
"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family

"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family

"The spring breeze is proud of people's wishes, the golden tiger is born and the power is accompanied by Fulai" "The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the tiger leaps and the dragon leaps and the sun and the moon are new"... On the afternoon of the 20th, the "Culture into Ten Thousand Homes, Hanmo welcomes the New Year" Spring Festival Joint Activity was held in Luoyang Children's Library. More than 20 calligraphers from the Chinese Calligraphers Association and the Henan Calligraphers Association splashed ink and created more than a thousand pairs of enthusiastic Spring Festivals to welcome the New Year of the Tiger.

"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family
"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family

The event was co-sponsored by the Henan Calligraphers Association, the Working Committee of the Organs Directly Under the Luoyang Municipal Party Committee, the Luoyang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and the Luoyang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and co-hosted by the Luoyang Children's Library, Luoyang Art Museum, Luoyang Calligraphers Association, and Luoyang Artists Association.

"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family
"Culture into Ten Thousand Homes Hanmo Welcomes the New Year" Thousand Pairs of Spring Festival Couplets were given to Liuluo's New Year family

The activity was simultaneously broadcast live through the Vibrato and video numbers of luoyang children's library, and the Spring Festival League was sent online for netizens. In addition, luoyang children's library will then give free Spring Festival to local New Year families, community residents, party members and the masses, sending New Year blessings for the Year of the Tiger, passing on the strong New Year flavor and promoting excellent traditional culture. (Luo Bao Rong Media Luoyang Network reporter Li Bing correspondent Ning Li /Wen Reporter Zhang Guanghui / photo)

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