
Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

author:Dr. Jiaojiao popular science

As we all know, smoking is harmful to health, because cigarettes contain nicotine and tar substances and more than 200 kinds of carcinogens, which can cause irreparable damage to the body, especially the respiratory system and liver.

The nicotine substance in cigarettes will release carbon monoxide and other gases after high temperature combustion, so that the neuronal center can be instantly relaxed, making people feel happy and relieving the fatigue of the body. But it's easy to get addictive and hard to quit.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

Especially for old smokers, if they do not get cigarettes for a period of time, they will cause some uncomfortable feelings in the body and feel uncomfortable. Although it is difficult to quit smoking, it is recommended that everyone should reduce the amount of smoking, which may reduce the damage to the body.

Do you know what discomfort cigarettes bring to the body? If you reduce the number of cigarettes smoked during this period of time, you may be able to reduce some damage to the body, we may wish to take a look at it together.


Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

1. Do not smoke immediately after eating

I think everyone has heard a saying, a cigarette after a meal, raced through the living immortals!

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

The vast majority of old smokers will smoke a cigarette when they finish eating, but this behavior will bring double harm to the body, and everyone should try to change it.

This is because after eating, the blood in the body will gradually flow into the stomach and intestines, so it can help the stomach and intestines better absorb decomposed food. If you smoke immediately after eating, it will cause harmful substances in the cigarette to cause irritation and damage to the stomach and intestines.

Sticking to it for a long time can easily lead to some discomfort in the stomach and intestines, and it is also more likely to increase the risk of gastrointestinal diseases and cause gastrointestinal lesions.

It is recommended that everyone should smoke after an hour of eating, and it is not too late to smoke after the food in the stomach is completely digested.

2. After getting up in the morning

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

After a night's sleep in the body, the nicotine and tar substances in the body have been depleted, so everyone will be very accustomed to touching cigarettes after getting up, and lighting a cigarette after getting up in the morning can make people more energetic, and some old smokers will take the smoking in the morning as a good helper to refresh the mind.

It is not known that such a method will bring some irreparable damage to the body, which is more harmful than smoking in other periods.

This is because after getting up in the morning, our body organs are not fully awake, cells and tissues are more fragile, so the irritants in cigarettes will more easily harm cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and other cell tissues.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

Especially in the respiratory system, the carbon monoxide emitted after the cigarette is burned and other harmful gases will follow the mouth into our respiratory system, if you smoke a lot in the morning for a long time, it will cause damage to the respiratory system and be prone to chronic tracheitis.

It is better to get up in the morning and wash your face or drink a cup of warm boiled water, which can play a more refreshing role, and can slowly dissipate the addiction, it is better to eat a nutritious breakfast, and then wait for a period of time to smoke, or can reduce the damage caused by cigarettes to the body.

3. Do not smoke before going to bed

Some people like to smoke a cigarette before going to bed and feel that their body is greatly satisfied, but this practice is not conducive to sleep.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

This is because the harmful substances in cigarettes will put the brain in a state of excitement, constantly stimulating the nervous system, allowing people to maintain a more awake state, which will reduce the quality of people's sleep and make it difficult to fall asleep for a long time.

On the other hand, near the time of sleep, the blood in our body will become more viscous, if you smoke cigarettes before going to bed, the harmful substances in the cigarette will be more easily absorbed into the blood to endanger cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, and it is easier to suffer from blood clots.

Secondly, the harmful substances in the cigarette will also remain in the human mouth, if there is no brushing after smoking, the impurities in the cigarette will stay in the mouth for one night, which will damage the health of the gums.


What are the adverse effects of cigarettes on the body?

1. Affect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health

The harmful substances in cigarettes will stimulate people's blood, seriously endanger the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for long-term smokers, blood will be thicker than others, and easy to block, increasing the risk of blood clots.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

In addition, long-term smoking will lead to blood circulation is not smooth, and the blood will contain carbon monoxide, reduce the oxygen content in the body, easy to lead to insufficient oxygen in the body's cells, which will make people's heart beat fast, blood pressure is also elevated, more likely to lead to heart disease or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Reduce the quality of sleep

Long-term cigarette smoking people nerves will be in a state of excitement for a long time, which will make the nerve central system hyperactive, to sleep time, for a long time there is no drowsiness, easy to lead to insomnia affect the quality of sleep.

If it is not controlled for a long time, insomnia will form a vicious circle, which will reduce people's physical fitness, and various tissues will not be able to rest sufficiently, affecting the body's self-repair ability and regeneration ability.

3. Endanger oral health

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

Experts pointed out that long-term smokers will be more likely to suffer from oral cancer than others, this is because the carbon monoxide and tar and other substances in tobacco will cause inflammation of the human salivary glands and damage oral health, so that you will reduce people's sense of smell and taste sensitivity, easy to lead to oral lesions, so it will increase the number of oral cancer.

4. Cause respiratory diseases

All of them are cigarette smoke that follows our mouth into the respiratory system, so the damage to the respiratory system is particularly large, especially the health of the lungs.

People who smoke cigarettes for a long time are more likely to make the respiratory mucosa suffer from chronic inflammation, and if it is serious, it may lead to other symptoms such as edema and congestion of the respiratory system, and even lead to lesions in the cells in the respiratory system.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

In this case, if it is not controlled in time, it will cause bronchitis, lung disease, chronic pulmonary heart disease, malignant tumors and so on.


How can I quit smoking effectively?

1. Adopt behavioral therapy

You can take a strict plan, find someone to supervise you, strictly abide by each requirement, and after successful experience at each stage, reward yourself with a small gift to increase your confidence in quitting smoking.

If the way of planning is difficult, it is recommended that you choose something that interests you to transfer the idea of smoking, or go out for a run and quit your addiction.

Three times or do not smoke, reminder: may be more harmful than normal smoking, for the sake of health do not careless

2. Adopt the method of psychotherapy

This type of treatment is mainly through their strong willpower and patience to use self-suggestion to successfully transfer their fascination with cigarettes, thereby reducing their physical smoking behavior, and slowly reducing their psychological fascination with cigarettes, so as to achieve the purpose of quitting smoking.

In summary, no matter which method of smoking cessation, as long as you find the right one for yourself, I hope that everyone will quit cigarettes early, although the process is more tortuous, but after quitting smoking, you will find that your own temperament and physical resistance are slowly recovering.

Friends in front of the screen, if you still have any good ways to successfully quit cigarettes, you can share it in the comment area for more people to learn.

#健康迎新年 #

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