
The Communist Youth Urban Education System Party History Study and Education Summary Conference was held

author:Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network News (Hu Tianping, Jiang You, Wang Guoping, Li Caishui) On January 18, the summary meeting on the study and education of the party history of the Gongqingcheng City Education and Sports System was held, and Xiao Defa, member of the party working committee and deputy director of the management committee of the Jiujiang Gongqingcheng High-tech Zone, secretary of the party committee and director of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, attended and spoke at the meeting. Yu Shuiqiang, member of the party committee and deputy director of the bureau, presided over the meeting.

The Communist Youth Urban Education System Party History Study and Education Summary Conference was held

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the study and education of party history, the spirit of the central party history study and education summary meeting, and the spirit of the summary meeting of the provincial party committee, the Jiujiang municipal party committee, and the communist youth city party committee.

The meeting pointed out that the study and education of party history is a major long-term political task, and the study of party history is a compulsory course for every communist in his life, and we must continue to work hard and make achievements for a long time in learning and thinking, learning and understanding, and learning and doing, loyally defend the "two establishments," resolutely achieve the "two safeguards," more consciously seek experience from history, seek laws from history, and explore the future from history, and more effectively promote the high-quality development of education in The Communist Youth City.

The Communist Youth Urban Education System Party History Study and Education Summary Conference was held

The meeting pointed out that in the next step of work, first, we must make more efforts in learning and practicing understanding. Earnestly take the study and understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era as the program and soul, always take the direction of the firm orientation, formulate a normalized long-term learning mechanism, and promote the practice of learning and thinking and putting it into action through the overall promotion of the combination of collective learning and individual self-study, the combination of special topic learning and special topic discussion, and the combination of theoretical study and work practice. Second, we must make further efforts to practice "people-centeredness." It is necessary to firmly establish the concept of the masses, focus on the demands of the people, take the initiative to take a step forward, pay attention to methods, pay attention to practical results, and turn "people's livelihood pain points" into "educational highlights" and "urgent difficulties and worries" into "good times." The focus should be on effectively improving the treatment of teachers, reducing the burden on teachers, and effectively enhancing the sense of gain and happiness of teachers, and not turning the pressure of "double reduction" into a burden on teachers. It is necessary to introduce management measures related to the employment of teachers, strictly grasp the number of teachers hired, give full respect to hired teachers, and fully protect the fruits of their labor. Ensure the quality and balance of education, and the teaching staff will be raised to a higher level. Third, we must create greater achievements in undertaking practical work. In accordance with the deployment of the Third Party Congress of the Communist Youth City, focus on the goal requirements of "setting an example and bravely striving to be the first", carry forward the great spirit of party building, with a strong sense of urgency that cannot wait, cannot sit still, and cannot be slow, aim at the highest standards and first-class standards, grasp the overall situation, seize development opportunities, have the courage to overcome difficulties, and strive to achieve a new leap forward in education in the new round of development wave. Fourth, we must continue to exert efforts to deepen the comprehensive and strict management of the party. Always maintain the spirit of wanting to be an officer and accomplishing things, always compact the chain of responsibility, and promote the main responsibility, the responsibility of the first responsible person, the "one post and double responsibility", and the "four responsibilities" of supervision responsibility, coordinate and implement, and continue to create a clean and healthy political ecology.

The meeting stressed that the Gongqing urban education system should deeply study and implement the spirit of the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the study and education of party history, maintain perseverance and tenacity, further improve and improve the long-term mechanism, and continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education. Promote the deepening of the study of history, the study of history to increase credibility and tempering, the study of history to enhance morality, the study of history to practice and then start again, strive to write a chapter in the new era of reclamation and entrepreneurship, and greet the victory of the party's twenty major congresses with excellent results.

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