
The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

author:Such as Mu Shu list
The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Wang Er's golden age undoubtedly refers to the best time of his life, those shining days in his life.

However, Wang Er's situation at that time was actually very bad, he was doing farm work in the remote countryside, he was ostracized everywhere, and later he was shown to the public and criticized for "moral corruption".

His golden age was actually in the gray age of history, when many people gave up on themselves in absurdity and committed suicide in struggle, and the big historical background determined that Wang Er did not suffer less in his golden age.

But why does such a gray era make Wang Er nostalgic and make countless readers fascinated?

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

black humor

Unlike most literature depicting the scars of the Cultural Revolution, in this book, the protagonist is always laughing and never crying.

Therefore, when reading this book, we are likely to automatically ignore the background of the era in which the story takes place, and often can't help but be funny and think it is funny.

This kind of comedy reflects tragedy is the unique place of "Golden Age", and it is also the unique place of most of Wang Xiaobo's novels, full of "black humor".

Black humor is an aesthetic form imported from the West, in Wang Xiaobo's view: our lives have so many obstacles, it is really fucking interesting. This logic is called black humor.

"For many tragic events, it seems that there is no more appropriate way to describe them than black humor. My personal writing guideline is to lift heavy, heavy, particularly tragic stories, and it would be too heavy to write if it was very serious. ”

Xiaobo believes that black humor is his temperament and is innate. His characters naturally carry the temperament of the writer himself.

The era of Wang Er and Chen Qingyang, objectively speaking, is not a beautiful and splendid era, but a gray and dark and cold era, in which the protagonist with a black humor will surely live cynically.

Wang Chen and his wife were dismissive of the absurd reality, insisted on what they believed to be the truth, and faced the world with a sincere truth, and even appeared a little angry. Their words and deeds seem stupid and inappropriate, but in fact, they see through the absurdity of the status quo and think about the meaning of existence.

Wang Er and Chen Qingyang had a passion for life, with fervent hope, and the shadow of the Cultural Revolution and absurd moral criticism could not stop them from loving, eating, and learning to live freely like the half-light and half-dark clouds in the sky.

Perhaps this attitude of confronting absurd reality with optimism and humor is what makes Wang Er's golden age shine.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever
The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Clever minds

Wang Xiaobo has done a lot of things in his life, going to the countryside, going to college, going abroad, studying economics, writing code, becoming a novelist, and in the year of his death, he also worked as a screenwriter.

If you want to evaluate Wang Xiaobo in one sentence, I think it should be: smart mind, abundant emotions.

Many people only know that Wang Xiaobo is a writer and engaged in literature, but they do not know that he actually studied science at the beginning, or a computer master, and was the first generation of programmers in China.

When Wang Xiaobo developed several cutting-edge application software and repeatedly received invitations from Zhongguancun, Ma Huateng was still studying computers in college, and Lei Jun was also interning at Kingsoft Software. Therefore, many netizens joked that the programming level of novelist Wang Xiaobo at that time was already higher than that of Lei Jun and others in the same period.

Except for the unique Wang Xiaobo, no writer has written with software developed by himself. In the era when computers were not intelligent and typing software was scarce, Wang Xiaobo developed a word-like software to assist daily writing.

Probably except for the unique Wang Xiaobo, no writer has ever made contributions in the field of computer technology. Wang Xiaobo developed a management software for the Beijing Gas Engineering Company and won the third prize of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award at that time.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Wang Xiaobo did not seriously study computers, he studied in the Department of Trade Economics at the National People's Congress, later went to the United States to study economics, followed the historian Xu Moyun to contact literature, and finally returned to China to work as a lecturer in statistics at the National People's Congress.

If Wang Xiaobo had accepted the invitation of those Zhongguancun bosses, would there be one more technology giant led by Wang Xiaobo today? Of course, I think he has the ability. But this was impossible, and these invitations were eventually rejected by Wang Xiaobo. Money or power has never been Xiao Bo's pursuit, he is pursuing the prosperity of the spiritual world.

In 1992, Wang Xiaobo resigned from the post of lecturer in statistics of the National People's Congress and devoted himself to writing, and this programmer with immeasurable "money" turned around and walked into the vast starry sky of literature.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Abundant emotions

In addition to "The Golden Age", Wang Xiaobo also wrote a "Silver Age" and a "Bronze Age", three novella collections, collectively known as the Times trilogy.

In these three works, there is a protagonist of the same name, Wang Er. These wangs, although they live in different eras, but their personalities are similar, they are strange people, he has the worldly desires of every ordinary person, and he himself does not hide this desire, but shows it without concealment, appearing to be a bit "rogue", but he is incompatible with the personalities around him, and he has a truth and sincerity that no one else has.

Such a Wang Er is by no means a "model" character, but I believe that people who have read these works will not feel dirty and disgusting, but will have a good feeling for the protagonist. This is because, in Wang Xiaobo's pen, Wang Er has long been freed from the shackles and taboos of the lower body, and when he talks about sex, he is bright and upright.

