
If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

author:Talk about health

Smoking and drinking for the body is harmful and no benefit, but due to the increasing pressure of work and life now, coupled with the needs of work, social needs, many people have developed a bad habit of smoking and drinking, long-term smoking and drinking will induce the incidence of cancer, but also stimulate blood vessels to induce cardiovascular disease, must quit smoking and alcohol early.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

The harm caused by long-term smoking to the body

Smoking causes blood clots and triggers various heart diseases

Carbon monoxide in cigarettes will reduce the ability of the blood to absorb oxygen, nicotine will make the heart beat faster, blood pressure will increase, the heart's ability to withstand weakened, myocardial hypoxia causes coronary artery infarction, heart ischemia promotes atherosclerosis, and many heart diseases begin to occur. According to statistics, people who smoke for a long time have a higher chance of having a heart attack, 5 times that of non-smokers, and after a year of quitting smoking, the chance of heart attack will drop by half.

Damage to the lungs from smoking

Smoking causes the cilia of bronchial epithelial cells to become shorter, and irregularities and motor disorders, reduces local resistance to susceptibility to infection, smoking also tends to lead to the emergence of lung cancer, and 90% of the total mortality rate is caused by smoking.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

The harm caused by long-term alcohol consumption to the body

Harmful to the liver

The damaging effect of alcohol on the liver is mainly caused by ethanol itself and the metabolite acetaldehyde, more than 90% of alcohol in the body is metabolized by the liver, and its metabolites and the hepatocyte metabolism disorders caused by it are easy to cause fat accumulation, resulting in fatty liver or alcoholic liver.

If you drink alcohol for more than 20 years, 40% to 50% of people will develop cirrhosis, drink 200 grams of liquor per day for 10 years, cirrhosis can occur, and the appearance of alcoholic liver is also caused by long-term alcoholism.

Harmful to the stomach

Regular drinking will make high concentrations of ethanol stay in the stomach, direct contact with the stomach and duodenal mucosa, resulting in thinning of the mucous membrane, necrosis and shedding of mucosal epithelial cells, microvascular endothelial damage to embolic tissues, ischemia and hypoxic necrosis, and cause gastric mucosal erosion or gastric ulcer formation, induce gastric duodenal ulcer, mucosal damage and chronic gastritis, if an excessive amount of alcohol, it may cause acute gastritis and other discomforts.

Affects the nerve center

Alcohol is a small molecule substance that easily reaches the various organs of the whole body, when there is ethanol into the body, it will soon enter our brain, causing relatively large damage to our nervous system, mainly manifested as muscle uncoordinated, slow response ability to decline.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

In this way, if you quit smoking and drinking early or do not smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? Experts have also conducted research on this issue.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

Researchers found out about 100 years old long-lived elderly people across the country, about 600 or so, through follow-up tracking of their living habits and eating habits, and finally concluded that among the 600 elderly people, nearly 80% of them did not have the habit of smoking and drinking, and the remaining 20% smoked and drank The probability of smoking and drinking is relatively low, smoking and drinking only 1 to 2 times a year.

Through this study, we can think that a lifetime of not smoking or drinking may be longer.

Of course, there are many factors affecting longevity, this is only in one aspect, there are some people who do not smoke for a long time, do not drink alcohol may also produce serious illness, early death, which is also related to personal living habits and eating habits.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

What are the factors that affect longevity?

Longevity and heredity

Parents give the next generation of longevity genetic factors, which has a certain impact on the life length of the next generation, so life expectancy and genetics are related to a certain extent, but this is only a very small aspect, the acquired nutritional living conditions, exercise and social environment will affect longevity.

Longevity and fertility

Reproductive ability is the instinct of biological reproduction is the ability to preserve the continuation of biological individuals and races, so as to constitute the sustainable development of biological generations, the higher the fertility rate of biological lifespan, so that the estimation of life expectancy, basically the last child can survive independently, this is the life expectancy of its parents.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

Longevity and sleep

1/3 of our life is spent in sleep, sleep can make the whole body bone and muscle tension reduce, weaken metabolism, help to eliminate fatigue, regulate a variety of good sleep in the body, can achieve the effect of prolonging life, but also to ensure that we work and study energetically, but also to ensure that we can work and study energetically, but also to ensure physical health, but also to achieve anti-aging effects.

Lifespan and weight

The older the weight, the more it should be kept in a normal state, some people have proposed that there is a certain relationship between lifespan and weight, in nature, most animals, the body is large and heavy than the body is smaller and lighter life span is longer, in nature, indeed the animal life expectancy seems to have some relationship with the size of the weight, but this is not an inevitable law.

For us humans, too light or too heavy is not conducive to physical health, the older the more you should maintain your weight, within the normal range, so that it is more conducive to good health.

If you don't smoke or drink for a lifetime, will you live longer? See what the doctor says

Longevity and heartbeat

There are studies that found that the number of animal heartbeats and life span also have a certain relationship, large animals, the number of heartbeats is small, the longer the life span, the body is too small animal breathing and circulatory system activity, the speed of heartbeat will be relatively fast, life expectancy is relatively short, after a certain age, the speed of the heartbeat is too fast or too slow, are not conducive to good health, of course, we can reduce their heart rate through exercise.

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