
Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

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With the theme of the Yellow River, you can feel the artistic charm and profound emotions of female calligraphers.

On May 18th, the "Ode to the Yellow River" - the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers and the academic seminar on "Women and Calligraphy" co-sponsored by the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology and the Henan Calligraphers Association opened at the Henan Art Museum.

It is reported that this exhibition is one of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology. With the theme of "Mother River" Yellow River, the "Ode to the Yellow River" - the first international invitational exhibition of female calligraphers' works and the academic seminar on "Women and Calligraphy" were held, aiming to promote the great spirit of the Yellow River and the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, prosper the art of calligraphy, and enhance the friendship and exchanges between female calligraphers at home and abroad. The exhibition runs from May 18 to May 22, with Sun Xiaoyun, chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, inscribed the exhibition logo, and displays 85 works by famous female calligraphers who are active in the creative front line of today's calligraphy world.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

Female calligraphers wrote their own poems or classics, told the story of the Yellow River, expressed their patriotic feelings, and presented a heroic and loud ode to the Yellow River, showing the latest achievements and standards of contemporary women's calligraphy creation.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

At the opening ceremony, the invited guests inscribed books on the spot

At the opening ceremony, Hu Dabai, chairman of the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology, delivered a speech, congratulating the successful holding of the exhibition and expressing his heartfelt thanks to the guests and participating authors. She said that the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology, founded in 1984, is the first private college approved by the Ministry of Education, the first private university in the country to establish a party committee, and the first private undergraduate university in the country. The school has ranked first in the comprehensive strength ranking of China's private universities in Wushulian for 7 consecutive years. The Yellow River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, has not only nourished the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization, but also nurtured the indomitable and courageous "Yellow River Spirit". The "Yellow River Spirit" is also the soul of our school, which gives us firm faith and endless courage. In the "Ode to the Yellow River" first invitational exhibition of contemporary Chinese female calligraphers, we saw the vivid embodiment of the "Yellow River Spirit" in the field of calligraphy art.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

The scene of the opening ceremony

Yang Jie, Honorary Chairman of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Honorary Chairman of the Provincial Calligraphy Association, as the curator, introduced the origin, original intention and preparation of the exhibition, and expressed his gratitude to the relevant units and individuals who gave support. In particular, she emphasized the significance of women's calligraphy creation and research on women's calligraphy. Calligraphy has no gender, she said, but calligraphers have gender. In the history of Chinese calligraphy, although the names of female calligraphers are as few as the morning star, they have never been absent. In the role of calligraphy as a cultural person, women have an innate advantage, and in the process of studying calligraphy, they can influence a family and the next generation by constantly improving their personal qualities, thereby promoting the improvement of the quality of the entire nation and promoting social harmony. Therefore, women's calligraphy should be given more attention.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

Invited guests and visitors visit the exhibition

Zhang Gaiqin, consultant of the China Calligraphy Association and honorary chairman of the Gansu Provincial Calligraphy Association, delivered a speech. She expressed warm congratulations to the 40th anniversary of the Yellow River University of Science and Technology, and hoped that female calligraphers would learn and carry forward the "Yellow River Spirit", live up to the times, and bravely climb the peak of art.

Li Lin, Secretary-General of the Women Calligraphers Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and Vice Chairman of the Liaoning Calligraphy Association, delivered a speech and congratulated the successful holding of the "Ode to the Yellow River" Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Women Calligraphers and the "Women and Calligraphy" Seminar. She said that female calligraphers should have the courage to take on the mission, establish cultural self-confidence, actively create excellent works, and contribute the wisdom and strength of calligraphy to the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

Li Ming delivered a speech on behalf of the Henan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, congratulated the successful holding of the exhibition, and spoke highly of the significance and curatorial level of the exhibition. He pointed out that the exhibition is an elite gathering of female calligraphers, providing an opportunity for Henan calligraphers to exchange with calligraphers from all over the country, and will surely promote the further prosperity and development of Henan calligraphy art, especially women's calligraphy art.

In the afternoon of the same day, the invited guests also visited the "Yang Jie Calligraphy Art Museum" of the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology. After the visit, a seminar on "Women and Calligraphy" was held at the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology. Zhang Gaiqin, consultant of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and honorary chairman of the Gansu Calligraphers Association, Zeng Laide, former vice president of the China National Academy of Painting, and other experts and scholars in the field of calligraphy had a heated discussion on the current situation and development of ancient and contemporary female calligraphers.

Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers
Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers
Showing the artistic style of female calligraphers "Ode to the Yellow River" - the opening of the first invitational exhibition of contemporary female calligraphers

It is reported that on May 19, representatives of female calligraphers from all over the country will go to Anyang to collect style, visit the Chinese Character Museum and the new Yinxu Museum, relive the spirit of the general secretary's speech in Anyang, trace the roots of Chinese characters and calligraphy, "walk in Henan, understand China", and deeply experience the Yellow River culture.

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