

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