
Academician Wang Yangyuan: It is necessary to understand the importance and arduousness of integrated circuits from the strategic height of national rise and international struggle | Strategic Scientist Training Series (Interview)

author:Science & Technology Review
Wang Yangyuan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Professor of the School of Information Science and Technology of Peking University, focuses on new devices, new processes and new structural circuits in micro-nanoelectronics.

Wang Yangyuan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the School of Information Science and Technology of Peking University, has been engaged in the research of new devices, new processes and new structural circuits in micro-nanoelectronics for a long time, and has achieved a large number of original scientific research innovations such as "1024-bit MOS dynamic random access memory of silicon grid N-channel", cultivated many outstanding students, and is an outstanding strategic scientist.

In order to implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference, show the valuable value of "strategic scientists", and strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, the new media platform of science and technology herald interviewed academician Wang Yangyuan, starting from the perspective of strategic scientists, to talk about in-depth understanding of relevant issues such as "what is a strategic scientist", "which fields are most needed for strategic scientists", "how to train strategic scientists", and further highlight the importance of strategic scientists to the mainland's talent power and science and technology rejuvenation.

  • Science and Technology Herald: What impact will General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on "vigorously cultivating strategic scientists" have on the mainland's talent strategy?

Academician Wang Yangyuan:

At this year's Central Talent Work Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically discussed the definition, discovery and training of strategic scientists.

During the period of the great rise of the mainland from the great achievements made in the first hundred years and began to move toward the second centenary goal, the viewpoint of forming an echelon of strategic scientists was particularly put forward; this was a great policy decision of the mainland's strategy of strengthening the country with qualified personnel, and it would have a revolutionary and profound impact on the building of the mainland's contingent of qualified personnel, the strategy of strengthening the country with qualified personnel, and the system of cultivating the contingent of scientific and technological personnel.

Strategic scientists are first and foremost scientists. Strategic scientists have grown up in the long-term scientific research practice of solving national needs and overcoming difficulties at the forefront of science, in analyzing difficulties, overcoming difficulties, and repeatedly failing to succeed and eventually succeeding.

At present, in this great change that has not been encountered in a hundred years, strategic scientists need to bear in mind the overall situation of the development of the motherland, always be loyal to the overall situation of the party's cause, and have special sensitivity to the development of the world situation; they must give full play to the advantages of the general secretary's "broad vision, forward-looking judgment, and strong interdisciplinary understanding ability", and grasp the basic and original innovative research on the one hand; on the other hand, grasp the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into industries, be down-to-earth, and persevere!

To solve the problem of card neck in the national strategic needs and development, we must rely on the team to tackle the problem, rather than "fighting alone", which is also the characteristic of the current scientific and technological development. Strategic scientists should be the handsome talents of scientists, have the qualities expected by the general secretary of "strong leadership ability of large corps combat organizations", and be competent for organizing and leading large corps operations.

Young people are the future of the motherland and also a new force in tackling key problems in science and technology, and we must pay special attention to creating good conditions and environment for young scientists, and find and cultivate leading talents in the ranks of young scientists, so that the outstanding among them can grow into strategic scientists.

The growth process of scientists or scientific and technological personnel especially needs a conducive growth environment, to create a tolerant and rigorous academic atmosphere, to encourage success and allow failure; to encourage the academic spirit of hard work and willingness to sit on the cold bench for ten years, but it is absolutely not allowed to cheat.

  • Science and Technology Herald: Taking the field of integrated circuits as an example, can you talk about what characteristics strategic scientists should have?

The most basic attribute of integrated circuits is both strategic and marketable, the current chip has become the focus of international struggle, since Trump implemented the chip supply policy on the mainland, the strategy of chips (integrated circuits) has become more prominent, from the "high temple" to "the shores of the rivers and lakes", the mainland society has an unprecedented and consistent understanding of the strategic importance of chips.

Therefore, personnel engaged in integrated circuit production and scientific and technological work and education work, first, should be good at understanding the importance and arduousness of our work from the strategic height of the great rise of the Chinese nation and the complex environment of international struggle, and have the spirit of "not breaking the building and never returning it."

