
Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again Highway business exhibition new look - Komsomolsk city sub-center held a new office building housewarming unveiling ceremony

author:Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network News (Zhang Xiaoting Tian Xiuqun) Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again, highway undertakings show a new look. On the morning of January 19, the Gongqingcheng Branch Center held the unveiling ceremony of the new office building. Zhou Chuanyou, vice mayor of Gongqing City Government, and Zhou Yuli, deputy director of Jiujiang Highway Development Center, were invited to attend and inaugurate the "Jiujiang Highway Development Center Gongqingcheng Branch Center", and all the cadres and workers of the sub-center participated in the activity, and the ceremony was presided over by the person in charge of the sub-center.

Zhou Chuanyou congratulated the Komsomolsk sub-center on the joy of the housewarming, affirmed the contributions made by the sub-center to the Komsomolsk city in recent years, and hoped that the sub-center would take this housewarming as an opportunity to make further progress.

Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again Highway business exhibition new look - Komsomolsk city sub-center held a new office building housewarming unveiling ceremony
Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again Highway business exhibition new look - Komsomolsk city sub-center held a new office building housewarming unveiling ceremony
Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again Highway business exhibition new look - Komsomolsk city sub-center held a new office building housewarming unveiling ceremony
Reclamation and entrepreneurship start again Highway business exhibition new look - Komsomolsk city sub-center held a new office building housewarming unveiling ceremony

Zhou Yuli said at the ceremony that the "new home" must have a "new image", and everyone should continue to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee, the Fifteenth Provincial Party Congress, the Twelfth Municipal Party Congress, and the Third Party Congress of Gongqing City, and resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee, the Jiujiang Municipal Government, the Central Party Committee, the Administration and the Gongqing City Government, with a lofty attitude, a new look, and a solid style. Take the initiative to respond to new challenges, seize new opportunities, implement new requirements, and earnestly transform the "two establishments" into practical actions to do a good job. The "new home" must have "new deeds"; it is necessary to combine the layout of the territorial highways and the actual maintenance, plan ahead and take the initiative to dock, and step up the planning and construction of the maintenance center and the maintenance road class; it is necessary to combine the actual needs of the office and accelerate the improvement of the office software and hardware equipment in accordance with the principles of "thriftiness, thrift, and efficiency". It is necessary to check and fill in the gaps, speed up the "abolition, establishment, and reform" of the system in view of the weak links and deficiencies, and gradually establish a long-term management mechanism. The "new home" must have "new achievements". Based on the characteristics of the industry and work responsibilities, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of party building and the spirit of the Communist Youth, take the initiative to focus on the annual key work of the central party committee, the Communist Youth City Committee, and the municipal government, and go all out to do a good job in various work tasks with the vigor of "daring to be the first, being pragmatic and enterprising", and with the tenacity of "stepping on stones to leave a mark and grasping the iron with traces", and strive to achieve "bright spots in work, ranking in place, and reputation among the masses" with solid results.

The relocation of the office building marks the opening of a new page in the Gongqingcheng sub-center, which will make due contributions to the Gongqing Highway under the correct leadership of the Jiujiang Highway Development Center and the Gongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to "recreate the glory of Jiujiang and reproduce the glory of the Nine Sects".

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