Don't look at Wang Xiaobo's appearance is a little "rough", but he is a very delicate person, he pours infinite sympathy for his characters, and the way to express it is to write with a non-critical eye. Most of the characters in his novels face a breathless reality, but XiaoBo makes Wang Er and his other partners make free choices.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Not only the novel, Wang Xiaobo's abundant emotions are more directly reflected in his letters to Li Yinhe.

Some people say that Wang Er is actually Wang Xiaobo himself, but this is not quite right, Wang Xiaobo is an extremely honest and a little shy person in reality, and his essays are more in line with his own realistic temperament than his novels.

In the year after the End of the Cultural Revolution, Wang Xiaobo and Li Yinhe met. At that time, Li Yinhe graduated from university and worked as an editor in the Beijing Daily, making him famous, while Wang Xiaobo had just come from Yunnan to join the team and worked as a worker in the factory. Li Yinhe inadvertently saw Wang Xiaobo's debut work "Green Hairy Water Monster", went to visit, and the two officially met.

In the subsequent interaction, Wang Xiaobo asked bluntly, "Do you have a boyfriend?" Li Yinhe had never seen such a direct person when she was so old, but it was this that attracted her. After that, the two officially began to fall in love.

Separated from the two places, Wang Xiaobo missed Li Yinhe and wrote to her every three to five minutes, always using that silly opening statement: Hello wow, Li Yinhe.

Hello Wow, Lee Galaxy. I feel stuffy every day after you're gone, like Don Quixote, missing Toposo's Dacinia every day.

Hello Wow Lee Galaxy: I haven't seen you today. A lot of fatalistic fantasies came to my mind.


Wang Xiaobo is indeed not very good-looking, and Li Yinhe has also broken up because Xiaobo is too ugly, but who can refuse to get a warm and sincere heart from Xiaobo?

Will I not love you? Don't love you? No. Loving you is like loving life. Never mind. No nonsense.

I love you so much I love you, really. I'm going to go crazy as soon as you want me. Am I a bad person? Do you want me to reform myself?

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

He also wrote a poem to Li Yinhe:

With you

You are my comrade-in-arms

So I miss you

When I cross everything that sinks

When the war is waged against eternity

You are my military flag

Two years later, the two married, and the marriage was simple and secret, so that Wang Xiaobo's good friend Liu Xiaoyang was surprised to ask him if he could get married seriously. Xiao Bo grinned widely, smiled a little embarrassed, and pulled out a few pieces of sugar plugs for me."

These letters written by Wang Xiaobo to Li Yinhe were compiled and published many years after Wang Xiaobo's death, named "Loving You Like Loving Life", which is sought after by many literary and artistic youth today.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Forever Wang Xiaobo

People who don't like Wang Xiaobo scold him for being vulgar, but most of the people who like him like him to the point of obsession, and even call themselves Wang Xiaobo's lackeys. Affection for a writer is common, but it is rare to love oneself to the point of self-deprecation.

Why does Wang Xiaobo have such a big charm? Calling him interesting, saying that he is talented, saying that he is maverick, is not as good as saying that he is like a confidant he has never met, a very safe spiritual sustenance. There are many interesting and talented authors, but there are not many readers who can let go of their guards and be willing to open their hearts and be close to them, and Wang Xiaobo is one.

Only a person who has let go of the judgmental eye can see the richness and diversity of the world and gain the trust of others. Wang Xiaobo has a pair of eyes that let go of all judgment, and his attention is not on human sophistication, but on the broader knowledge and fun.

Why? Because Wang Xiaobo's way of seeing the world was influenced by Russell's thought. Wang Xiaobo's main works, in addition to novels, are essays. In his essays, he often refers to the philosopher Russell.

I most agree with Mr. Russell's quote: "It is necessary to know that variability is the source of happiness." "Rather, most of the jagged polymorphisms are created by thinkers.

Talking to Wang Xiaobo in the air, he will not tell you what you hate: how you should be, which are noble, which are vulgar, he will direct your eyes to the deep space of wisdom and fun, from this broad perspective, life is no longer limited.

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

Chief Writer: Achu

Editing: Such as Mu Shu list

Image: Internet intrusion and deletion

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

From a story point of view, "The Golden Age" is a romance novel,

After reading this book, everyone can't help but want to ask a few words:

Does Wang Er love Chen Qingyang?

Why did Chen Qingyang fall in love with Wang Er after being slapped?

Pay attention to Rumu, let's talk about it in the next issue.

Finally, bring a very good folk song to share with you,

Among them, it is Wang Xiaobo who is forever sung.

Love You Like Love Life Music: Red Nose Little Black - Song Compilation

The recommended book | "Golden Age": smart mind, abundant emotions, and wang Xiaobo forever

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