
Varjo announces the launch of the XR Cloud Streaming Service for enterprise customers

Varjo, a manufacturer of high-end XR headsets, recently announced that it will launch the XR cloud streaming service for enterprise customers, a feature that is an extension of the recently launched Varjo Reality Cloud to make it easier for companies to expand their use of XR internally. It is reported that the streaming media solution leverages the center point rendering of the headset to provide a high-quality XR experience on less functional machines.

Varjo announces the launch of the XR Cloud Streaming Service for enterprise customers

It is understood that Varjo's high-end headsets can provide the highest resolution and sharpest visual effects, and rendering virtual content for these headsets requires a computer equipped with a powerful GPU, but it also limits the ability of customers to expand the use of Varjo headsets more widely.

Varjo sees cloud rendering as a solution to this problem and has set out to build its own XR cloud streaming media service, which is to render on a powerful server in the cloud and then stream to the headset, a method that can significantly reduce the power required for the local computer where the headset is plugged in.

Varjo claims that his solution is built on AWS's low-latency wavelength platform. Urho Konttori, Varjo's chief technology officer, said Varjo works by focusing on the usability of features, and once the company has configured their software to run in the cloud, users can launch a cloud session with a right-click in Varjo software.

Varjo announces the launch of the XR Cloud Streaming Service for enterprise customers

In addition, the company said it plans to support link-based cloud session invitations so that anyone who has installed the headset and Varjo software can immediately see the right content without having to install any additional software. Varjo believes this ease of use is especially important for making it easier for customers to expand the use of XR headphones internally.

Although the XR cloud streaming feature was only available on its own headset at the time of release, Kontori revealed that the company plans to open up the system to other headsets in the future, whether they are PC-based or Android-based. This of course means that a more affordable standalone headset can be used as an endpoint for high-quality cloud-rendered visuals, making it easier to scale XR more broadly within your organization.

Varjo's XR cloud streaming feature is expected to be widely available to enterprise customers in the first half of the year, and it will be sold as an add-on feature in addition to the company's existing annual fee for corporate headsets, but the exact pricing model has yet to be announced.

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