Second, we have the ability to grasp the regularity of the development of global integrated circuits, have a far-sighted vision, take the frontier of scientific and technological development as the direction of our efforts, and not only "know each other and know ourselves, but also be able to gain insight into future development trends."

Third, it can scientifically analyze and predict the overall situation and trend of the development of the mainland's integrated circuits, study and judge the advantages and gaps in the mainland's integrated circuit industry and science and technology, grasp the advantages of the mainland's largest integrated circuit market in the world, combine strategic initiative with strategic flexibility, develop independently, and grasp the elements of winning the battle.

Therefore, every strategic talent must have an overall outlook, the work spirit and ability to organize teams to conduct interdisciplinary joint operations, and have a broad mind, and unite everyone to struggle together in the spirit of "those who gain talent will win the world, and those who gather people's hearts and minds will gather great achievements."

Fifth, the cause of integrated circuits is the cause of young people. It is necessary to find and cultivate outstanding young people, so that they can become talented and surpass themselves, so as to form a situation in which the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave forward, and one wave is higher than the other, so that there will be people in the mainland's integrated circuit undertakings, and the generation will be better than the next, and eventually go to the forefront of the world and make greater contributions to solving the needs of the country and the people.

  • Science and Technology Herald: You once said: "If you don't solve the problem of card neck, you won't be blind." In the field of integrated circuits, which "card neck" problems in our mainland need strategic talents the most?

At present, we still have some problems with stuck necks, we must solve them in layers, and the field of integrated circuits is mainly concentrated in two directions:

First, EDA software.

This is something we experienced in the 1980s and 1990s.

If the "three-level system" of that year could continue to develop with a "strategic" attitude, such a situation would not have arisen today.

Fortunately, we gave the winners of the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award to young people that year, thus leaving a team of young people, and now Liu Weiping, the person in charge of the nine days of BGI, is a young person who participates in the three-level system research team.

With the spirit of the three-level system as the foundation, now that we have reorganized and strengthened our forces, we will be able to break the blockade of the embargo again and regain a competitive place on the stage of the world EDA.

The relevant person in charge responsibly told me that through the support of the state during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and their efforts, by 2025-2030, our EDA system with completely independent intellectual property rights can compete with western powers in the market.

Second, special equipment and special materials.

The integrated circuit industry chain is very long, and we must master the key equipment and materials.

At present, Zhongwei Semiconductor and North Huachuang are vigorously developing key special equipment, and Zhongwei's etching machine and MOCVD have successfully entered the international market.

Two doctoral students at Peking University are working at the Northern Innovation Center and cooperating with SMIC and Huachuang and other units to solve the problem of special equipment, which has been quite effective.

However, I also want to explain that hundreds of sets of equipment and thousands of materials cannot be solved by ourselves, and we need to stand at a strategic height, make full use of the advantages of the mainland's global primary market resources, and integrate our own industrial chain into the international industrial chain in the form of independent development combined with international cooperation.

Of course, for equipment such as EUV exposure machines, it is necessary to take a new national system, led by strategic scientists, with reference to my experience in ICCD (integrated circuit computer-aided design) research in the 80s and 90s of the last century, with backbone enterprises as the base, concentrate national outstanding talents, and introduce international outstanding talents, focus on scientific and technological research, go through a period of time, and eventually succeed.

Academician Wang Yangyuan's experience in ICCAD research, the content comes from the Peking University News Network "Wang Yangyuan: The Journey of China's "Core""

In 1986, I was appointed Director of the National ICCAD Expert Committee and Director of the National ICCAT Expert Committee. In order to ensure the successful completion of this mission, under the leadership of the Ministry of Electronics Industry and the Bureau of Microelectronics, I organized the overall group and set the goal of developing an integrated and practical large-scale ICCAD system with independent intellectual property rights that successfully meets the needs of industrial development and national defense construction; organized outstanding talents engaged in the development and application of ICCAD software tools in various units of colleges and universities, academies of sciences and industrial research departments throughout the country, to jointly tackle key problems and concentrate on development; at the same time, organize forces and introduce foreign advanced technology and talents. We have formulated a work policy that combines domestic and foreign countries.

