
The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

Why are some babies soft and cute, with good intentions on their faces, and some babies look unfriendly and fierce?

In fact, in infancy, you can see the child's personality!

In a BBC documentary, "The Whimsical World of the North Nose", scientists conducted an experiment on a number of infants and young children aged 1 to 3 years, and the results subverted people's cognition. They found that most of the baby's personality traits are innate and can be traced in infancy.

You can take a look at the following comparison chart, the baby's angry appearance when he is a child is almost exactly the same as the way he gets angry when he grows up.

The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

There is also the following little boy, when he was a child, he was kind,And when he grew up, even if he shaved his head, he still had a kind face.

The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

In infancy, babies show the most authentic self, because at this time, they have no distractions in their hearts and no worries in life.

Industry insiders believe that most of the children's personalities are innate, and it is difficult for us to change through environmental education. Based on this, if you discipline again, you may be mentally better.

The four most common personalities in infants and young children

1. Angel-type baby

Angel-type babies are encounterable and unattainable, and everyone hopes that they can have an angel-type baby, which is simply a gift from God. Because angel babies are very adaptable, they are well fed in infancy, and they rarely cry, which is especially good.

Not only can they "understand" the hardships of their parents, but in turn, parents can easily read their needs, so that even if you give you three, you can happily bring them up.

The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

Second, sensitive babies

They are sensitive to anything, easily agitated, and easily unhappy. They like to cling to their mothers, they are not willing to separate for a moment, and when they see strangers and go to a new environment, they will be full of timidity, and even be scared to cry.

When you are very young, you can still hold him and protect him, and when he grows up and can play by himself, he will be wronged by a small bump and a look from others, such a character will make you both distressed and helpless.

Third, bad temper type baby

This kind of baby can also be called "demon baby", which is simply sent by God to punish parents. After a minute of slow milking, they will cry and cry, lose their temper when they are slightly reprimanded, and every day is a word - trouble.

When you are young, it is noisy, making you feel particularly tired every day, and when you grow up, you are against you, disobeying your orders, and you are not afraid of heaven, so that you are psychologically tortured.

The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

Fourth, active baby

This kind of baby is better than the bad temper type of baby, at least they rarely cry, mainly lively and active, and have endless physical strength every day.

They like to try new things, like irritating food, and will be brave enough to express their ideas, but because they are too active, they will inevitably break through and eventually let you clean up the mess.

When you understand the different personalities of your baby, don't try to suppress or change, but follow the characteristics to educate!

Angel babies needless to say, you enjoy the happiness brought by the baby; sensitive babies, you need to pay attention to their psychological activities; bad temper babies, you have to learn to be patient, guide the baby how to express emotions correctly; active babies, you have to give them more space to release themselves.

The performance of infants and young children can see his personality, which kind of baby does your baby belong to?

I would like to tell parents that in the process of learning parenting knowledge, we must understand the truth of "a thousand faces", and no set of parenting methods is suitable for all children.

Some babies make mistakes and have to rely on sticks to subdue them, while some babies make mistakes and rely on reasoning. Don't try to educate an introverted child into an extrovert, and don't try to suppress an extroverted child into an introvert, these are all "anti-nature" education, and getting it right will really affect the child's mental health.

Finally, do a small survey: what kind of personality your baby belongs to, please write it in the comment area!

Pay attention to the "Xin MaMa Parenting Sutra", if you have any questions about mother and baby parenting, you can consult me!

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