
A love story that takes place in France, a contemporary of the Qing Dynasty


From the timeline, this bizarre love story takes place during the Qing Dynasty, but it did not take place in the Qing Dynasty, but in France at the same time. I say this to give readers a clear picture of the historical background and timing of this story.

In the 1840s and 1850s, the whole earth was not very peaceful, and two major empires in the East and the West had violent revolutionary events, France was the February Revolution, which overthrew the July Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and the rule of the Qing government was once in jeopardy.

The regime is unstable, and a remote French island on the island of Newfoundland will of course be affected, and because the government decree is not in place, some people can survive for this, and some people will take advantage of the opportunity to be demonized. Only in this political context can the love story of the lady, the captain, and the prisoner take place.

This is a true story, the movie "Lover in the Snow" (also translated as "Saint Pierre's Widow") put this story on the screen, although it involves multi-character love, there is no lack of carnal desire, but the film is not addicted to carnal desire, the film is beautiful, warm, as clean as the snow on the island, and it looks comfortable.

The story goes like this:

In a murder on several islands near the island of Saint-Pierre, Pastor Gual was brutally murdered by the illiterate fisherman Neil. August and his companion Oliver. They were drunk, they lost their minds, the reasons for killing the priest were simple and absurd, and they wondered if the priest was "tall or fat." After the trial, the jury convicted them, Neil was beheaded, and Oliver was sentenced to hard labor.

The case caused an uproar in the sparsely populated island of Saint-Pierre, and the islanders were eager to blame it.

In the island of Saint-Pierre, the prison is run by Captain Captten, the head of the troops stationed on the island, right in the backyard of the Captain's house. The population is small, and there are not so many prisoners, saying that it is a prison, that is, a few locked stone houses in the backyard.

The captain's wife, Madame Ra, liked to plant some flowers and plants in the backyard, so Neil happened to bump into Madame Ra when she was sent to the cell. The moment the four eyes met, Mrs. La's face was full of shocked expressions. Although the murderer Neil was filthy and dirty, something in his eyes immediately touched Lady Ra, which could be the kind of intimacy of a father and brother like his first love.

Although Neil was sentenced to capital punishment, the execution of him was a headache for the governor, because on this remote island, there was no such instrument of torture and executioner as a guillotine, and it would take months to ask Paris for a guillotine, to apply, reply, and mail. But the Governor was determined to put this guy to death, or he would become a fool in the eyes of the islanders who would achieve nothing.

In this way, the life of Neil, who was sentenced to be beheading, was temporarily saved, providing an opportunity for the development of this bizarre story.

Lady Ra had a good feeling for Neil at the first meeting, and through a few days of observation, she found that Neil was very honest, rarely peering out like other prisoners through the iron fence of the cell, occasionally looking out, also staring at the flowers and plants in Lady La, who decided that she was not a dangerous person.

Idle is also idle, a strong man staying in the prison is a waste of labor, so the captain saw that his beloved Lady Ra was very fond of Neil, so he released him and asked him to help Mrs. Ra to take care of the flowers and plants.

This story of triangular relationships is moving in a direction that cannot be received.

Neil didn't know how to spend flowers, couldn't read, was a rough man, and his greatest strength was that he didn't spare his physical strength and obeyed Mrs. Ra's orders. Lady Ra accompanied her husband, who served in the army, to this island, she came from a famous background, beautiful, loving, and the key is that she has a kind heart that treats all sentient beings equally.

Also introduce Captain Captine, who loves his wife Lady La, in the words of the famous ladies on the island, "there is only one in her eyes", he is tolerant and tolerant of his wife, and he loves what she loves. So, Mrs. Ra liked Neil, and he risked criticism by letting Neil out of the cell, planting flowers with Mrs. La, and then walking out of the backyard to wherever they wanted to go on the island. There is a scene in the film where Mrs. La hears the governor-led officials discussing how to execute Neil, and she argues despite the taboo to break into the men's smoking room, which makes the men in important positions very annoyed and speaks to her physically, and the captain comes over and puts his arms around his wife, and demands a strong tone of voice to apologize to the lady, like a wife protection demon. The apology was made, but the captain also offended the men.

In the blink of an eye, winter is coming. The island of Saint Pierre is around 42 degrees north latitude, equivalent to the location of our country's Heilongjiang River, and it is still very cold in winter, covered with snow, and the cold freezes the sea between the islands, and Madame and Neil drag a sleigh on it, and they are going to repair the roof of the shack for the widow who is suffering and freezing on another island.