At the national joint meeting on tackling key problems, I said: "The needs of the country are the direction for our scientific and technological personnel to serve the motherland, and now is the best time for us to serve the country." We must be anxious for the country. We must make scientific analysis, persevere, and concentrate our forces on fighting the war of annihilation and solving problems. "I 'will never give up' without solving this problem!"

After 6 years of struggle, we have successfully developed the country's first large-scale integrated super-large-scale integrated circuit computer-aided design system developed according to software engineering methods, and the project won the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award. This has enabled the mainland to enter the ranks of advanced countries that can develop large-scale ICCAD systems on their own after the United States, Western Europe, and Japan, which not only breaks the blockade imposed by Western countries on China, but also lays an important technical foundation for the mainland integrated circuit design industry. This achievement has enabled the mainland to raise its eyebrows and raise its eyebrows, and since then it has been able to discuss international cooperation and exchanges with Western countries on the basis of equality. That's one of the things I'm most proud of.

Science and Technology Herald: In an interview with science and technology herald, you stressed that "talent is the key, education is the foundation", different classes of talents should have different training systems, in your opinion, under the characteristics of the mainland's science and technology system, how should strategic scientists be trained?

Under different training goals, the system and form of education are also different. Strategic scientists are handsome among scientists, and I would like to make the following comments on their training:

First, from relatively young scientists, select people who have undergone a long period of practical training in scientific research, have good political quality, are academically upright and rigorous, and have obtained innovative or industrialized achievements with achievements for training.

Second, place them in topics or topics that are based on national strategic needs and explore the frontiers of science, and assume the main responsibility, that is, to bear the heavy burden.

Third, let relatively young scientists serve as the main leaders in national laboratories or engineering research laboratories, and cultivate their ability to coordinate and command large corps combat or organizational skills in interdisciplinary research.

Fourth, in the process of training, we must encourage success and tolerate failure in the spirit of "embracing all kinds of rivers, having tolerance is great, standing on the wall, and being rigid without desire", but we must never allow the requirement of academic fraud to cultivate strategic scientists with broad minds, broad vision, far-sighted vision, and rigorous study style.

Fifth, organize them to put forward advisory reports and countermeasure suggestions on the domestic and foreign situation and the development strategy of related fields, so as to form a national think tank, which can play an important guiding role in the country's scientific and technological development and research.

In short, we must pick seedlings, enter the team to press the burden, relax the environment, clarify the requirements, and persevere. I believe that under the guidance of Comrade Xi Jinping's strategic thinking, there will be more "Bole" and "Maxima" can continue to grow in echelons!

  • Science and Technology Herald: What important role will top universities such as Peking University play in cultivating strategic scientists?

It should be said that the training of strategic scientists is the common task of universities, Peking University, Tsinghua, Fudan, Zhejiang University and other universities have their own characteristics, I take Peking University as an example to illustrate.

Peking University was once one of the birthplaces of Marxism in China, and also one of the birthplaces of the "May Fourth" Movement, and it is difficult to find a school like Peking University that is intertwined with the fate of the motherland and the people, and Peking University naturally lists the training of strategic scientists as one of its important strategic tasks.

The party and government leaders of Peking University have always advocated the tradition of "patriotism, progress, science and democracy" of Peking University, implemented a tolerant academic environment and a rigorous scientific style, and emphasized the cultivation of outstanding scholars at young and middle-aged people.

In fact, Peking University has a group of outstanding young and middle-aged scholars who have stood out and are thriving. In our integrated circuit college and soft and micro college, a group of young, internationally influential, and academic scholars have emerged, and a number of original achievements have been successfully transferred to the main production enterprises on the mainland, or applied to important military, civilian systems and aerospace systems.

I believe that there must be strategic scientists in Peking University and other domestic institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions. Especially for the younger generation of strategic scientists, by giving them a good environment, sufficient time, and favorable conditions, they will also grow up.

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