
When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

As a particularly important metabolic, digestive and detoxification organ in the human body, the liver is easily stimulated by some bad eating habits, as well as factors such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs and bad emotions, resulting in decreased function, and liver function damage is easy to occur.

Once the liver function is damaged, the probability of suffering from various liver diseases will be particularly high, and it is easy to suffer from hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

Therefore, in daily life, any group of people must do a good job in liver maintenance. If symptoms of liver function damage occur, then scientific and standardized treatment must be given.

However, many people do not know what abnormalities occur in the body when liver function is impaired. Below, let's take a closer look at it.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

What are the symptoms of impaired liver function?

First, the digestive function becomes slower

In less than 24 hours, the liver is able to produce about a liter of bile, which can be transported through the bile ducts to the gallbladder. When the gastrointestinal tract enters food, the gallbladder concentrates and drains bile, helping to digest and absorb food that enters the small intestine.

Fats that enter the small intestine, in particular, require bile salts in the bile to be broken down and metabolized. If the liver function is impaired and the bile is not properly secreted and excreted, it will affect the digestion of some foods, resulting in a slower digestive function.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

Specifically, the patient will experience repeated indigestion, abdominal distension, and frequent diarrhea during the daily life. It will also be accompanied by a more obvious loss of appetite, or nausea to some greasy foods.

Moreover, patients often have diarrhea in their daily lives. This is due to the inability of bile to be secreted normally, resulting in the inability to absorb and digest fatty foods entering the small intestine, resulting in a steatorrhea phenomenon.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

Second, skin abnormalities occur

The liver has the effect of helping the body to detoxify, the substances produced by metabolism in the body, as well as some foreign toxins outside the body, can be converted into non-toxic or solubility in the liver, and with urine or bile excreted outside the body, has the function of helping the body to detoxify.

However, if the liver is damaged, it will affect the detoxification function, so that a large number of toxic substances accumulate in the human body.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

These toxins circulate through various systems and, once in the skin system, can cause a series of skin abnormalities. In particular, the skin on the face becomes dull or dry.

Due to abnormal liver function, bile cannot enter the small intestine smoothly, it will enter the bloodstream, making the bilirubin content increase. Yellowing occurs on the patient's skin, and the sclera of the eyeball becomes yellow and the color of the urine becomes darker.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

Third, physical fitness decline

Whether they have fatty liver, hepatitis or cirrhosis, or liver fibrosis or liver cancer, patients will show a decline in physical fitness.

The detoxification function of the liver is abnormal, resulting in the accumulation of a large number of toxic substances in the body. These toxic substances will irritate the stomach, so that the digestive and absorption function of the stomach will be impaired, and it is impossible to absorb various nutrients from food.

It will cause patients to suffer from physical decline and physical weakness due to malnutrition in the body.

When the liver function is impaired, the body will frequently appear 3 symptoms, and after discovery, it is necessary to check it in time

All in all, if the above three symptoms occur repeatedly in daily life, or accompanied by abnormal nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and edema of both lower limbs, or when the skin has spider moles and liver palm phenomena, it is necessary to cause a high degree of vigilance.

These symptoms are generally related to liver damage caused by various liver diseases, so patients must go to regular hospitals for corresponding examinations and give scientific and standardized treatment in order to maximize the maintenance of liver health.

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