Lady Ra decided that Neil's murder of the priest must have been because of drinking, and she wanted to create opportunities for Neil to do more good deeds and repent more, so that everyone could change their minds about him, understand that he was a good man, and that killing people was just a mistake of indifference.

Neil asked Lady Ra why she did this, to which rab replied, "People may make mistakes, but it's okay to change them." ”

In the process of repairing the roof of the widow Jenny, Neil and her dark Chen Cang, the two of them rolled the sheets together, which made Mrs. La slightly jealous, clear and bright eyes with tears, but she still did not give up to save Neil.

Neil was also very angry and helped the islanders do a lot of good things. Once, the rope of the car carrying the shack by the islander broke, the vehicle lost control, crashed into a wall, the boss lady standing at the front of the car was in danger, ready to die, the brave Neil was not afraid, rushed to the front of the car, shoulder to shoulder against the heavy vehicle, pulled out a piece of wooden stake on the car, put it under the car, increased the resistance, and single-handedly prevented a tragic disaster.

The islanders cheered in unison, and since then, Neil, under the planning of Lady La, has completely changed everyone's view of Neil, and almost everyone has complained about him, hoping to lift his punishment.

Some people like Neil, some people don't like Neil, Mrs. La and Neil are flaunting, high-profile good deeds, touching the bottom line of those in power, gossip about the two of them spread among the island's upper bureaucrats and celebrities, the governor is one. He called the captain to the governor's palace and warned the captain not to let a murderer circle his wife's pomegranate skirt. The captain, of course, did not think so, the wife is always right, the wife is always the first, he said to the governor: "Take care of your own wife, my wife's affairs do not need you to worry." The governor, of course, became angry, and they formed a bond between them, laying the foundation for the fate of the captain in the future.

To tell the truth, I don't see a single star in the film that she has a betrayal of her husband, she loves the captain deeply, but she can't say that she doesn't love Neil. What kind of love is that? The love of the woman for the opposite sex of the man, the love of the woman for the brother, the forgiveness of the Virgin for the sinner, and both, may as well be called the "third emotion", so that Lady Ra has sympathy for Neil, there is redemption, there is joy, there is love, this love will not exceed the norm, it can also be called spiritual love. So, when she saw Neil with Jenny, she was a little unwell at first, but when they had the wedding, she was filled with tears of blessing.

In the blink of an eye, nearly a year has passed, and Neil has indeed had a wonderful time in his life, washing his own stigma, marrying his wife, having children, under the professor of Lady La, learning to read, learning to read poetry, and grinding with Lady La's ears, ambiguous and keeping a distance.

But the day of the execution of the verdict will never come, no, the ship from Paris is about to dock, and there is a guillotine on it.

Unfortunately, the ship ran aground before entering the harbor, and the captain asked the captain for help, hoping that he would send troops to help the ship out of the quagmire, but the captain refused.

The captain recruited rescuers at high salaries among the islanders, and no one responded, and everyone knew that as soon as the ship docked, Neil's death date came.

The captain raised the pay again, and unexpectedly, Neil was the first to respond, and he wanted to earn the 44 francs for Jenny and the child.

Notices announcing Neil's imminent execution plastered the walls of the island, and angry people spontaneously took to the streets to tear them down, hoping to save Neil's life.

But the will of the people cannot change the coldness of the law.

Knowing that everything was irretrievable, Mrs. Ra was in a rage, prepared two weeks of dry food and a boat, and desperately helped Neil escape, promising to send Jenny and the child over again soon.

Will Neil run away, the answer is no. He returned to the cell with the bag that Madame Ra had prepared for himself, went inside, and closed the door with his own hands. He found himself guilty and decided to surrender.

Neil's head fell into the guillotine basket.

The captain was also shot because the Governor had written a false letter accusing him of inciting rebellion.

The uncomplaining captain chose to die for Lady La, and in the face of the guns of the soldiers, he said: They will not defeat us in the end, I love you.

The story ends, the film ends.

A sigh: No matter how deep love encounters politics, the result is bound to be sacrifice, even if you occupy a high position of morality and redemption.

(I am Zhu Qiluo, a movie consumer, like to knit sweaters to watch movies, I hope you recommend good movies to me)

A love story that takes place in France, a contemporary of the Qing Dynasty
A love story that takes place in France, a contemporary of the Qing Dynasty
A love story that takes place in France, a contemporary of the Qing Dynasty
A love story that takes place in France, a contemporary of the Qing Dynasty

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