
In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

As we all know, in the field of online car-hailing, Didi occupies 90% of the market, and after Didi was investigated by relevant departments, other companies also began to compete for the market. It is worth noting that among them, Harrow Hitchhiking has completed 300 million orders in three years, becoming a new dark horse in this field. So, can the company seize the position of Didi?

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

With the changes in domestic transportation modes, online ride-hailing has gradually become one of the main ways for everyone to travel. Didi, the leading enterprise in this field, is not optimistic about the current situation, and it is precisely because of this that other companies have begun to swim against the current and try to get a piece of the pie.

In fact, although Didi has undergone years of development, it has now become a leading enterprise in the industry and can be called a dominant company in the market. However, the company's listing in the United States in 2021 was investigated, which is actually not the first time that Didi has had an accident. As early as 2018, the company had two vicious incidents, which caused it to be suspended for two years.

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

In the incident of the 2021 listing investigation, the relevant state departments attach great importance to this matter, so until now, it has not been completely resolved.

However, after Didi was investigated because of security problems, other companies also followed the trend, mainly because in this field, consumers do not have any loyalty to speak of, which platform has greater discounts, they will spend on which platform.

It is precisely for this reason that platforms such as T3 Travel and Meituan Taxi have launched discounts. Among them, Hello Hitchhiker has completed 300 million orders in three years, and it also has 18 million car owners. So, how did the company stand out from the crowd of ride-hailing apps?

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

It's worth noting that the ride-hailing app was created in 2019 and initially only ran in a few cities, after which it gradually developed in other cities. Although Hello Hitchhiker is not as good as Didi in terms of market share and not as good as Didi in terms of price, it attaches great importance to drivers.

Specifically, the platform pays more attention to the carpooling of customers who are passing by when taking a taxi. Because in this way, not only can the driver use less fuel, but also allow customers to spend less money.

Not only that, for drivers, the platform's charges are also more reasonable, and the commission is relatively low. It is precisely for this reason that the drivers have a better impression of Hello. This is also the reason why Hello can make the number of car owners exceed 18 million in three years.

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

The most important thing is that Hello attaches great importance to drivers, and the platform also attaches great importance to the quality of drivers, not any private car owner can become a driver of the platform. It is understood that in 2021, Hello swept the face to verify the identity of tens of millions of times, a total of 730,000 abnormal drivers were dealt with. Not only that, Hello also sealed 50,000 drivers. It can be said that in terms of quality, the platform is very strictly controlled.

It is worth mentioning that even if Hello has more benefits, from the current situation, the software wants to affect the market of Didi in this way, and the possibility is still relatively small.

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

However, now Didi's life is more difficult, after the listing was investigated, the company's compliance rate at the bottom has aroused heated discussion. What's going on?

Specifically, in December 2021, in the ranking of the order compliance rate of domestic online ride-hailing, software such as T3 Travel ranked at the top of the list, while Didi Chuxing was at the bottom of the list. It is worth noting that in November, Didi was still in the third to last place.

And this data naturally attracts everyone's attention, and this will also affect the trust problem of Didi in the hearts of consumers.

In 3 years, 300 million orders were completed, and Hello Ride-hailing car had more than 18 million car owners, and Didi's compliance rate had reached the bottom

You know, since the company was investigated, it has lost 54.6 billion yuan in two quarters, and its stock price has fallen from the previous $18 per share to $4.9 per share. So now there is a non-compliance, which is naturally a worse thing for the company. Not only that, but if it is not improved, it may also affect future development.

Fortunately, in order to reverse the situation and return to its previous state as soon as possible, the company has been actively delisting from the United States and seeking listing in China. Although the operation has not yet begun, the company is already in preparation. Do you think the company can turn the tables?

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